SPRING DATA GEODE CHANGELOG --------------------------- http://projects.spring.io/spring-data-gemfire/ ============================================== Changes in version 2.0.0.RC2 (2017-07-25) ----------------------------------------- * DATAGEODE-28 - Release 2.0 RC2 (Kay). Changes in version 2.0.0.RC1 (2017-07-25) ----------------------------------------- * DATAGEODE-27 - Release 2.0 RC1 (Kay). * DATAGEODE-25 - Add EnableBeanFactoryLocator annotation to enable the GemfireBeanFactoryLocator on Cache creation. * DATAGEODE-24 - Enhance @EnableSecurity to provide a default implementation of the Geode AuthInitialize interface. * DATAGEODE-23 - Add Annotation to configure and enable Spring's Transaction Management with Local, Geode Cache Transactions. * DATAGEODE-22 - Add Annotation to configure and enable the Spring Cache Abstraction with the GemfireCacheManager. * DATAGEODE-20 - Upgrade to Apache Geode 1.2.0. * DATAGEODE-19 - Meta-annotate all uses of Geode-based property configuration in the Annotation config model. * DATAGEODE-18 - Introduce new Apache Geode Mock Objects infrastructure for Unit Testing. * DATAGEODE-17 - Adapt to API changes in mapping subsystem. * DATAGEODE-16 - Add support for Geode JCA ResourceAdapter. * DATAGEODE-15 - Adapt to API changes in RepositoryConfigurationSourceSupport. * DATAGEODE-14 - Improve IndexFactoryBean's resilience and options for handling GemFire IndexExistsExceptions and IndexNameConflictExceptions. * DATAGEODE-13 - Introduce well-known, documented properties for Annotation config attributes. * DATAGEODE-12 - Introduce Spring Configurers to flexibly alter Spring Data Geode configuration when using Annotation config. * DATAGEODE-11 - Adapt to API changes in the org.apache.geode.internal.InternalDataSerializer class. * DATAGEODE-10 - Adapt to API changes in the org.apache.geode.cache.lucene.LuceneQueryFactory interface. * DATAGEODE-9 - Adapt to API changes in the org.apache.geode.cache.client.Pool interface. * DATAGEODE-8 - Ensure locators and servers are configured correctly when using attributes. * DATAGEODE-7 - Javadoc is not part of the distribution build. * DATAGEODE-6 - Fix up Lucene Integration tests and Region namespace test to improve reliability. * DATAGEODE-5 - Review and edit Spring Data Geode Reference Guide. * DATAGEODE-4 - Adapt to API changes in Repository interfaces. * DATAGEODE-3 - Fix GemfireSimpleTypeHolderTest due to API changes in SDC SimpleTypeHolder. Changes in version 1.0.0.APACHE-GEODE-INCUBATING-RELEASE (2016-11-02) --------------------------------------------------------------------- * SGF-558 - Rename Geode package imports from com.gemstone.gemfire to org.apache.geode. * SGF-559 - Configure Geode Integrated Security with annotations. * SGF-560 - Release 1.0.0.APACHE-GEODE-INCUBATING-RELEASE. * SGF-562 - Include attribute to enable BeanFactoryLocator support in Annotation config. * SGF-565 - Stackoverflow error when the 'locators' attribute is specified in any of the XCacheApplication annotations. * SGF-566 - Upgrade dependencies... Java 8, Spring Data Commons 1.12.5 and Spring Framework to 4.3.4. Changes in version 1.0.0.APACHE-GEODE-INCUBATING-M3 (2016-10-05) ---------------------------------------------------------------- * SGF-267 - Backwards Compatibility Testing between Clients and Servers as well as between GemFire Peer Members * SGF-484 - NoSuchMethodError with Spring Data Gemfire RC1 version * SGF-492 - Improve GemFire Java-based configuration support - Iteration 1 * SGF-493 - Remove unnecessary GemFire/Geode version checks. * SGF-497 - Intermittent failures in DurableClientCacheIntegrationTest * SGF-498 - Fix apache-geode build due to recent changes in Apache Geode that removed the SharedConfiguration.destroySharedConfiguration() method from the API. * SGF-499 - Prevent SDG-defined Pools from being destroyed before the Regions that use them * SGF-500 - Add support for ignoreEvictionAndExpiration in the AsyncEventQueueFactoryBean API and XML namespace. * SGF-501 - Add serialVersionUID to ListRegionsOnServerFunction * SGF-502 - DiskStoreAndEvictionRegionParsingTest fails when building with Maven due to missing Disk Store sub-directory. * SGF-504 - Support Repositories with multiple Spring Data modules on the class path * SGF-505 - Add support for forwardExpirationDestroy in the AsyncEventQueueFactoryBean API and XML namespace. * SGF-506 - ExceptionInInitializerError with Spring Gemfire 1.8.1 * SGF-507 - Handle case-insensitive OQL queries defined as Repository query methods. * SGF-508 - Fix embedded Locator and Manager service configuration using Java-based configuration meta-data with @Enabled annotations. * SGF-510 - Create 1.0.0.APACHE-GEODE-INCUBATING-M3-SNAPSHOT * SGF-511 - Configure additional CacheServers with annotations. * SGF-512 - Configure GemFire System Properties with annotations. * SGF-513 - Configure SSL with annotations. * SGF-514 - Configure HttpService with annotations. * SGF-515 - Configure Geode Off-Heap Memory with annotations. * SGF-517 - Configure