Spring Cloud Data Flow for Apache YARN

Sabby Anandan, Marius Bogoevici, Eric Bottard, Mark Fisher, Ilayaperumal Gopinathan, Gunnar Hillert, Mark Pollack, Patrick Peralta, Glenn Renfro, Thomas Risberg, Dave Syer, David Turanski, Janne Valkealahti


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Table of Contents

I. Preface
1. About the documentation
2. Getting help
II. Introduction
3. Introducing Spring Cloud Data Flow for Apache YARN project
III. Spring Cloud Data Flow Overview
4. Introducing Spring Cloud Data Flow
4.1. Features
5. Spring Cloud Data Flow Architecture
5.1. Components
IV. Spring Cloud Data Flow Runtime
6. Deploying on YARN
V. Modules
7. Sources
7.1. File
7.1.1. Options
7.2. FTP (ftp)
7.2.1. Options
7.3. HTTP (http)
7.4. JMS
7.4.1. Options
7.5. Load Generator (load-generator)
7.5.1. Options
7.6. RabbitMQ
7.6.1. Options
7.6.2. A Note About Retry
7.7. SFTP (sftp)
7.7.1. Options
7.8. TCP
7.8.1. Options
7.8.2. Available Decoders
7.9. Time (time)
7.9.1. Options
7.10. Twitter Stream (twitterstream)
7.10.1. Options
7.11. JDBC Source (jdbc)
7.11.1. Options
8. Processors
8.1. Filter (filter)
8.1.1. Filter with SpEL expression
8.2. Groovy Filter (groovy-filter)
8.2.1. Options
8.3. Http Client (httpclient)
8.3.1. Options
8.4. Bridge (bridge)
8.5. Groovy Transform (groovy-transform)
8.5.1. Options
8.6. Transform (transform)
8.6.1. Options
8.6.2. Transform with SpEL expression
8.7. Splitter
8.7.1. JSON Example
9. Sinks
9.1. Cassandra (cassandra)
9.1.1. Options
9.2. Counter (counter)
9.3. Field Value Counter (field-value-counter)
9.3.1. Options
9.4. File (file)
9.4.1. Options
9.5. FTP Sink (ftp)
9.6. Gemfire (gemfire)
9.6.1. Options
9.7. Hadoop (HDFS) (hdfs)
9.7.1. Options
9.7.2. Partition Path Expression
Accessing Properties
Custom Methods
9.8. JDBC (jdbc)
9.8.1. Options
9.9. Log (log)
9.10. Redis (redis)
9.10.1. Options
9.11. Dynamic Router (router)
9.11.1. SpEL-based Routing
9.11.2. Groovy-based Routing
9.11.3. Options
9.12. TCP Sink
9.12.1. Options
9.12.2. Available Encoders
VI. Appendices
A. Building
A.1. Documentation
A.2. Working with the code
A.2.1. Importing into eclipse with m2eclipse
A.2.2. Importing into eclipse without m2eclipse
B. Contributing
B.1. Sign the Contributor License Agreement
B.2. Code Conventions and Housekeeping