Release Notes - Spring Data Couchbase - Version 1.0 RC1 - 2014-02-06 -------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Bug * [DATACOUCH-30] - ObjectMapper configuration must be supported * [DATACOUCH-44] - Not consistent unit tests * [DATACOUCH-47] - Connecting to multiple buckets fails * [DATACOUCH-51] - update(java.util.Collection) adds new document object * [DATACOUCH-52] - CouchbaseCacheManager does not shutdown couchbase connections * [DATACOUCH-53] - NPE on CouchbaseCache puting null * [DATACOUCH-58] - Allow null values for List elements and Map values ** Improvement * [DATACOUCH-14] - Enable default support for slf4j in couchbase-client * [DATACOUCH-20] - @View annotation on repository finder methods * [DATACOUCH-49] - Enhance @View "Query" params customization * [DATACOUCH-56] - Update Couchbase Client to 1.2.3 * [DATACOUCH-57] - Allow for configuring of CouchbaseClient with property/SPEL expressions * [DATACOUCH-60] - Upgrade Dependencies (Couchbase, Jackson, Commons) * [DATACOUCH-62] - Upgrade couchbase java SDK to latest stable version * [DATACOUCH-64] - Add View query methods to repositories * [DATACOUCH-65] - Add @Version support on top of CAS for optimistic locking ** New Feature * [DATACOUCH-63] - support optimistic locking through CAS methods ** Task * [DATACOUCH-66] - Release 1.0 RC1 Release Notes - Spring Data Couchbase - Version 1.0 M2 - 2013-11-14 ------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Bug * [DATACOUCH-25] - Cache TTL (Time To Live) property required. * [DATACOUCH-27] - MappingCouchbaseConverter skips ID field in read operation * [DATACOUCH-34] - Can't deserialize long/Long/Date fields * [DATACOUCH-35] - Can't deserialize Class fields * [DATACOUCH-36] - Can't store a map with null value * [DATACOUCH-37] - Refactor Deprecated JUnit Asserts * [DATACOUCH-38] - Can't deserialize enum * [DATACOUCH-39] - Fix bundlor compile issues * [DATACOUCH-42] - spring-data threads should be daemon threads * [DATACOUCH-43] - Bad handling of non ASCII Strings ** Improvement * [DATACOUCH-16] - Allow View customization through @View annotations * [DATACOUCH-31] - Ignore IntelliJ IDE files * [DATACOUCH-32] - Upgrade Couchbase SDK to 1.2.0 * [DATACOUCH-40] - Make ClusterInfo more reliable (long/int) * [DATACOUCH-41] - Update Couchbase SDK to 1.2.1 ** Task * [DATACOUCH-45] - Upgrade Couchbase Client to 1.2.2 * [DATACOUCH-46] - Release 1.0 M2 Release Notes - Spring Data Couchbase - Version 1.0 M1 - 2013-09-11 ------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Bug * [DATACOUCH-11] - Upgrade Jackson to 2.2 Release * [DATACOUCH-22] - Spring Data Couchbase build fails when not having bundlor maven plugin ** Improvement * [DATACOUCH-5] - Add AbstractCouchbaseConfiguration for JavaConfig * [DATACOUCH-6] - Add simple support for XML configurations * [DATACOUCH-7] - Implement find* methods on SimpleCouchbaseRepository * [DATACOUCH-12] - Support arbitrary Objects on encode/decode * [DATACOUCH-13] - Upgrade Couchbase-Client to 1.1.7 * [DATACOUCH-15] - Upgrade Couchbase Java Client to 1.1.8 * [DATACOUCH-17] - Make sure default template ops are sync & exceptions are mapped * [DATACOUCH-19] - Deploy Snapshots & Integrate CI * [DATACOUCH-21] - Improve API Documentation & Formatting before M1 * [DATACOUCH-23] - Make Testsuite clean the bucket on every run. * [DATACOUCH-24] - Add testing for view-based operations on template and repository. * [DATACOUCH-26] - Upgrade Couchbase Java Client to 1.1.9 ** Task * [DATACOUCH-1] - Use Spring Data Build parent * [DATACOUCH-2] - Release 1.0 M1 * [DATACOUCH-3] - Rename packages to * [DATACOUCH-4] - Add Apache 2 license headers * [DATACOUCH-8] - Overhaul README with uptodate information * [DATACOUCH-9] - Add View query support to the Template * [DATACOUCH-10] - Upgrade parent pom to 1.1.0.RELEASE