Spring Data JDBC Changelog ========================= Changes in version 1.0.0.M3 (2018-05-17) ---------------------------------------- * DATAJDBC-213 - Fix Travis build. * DATAJDBC-212 - Adapt to SpEL extension API changes in Spring Data Commons. * DATAJDBC-209 - The QueryAnnotationHsqlIntegrationTests#executeCustomQueryWithReturnTypeIsDate is failed at sometimes. * DATAJDBC-206 - Update README with changes from recent issues. * DATAJDBC-204 - Support the annotation based auditing. * DATAJDBC-202 - Release 1.0 M3 (Lovelace). * DATAJDBC-201 - Reduce logging performed during build. Changes in version 1.0.0.M2 (2018-04-13) ---------------------------------------- * DATAJDBC-200 - Rename event classes to have an "Event" suffix. * DATAJDBC-199 - Fix @since JavaDoc comments. * DATAJDBC-198 - running integration-tests against specific db causes errors for *HsqlIntegrationTests. * DATAJDBC-197 - AfterCreation doesn't get triggered. EventPublishingRowMapper is not used. * DATAJDBC-196 - support for MariaDB integration-tests. * DATAJDBC-195 - create SQL with a uniform style. * DATAJDBC-194 - Do some polishing on the readme. * DATAJDBC-190 - Fix some wrong/weird usage of AssertJ. * DATAJDBC-189 - Make the DefaultNamingStrategy into default methods of the NamingStrategy. * DATAJDBC-184 - Support snake case (delimiter character) naming strategy. * DATAJDBC-182 - Support modifying query. * DATAJDBC-180 - Update to latest Testcontainers version. * DATAJDBC-179 - Provide more detailed project details. * DATAJDBC-178 - Allow generating any namespace in MyBatisDataAccessStrategy. * DATAJDBC-176 - Release 1.0 M2 (Lovelace). * DATAJDBC-175 - Supports simple types as return type for annotated methods. * DATAJDBC-172 - Support Streams, Entities, Collections and Optionals as return type for annotated methods. * DATAJDBC-155 - JdbcRepositoryFactory should not require a DataAccessStrategy, but construct on on its own when none is available. * DATAJDBC-130 - Support Lists. Changes in version 1.0.0.M1 (2018-02-06) ---------------------------------------- * DATAJDBC-171 - Release 1.0 M1 (Lovelace).