37. Hazelcast

If hazelcast is on the classpath and a suitable configuration is found, Spring Boot will auto-configure an HazelcastInstance that you can inject in your application.

You can define a com.hazelcast.config.Config bean and we’ll use that. If your configuration defines an instance name, we’ll try to locate an existing instance rather than creating a new one.

You could also specify the hazelcast.xml configuration file to use via configuration:


Otherwise, Spring Boot tries to find the Hazelcast configuration from the default locations, that is hazelcast.xml in the working directory or at the root of the classpath. We also check if the hazelcast.config system property is set. Check the Hazelcast documentation for more details.

If hazelcast-client is present on the classpath, Spring Boot will first attempt to create a client with similar rules as above, that is:


Spring Boot also has an explicit caching support for Hazelcast. The HazelcastInstance is automatically wrapped in a CacheManager implementation if caching is enabled.