Spring Data GemFire Reference Guide


Costin Leau , David Turanski , John Blum , Oliver Gierke


As of the 1.2.0 release, this project, formerly known as Spring GemFire, has been renamed to Spring Data GemFire to reflect that it is now a component of the Spring Data project.

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Table of Contents

I. Introduction
1. Introduction
2. Requirements
3. New Features
3.1. New in the 1.2.0 Release
3.2. New in the 1.2.1 Release
3.3. New in the 1.3.0 Release
3.4. New in the 1.3.1 Release
3.5. New in the 1.3.2 Release
3.6. New in the 1.3.3 Release
3.7. New in the 1.3.4 Release
3.8. New in the 1.4.0 Release
II. Reference Guide
4. Document Structure
5. Bootstrapping GemFire through the Spring Container
5.1. Advantages of using Spring over GemFire cache.xml
5.2. Using the Core Spring Data GemFire Namespace
5.3. Configuring the GemFire Cache
5.3.1. Advanced Cache Configuration
Enabling PDX Serialization
5.3.2. Configuring a GemFire Cache Server
5.3.3. Configuring a GemFire Client Cache
5.4. Using the GemFire Data Access Namespace
5.4.1. An Easy Way to Connect to GemFire
5.5. Configuring a GemFire Region
5.5.1. Using an externally configured Region
5.5.2. Configuring Regions
Common Region Attributes
Cache Listeners
Cache Loaders and Cache Writers
5.5.3. A Word of Caution on Regions, Subregions and Lookups
5.5.4. Data Persistence
5.5.5. Subscription Interest Policy
5.5.6. Data Eviction and Overflowing
5.5.7. Data Expiration
5.5.8. Local Region
5.5.9. Replicated Region
5.5.10. Partitioned Region
partitioned-region Options
5.5.11. Client Region
Client Interests
5.5.12. JSON Support
5.6. Creating an Index
5.7. Configuring a Disk Store
5.8. Configuring GemFire's Function Service
5.9. Configuring WAN Gateways
5.9.1. WAN Configuration in GemFire 7.0
5.9.2. WAN Configuration in GemFire 6.6
6. Working with the GemFire APIs
6.1. Exception Translation
6.2. GemfireTemplate
6.3. Support for Spring Cache Abstraction
6.4. Transaction Management
6.5. GemFire Continuous Query Container
6.5.1. Continuous Query Listener Container
6.5.2. The ContinuousQueryListenerAdapter and ContinuousQueryListener
6.6. Wiring Declarable components
6.6.1. Configuration using template definitions
6.6.2. Configuration using auto-wiring and annotations
7. Working with GemFire Serialization
7.1. Wiring deserialized instances
7.2. Auto-generating custom Instantiators
8. POJO mapping
8.1. Entity Mapping
8.2. Mapping PDX Serializer
9. GemFire Repositories
9.1. Introduction
9.2. Spring configuration
9.3. Executing OQL queries
10. Annotation Support for Function Execution
10.1. Introduction
10.2. Implementation vs Execution
10.3. Implementing a Function
10.3.1. Annotations for Function Implementation
Batching Results
Enabling Annotation Processing
10.4. Executing a Function
10.4.1. Annotations for Function Execution
Enabling Annotation Processing
10.5. Programmatic Function Execution
11. Bootstrapping a Spring ApplicationContext in GemFire
11.1. Introduction
11.2. Using GemFire to Bootstrap a Spring Context Started with Gfsh
11.3. Lazy-Wiring GemFire Components
12. Sample Applications
12.1. Hello World
12.1.1. Starting and stopping the sample
12.1.2. Using the sample
12.1.3. Hello World Sample Explained
III. Other Resources
13. Useful Links
IV. Appendices
A. Spring Data GemFire Schema