Spring Data Elasticsearch Changelog =================================== Changes in version 1.0.2.RELEASE (2014-07-28) --------------------------------------------- * DATAES-107 - Release 1.0.2. Changes in version 1.1.0.M1 (2014-07-10) ---------------------------------------- * DATAES-102 - Release 1.1 M1. * DATAES-96 - Add support for aggregation in ElasticsearchTemplate. * DATAES-94 - Bump to support ES 1.2.0. Changes in version 1.0.1.RELEASE (2014-06-30) --------------------------------------------- * DATAES-99 - Release 1.0.1. Changes in version 1.0.0.RELEASE (2014-05-20) --------------------------------------------- * DATAES-90 - Release 1.0 GA. Changes in version 1.0.0.RC1 (2014-05-02) ----------------------------------------- * DATAES-79 - Upgrade to elasticsearch 1.1.0. * DATAES-78 - Release 1.0 M2. * DATAES-74 - NPE in MappingElasticsearchEntityInformation. * DATAES-73 - NullPointerException while persist a Map as part of persistent entity. * DATAES-72 - Enhance Delete Index in ElasticsearchTemplate. * DATAES-71 - Enhance Create Index in ElasticsearchTemplate. * DATAES-69 - Sorting on String field not working. * DATAES-67 - ElasticsearchTemplate#count does not respect specified index. * DATAES-65 - Overhaul README.md. * DATAES-64 - Add dynamic settings using @Setting annotation. * DATAES-61 - Upgrade to elasticsearch 1.0.1. * DATAES-60 - Java config support - default values in TransportClientFactoryBean. * DATAES-56 - while specifying index and type at runtime indexing is failing. * DATAES-55 - polish test cases and remove unwanted files. * DATAES-54 - Upgrade to elasticsearch 1.0. * DATAES-53 - @Field annotations (perhaps others?) ignored in included objects on mapping creation. * DATAES-52 - Support Get & Multi Get. * DATAES-51 - Allow for multiple sort builders when using NativeSearchQuery. * DATAES-48 - Mapping for multiple level nested document is getting created wrong. * DATAES-47 - Spring Application(Context) is not getting started up if elasticsearch nodes are not available. * DATAES-46 - Remove unused imports & class. * DATAES-35 - Investigate why build failed. * DATAES-14 - Dynamic Search Type Support. * DATAES-2 - Apply Spring Data formatting to sources. Release Notes - Spring Data Elasticsearch - Version 1.0 M2 (2014-03-27) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * DATAES-74 - NPE in MappingElasticsearchEntityInformation * DATAES-73 - NullPointerException while persist a Map as part of persistent entity * DATAES-69 - Sorting on String field not working * DATAES-67 - ElasticsearchTemplate#count does not respect specified index * DATAES-56 - while specifying index and type at runtime indexing is failing * DATAES-53 - @Field annotations (perhaps others?) ignored in included objects on mapping creation * DATAES-48 - Mapping for multiple level nested document is getting created wrong * DATAES-35 - Investigate why build failed * DATAES-72 - Enhance Delete Index in ElasticsearchTemplate * DATAES-71 - Enhance Create Index in ElasticsearchTemplate * DATAES-61 - Upgrade to elasticsearch 1.0.1 * DATAES-60 - Java config support - default values in TransportClientFactoryBean * DATAES-54 - Upgrade to elasticsearch 1.0 * DATAES-47 - Spring Application(Context) is not getting started up if elasticsearch nodes are not available * DATAES-14 - Dynamic Search Type Support * DATAES-79 - Upgrade to elasticsearch 1.1.0 * DATAES-64 - Add dynamic settings using @Setting annotation * DATAES-52 - Support Get & Multi Get * DATAES-51 - Allow for multiple sort builders when using NativeSearchQuery * DATAES-78 - Release 1.0 M2 * DATAES-65 - Overhaul README.md * DATAES-55 - polish test cases and remove unwanted files * DATAES-46 - Remove unused imports & class * DATAES-2 - Apply Spring Data formatting to sources Release Notes - Spring Data Elasticsearch - Version 1.0 M1 (2014-02-07) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * DATAES-9 - multiple elasticsearch cluster nodes not getting parsed if using property file * DATAES-7 - Migrate to the latest version of elasticsearch 0.90.0 * DATAES-11 - Missing core types in org.springframework.data.elasticsearch.annotations.FieldType * DATAES-15 - Upgrade to latest version of elasticsearch( 0.90.2 ) * DATAES-19 - Delete specific type in an index, Type exists check * DATAES-22 - Add support for TransportClient additional parameters such as client.transport.ignore_cluster_name, client.transport.ping_timeout, client.transport.nodes_sampler_interval * DATAES-8 - Add support for Index level configuration * DATAES-17 - Add support to retrieve highlighted text in search result * DATAES-1 - Migrate sources to SpringSource GitHub repository * DATAES-3 - Move to Spring Data build system * DATAES-4 - Initial round of JavaDoc polish * DATAES-5 - Add Apache license headers where necessary * DATAES-6 - Add ability to let NodeClient clean up working directory * DATAES-45 - Release 1.0 M1. * #42 - org.springframework.data.elasticsearch.client.NodeClientFactoryBean' is not a valid value for 'anyURI' * #40 - how to create index for json objects? * #38 - Configure with native Client with embedded elasticsearch * #37 - embedded elasticsearch client - how to recover data after process is restarted? * #36 - FieldType.Date annotation * #35 - @Transient property still inserted into elastic * #33 - timestamp mapping * #32 - BigDecimal @Field(type = FieldType.Double) * #31 - DATAES-33: Mapping of parent-child relationships * #29 - Added DefaultMapper support to map only partial fields from result instead of whole source field. * #28 - Documentation (README.md) for Geo Location / Filter Feature * #27 - Adding support for letting Elasticsearch generate Id for document * #25 - Aliases * #24 - DATAES-31 Adding ability to use ES Java API setSource directly * #22 - spring-elasticsearch-1.0.xsd not found on www.springframework.com * #21 - Autogenerated elastic search id isn't returned * #20 - Exception while using CustomRepository * #19 - Compilation issue with 0.90.5. (ElasticsearchTemplate.refresh API) * #18 - problem with ES 0.9.5 * #17 - FacetResult extension is not possible * #16 - Configuration of ObjectMapper in the ElasticsearchTemplate * #15 - Added support for @Transient annotation to skip fields from mapping * #14 - added format and pattern support for date fieldtype + fixed nullpointer... * #12 - Where is the maven repository for this artifact? * #11 - Build fails * #10 - Elasticsearch + elasticsearch-river-rabbitmq * #9 - MappingBuilder circular reference issue * #8 - java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.springframework.data.elasticsearch.core.mapping.ElasticsearchPersistentProperty.isVersionProperty()Z * #7 - Missing core types in org.springframework.data.elasticsearch.annotations.FieldType * #6 - spirng-data-elasticsearch with elasticsearch-river-mongodb