17. Monitoring and Management

We recommend using the kubectl command for troubleshooting streams and tasks.

You can list all artifacts used by using the following command:

kubectl get cm,secrets,svc,rc,pod

17.1 Server

You can access the server log by using the following command (just supply the name of pod for the server):

kubectl logs <scdf-pod-name>

17.2 Streams

The streams apps are deployed with teh stream name followed by the name of the app and for processors and sinks there is also an instance index appended.

To see details for a specifc app deployment you can use (just supply the name of pod for the app):

kubectl details <app-pod-name>

For the application logs use:

kubectl logs <app-pod-name>

If you would like to tail a log you can use:

kubectl logs -f <app-pod-name>

17.3 Tasks

Tasks are launched as bare pods without a replication controller. The pods remein after the tasks complete and you would have to delete them manually once they are no longer needed.

For the task logs use:

kubectl logs <task-pod-name>

To delete the task pod use:

kubectl delete pod <task-pod-name>