3. Processors

3.1 Bridge Processor

A Processor module that returns messages that is passed by connecting just the input and output channels.

3.2 Filter Processor

Use the filter module in a stream to determine whether a Message should be passed to the output channel.

3.2.1 Options

The filter processor has the following options:

A SpEL expression to be evaluated against each message, to decide whether or not to accept it. (Expression, default: true)

3.3 Groovy Filter Processor

A Processor application that retains or discards messages according to a predicate, expressed as a Groovy script.

3.3.1 Options

The groovy-filter processor has the following options:

The resource location of the groovy script (Resource, default: <none>)
Variable bindings as a new line delimited string of name-value pairs, e.g. 'foo=bar\n baz=car'. (Properties, default: <none>)
The location of a properties file containing custom script variable bindings. (Resource, default: <none>)

3.4 Groovy Transform Processor

A Processor module that transforms messages using a Groovy script.

3.4.1 Options

The groovy-transform processor has the following options:

Reference to a script used to process messages. (Resource, default: <none>)
Variable bindings as a new line delimited string of name-value pairs, e.g. 'foo=bar\n baz=car'. (Properties, default: <none>)
The location of a properties file containing custom script variable bindings. (Resource, default: <none>)

3.5 Http Client Processor

A processor app that makes requests to an HTTP resource and emits the response body as a message payload. This processor can be combined, e.g., with a time source app to periodically poll results from a HTTP resource.

3.5.1 Options

The httpclient processor has the following options:

The (static) request body; if neither this nor bodyExpression is provided, the payload will be used. (Object, default: <none>)
A SpEL expression to derive the request body from the incoming message. (Expression, default: <none>)
The type used to interpret the response. (java.lang.Class<?>, default: <none>)
A SpEL expression used to derive the http headers map to use. (Expression, default: <none>)
The kind of http method to use. (HttpMethod, default: <none>, possible values: GET,HEAD,POST,PUT,PATCH,DELETE,OPTIONS,TRACE)
A SpEL expression used to compute the final result, applied against the whole http response. (Expression, default: body)
A SpEL expression against incoming message to determine the URL to use. (Expression, default: <none>)

3.6 PMML Processor

A processor that evaluates a machine learning model stored in PMML format.

3.6.1 Options

The pmml processor has the following options:

How to compute model active fields from input message properties as modelField->SpEL. (java.util.Map<java.lang.String,org.springframework.expression.Expression>, default: <none>)
The location of the PMML model file. (Resource, default: <none>)
If the model file contains multiple models, the name of the one to use. (String, default: <none>)
If the model file contains multiple models, the name of the one to use, as a SpEL expression. (Expression, default: <none>)
How to emit evaluation results in the output message as msgProperty->SpEL. (java.util.Map<java.lang.String,org.springframework.expression.Expression>, default: <none>)

3.7 Scripable Transform Processor

A Spring Cloud Stream module that transforms messages using a script. The script body is supplied directly as a property value. The language of the script can be specified (groovy/javascript/ruby/python).

3.7.1 Options

The scriptable-transform processor has the following options:

Language of the text in the script property. Supported: groovy, javascript, ruby, python. (String, default: <none>)
Text of the script. (String, default: <none>)
Variable bindings as a new line delimited string of name-value pairs, e.g. 'foo=bar\n baz=car'. (Properties, default: <none>)
The location of a properties file containing custom script variable bindings. (Resource, default: <none>)

3.8 Splitter Processor

The splitter app builds upon the concept of the same name in Spring Integration and allows the splitting of a single message into several distinct messages.

3.8.1 Options

Add correlation/sequence information in headers to facilitate later aggregation. (Boolean, default: true)
The charset to use when converting bytes in text-based files to String. (String, default: <none>)
When expression is null, delimiters to use when tokenizing {@link String} payloads. (String, default: <none>)
A SpEL expression for splitting payloads. (Expression, default: <none>)
Set to true or false to use a {@code FileSplitter} (to split text-based files by line) that includes (or not) beginning/end of file markers. (Boolean, default: <none>)
When 'fileMarkers == true', specify if they should be produced as FileSplitter.FileMarker objects or JSON. (Boolean, default: true)

When no expression, fileMarkers, or charset is provided, a DefaultMessageSplitter is configured with (optional) delimiters. When fileMarkers or charset is provided, a FileSplitter is configured (you must provide either a fileMarkers or charset to split files, which must be text-based - they are split into lines). Otherwise, an ExpressionEvaluatingMessageSplitter is configured.

When splitting File payloads, the sequenceSize header is zero because the size cannot be determined at the beginning.


Ambiguous properties are not allowed.

3.8.2 JSON Example

As part of the SpEL expression you can make use of the pre-registered JSON Path function. The syntax is #jsonPath(payload, '<json path expression>').

For example, consider the following JSON:

{ "store": {
    "book": [
            "category": "reference",
            "author": "Nigel Rees",
            "title": "Sayings of the Century",
            "price": 8.95
            "category": "fiction",
            "author": "Evelyn Waugh",
            "title": "Sword of Honour",
            "price": 12.99
            "category": "fiction",
            "author": "Herman Melville",
            "title": "Moby Dick",
            "isbn": "0-553-21311-3",
            "price": 8.99
            "category": "fiction",
            "author": "J. R. R. Tolkien",
            "title": "The Lord of the Rings",
            "isbn": "0-395-19395-8",
            "price": 22.99
    "bicycle": {
        "color": "red",
        "price": 19.95

and an expression #jsonPath(payload, '$.store.book'); the result will be 4 messages, each with a Map payload containing the properties of a single book.

3.9 TCP Client as a processor which connects to a TCP server, sends data to it and also receives data.

3.9.1 Options

The tcp-client processor has the following options:

The buffer size used when decoding messages; larger messages will be rejected. (Integer, default: 2048)
The charset used when converting from bytes to String. (String, default: UTF-8)
The decoder to use when receiving messages. (Encoding, default: <none>, possible values: CRLF,LF,NULL,STXETX,RAW,L1,L2,L4)
The encoder to use when sending messages. (Encoding, default: <none>, possible values: CRLF,LF,NULL,STXETX,RAW,L1,L2,L4)
The host to which this sink will connect. (String, default: localhost)
<documentation missing> (Boolean, default: <none>)
<documentation missing> (Integer, default: <none>)
Retry interval (in milliseconds) to check the connection and reconnect. (Long, default: 60000)
<documentation missing> (Boolean, default: <none>)
<documentation missing> (Integer, default: <none>)
<documentation missing> (Boolean, default: <none>)