Authentication/Authorization with annotations. * SGF-518 - Configure Logging with annotations. * SGF-519 - Configure Mcast with annotations. * SGF-520 - Configure Statistics with annotations. * SGF-522 - There are a few broken links in SDG documentation * SGF-525 - Set Apache Geode version to 1.0.0-incubating.M3. * SGF-528 - Enable GemfireCacheManager to explicitly specify Cache names referring to Regions that will be used in Spring's Caching Infrastructure. * SGF-533 - Update Spring dependencies, set Apache Geode version to 1.0.0-incubating.M3 and refactor exclusions * SGF-534 - Fix ordered GemfireRepository.findAll(Sort) queries * SGF-535 - Allow both SpEL and property placeholder expressions to be used in the locators/servers attributes of the XML namespace element. * SGF-538 - Reorganize the XML configuration classes and support in SDG. * SGF-539 - Change GemfireCache.evict(key) to call Region.remove(key). * SGF-540 - Configure additional Pools using annotations. * SGF-541 - Register the CustomEditorBeanFactoryPostProcessor for the Annotation config model. * SGF-542 - Register the DefinedIndexesApplicationListener for the new Annotation config model. * SGF-543 - Register the DiskStoreDirectoryBeanPostProcessor for the new Annotation config model. * SGF-544 - Register the PdxDiskStoreAwareBeanFactoryPostProcessor for the new Annotation config model. * SGF-545 - Register the ClientRegionPoolBeanFactoryPostProcessor for the new Annotation config model. * SGF-546 - Configure Auto Region Lookup using annotations. * SGF-552 - Unset 'mcast-port' when 'locators' are specified and unset 'locators' when @EnableMcast is used. * SGF-553 - Use SDG's MappingPdxSerializer as the default PdxSerializer when PDX is configured with @EnablePdx. * SGF-554 - Release 1.0.0.APACHE-GEODE-INCUBATING-M3 * SGF-555 - Repository queries on client Regions associated with a Pool configured for a specific server group can lead to a RegionNotFoundException. Changes in version 1.0.0.APACHE-GEODE-INCUBATING-M2 (2016-04-25) ---------------------------------------------------------------- * SGF-372 - Add GemFire Off-Heap support. * SGF-445 - Remove MaxPermSize Java option from Gradle build * SGF-469 - Add support for CDI. * SGF-475 - Add additional logging to the MappingPdxSerializer * SGF-476 - Support bootstrapping a Geode server after Geode removes SDG dependency - GEODE-1025 * SGF-477 - Change compile dependency from gemfire-core to geode-core. * SGF-481 - Upgrade to Spring Framework 4.2.5.RELEASE * SGF-489 - Update Spring Data and 3rd party dependencies. * SGF-490 - Re-instate GemFire WAN and CQ functionality. * SGF-491 - Release 1.0.0.APACHE-GEODE-INCUBATING-M2 Changes in version 1.7.0.APACHE-GEODE-EA-M1 (2016-02-12) -------------------------------------------------------- * SGF-373 - Implement a Spring Session Adapter for GemFire to back an HttpSession similar to Redis. * SGF-398 - Provide early support of Apache Geode (Pivotal GemFire OSS). * SGF-431 - Remove mavenLocal() from the repository declarations. * SGF-435 - Fix apache-geode build due to recent changes in Apache Geode that removed the deprecated BridgeServer code. * SGF-440 - Optimize imports across the SDG codebase. * SGF-442 - Remove incorrect statements about GemFire Java Reflection-based (PDX) Serialization in the SDG Reference Guide. * SGF-443 - Fix apache-geode build due to recent changes in Apache Geode that removed HDFS support. * SGF-444 - Fix apache-geode build due to recent changes in Apache Geode that moved Lucene into a separate module. * SGF-447 - Fix apache-geode build due to recent changes in Apache Geode that removed various internal utility classes in favor of external Spring classes. * SGF-448 - GemfireRepositoryConfigurationExtension needs to override the RepositoryConfigurationExtensionSupport postProcess(:BeanDefinitionBuilder, :AnnotationRepositoryConfigurationSource) method. * SGF-449 - GemfireRepositoryFactoryBean.setGemfireMappingContext needs to call RepositoryFactoryBeanSupport.setMappingContext. * SGF-450 - GemfireRepositoryFactoryBean needs to explicitly register a "default" GemfireMappingContext when not explicitly defined as a bean in the application's Spring context. * SGF-457 - Clean up Javadoc warnings. * SGF-458 - Enable resolution of GemFire's DistributedSystem and System properties to be overridden in PoolFactoryBean. * SGF-459 - Add support for the get(key:Object, valueLoader:Callable) method in Spring Framework 4.3's Cache interface. * SGF-460 - Remove unnecessary SLF4J compile-time dependency. * SGF-461 - Upgrade to Spring Framework 4.1.9.RELEASE. * SGF-462 - Add appinfo hint to client region element in XSD * SGF-463 - Remove gemfire-jgroups dependency * SGF-465 - Move project build to Maven * SGF-466 - Restore function to the Gradle-based build * SGF-467 - Add Code of Conduct * SGF-468 - Improve coordination between the PoolFactoryBean and ClientCacheFactoryBean when configuring and resolving the GemFire DistributedSystem * SGF-471 - Release 1.7.0.APACHE-GEODE-EA-M1