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1. Introduction
REST web services have become the number one means for application integration on the web. In its core, REST defines that a system consists of resources that clients interact with. These resources are implemented in a hypermedia drive way. Spring MVC offers a solid foundation to build theses kinds of services but implementing very basic functionality of REST web service can be tedious and result in a lot of boilerplate code.
Spring Data REST builds on top of Spring Data repositories and automatically exports those as REST resources. It leverages hypermedia to allow clients to find functionality exposed by the repositories and allows to integrate the resources into related hypermedia based functionality as easy as possible.
2. Getting started
2.1. Introduction
Spring Data REST is itself a Spring MVC application and is designed in such a way that it should integrate with your existing Spring MVC applications with very little effort. An existing (or future) layer of services can run alongside Spring Data REST with only minor considerations.
To install Spring Data REST alongside your application, simply add the required dependencies, include the stock @Configuration
class RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration
(or subclass it and perform any required manual configuration), and map some URLs to be managed by Spring Data REST.
2.2. Adding Spring Data REST to a Gradle project
To add Spring Data REST to a Gradle-based project, add the spring-data-rest-webmvc
artifact to your compile-time dependencies:
dependencies {
… other project dependencies
compile "org.springframework.data:spring-data-rest-webmvc:${spring-data-rest-version}"
2.3. Adding Spring Data REST to a Maven project
To add Spring Data REST to a Maven-based project, add the spring-data-rest-webmvc
artifact to your compile-time dependencies:
2.4. Configuring Spring Data REST
To install Spring Data REST alongside your existing Spring MVC application, you need to include the appropriate MVC configuration. Spring Data REST configuration is defined in a class called RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration
. You can either import this class into your existing configuration using an @Import
annotation or you can subclass it and override any of the configureXXX
methods to add your own configuration to that of Spring Data REST.
In the following example, we’ll subclass the standard RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration
and add some ResourceMapping
configurations for the Person
domain object to alter how the JSON will look and how the links to related entities will be handled.
public class MyWebConfiguration extends RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration {
// … further configuration
Make sure you also configure Spring Data repositories for the store you use. For details on that, please consult the reference documentation for the corresponding Spring Data module.
2.5. Starting the application
As Spring Data REST is build on SpringMVC, you simply stick to the means you use to bootstrap Spring MVC. In a Servlet 3.0 environment this might look something like this:
public class RestExporterWebInitializer implements WebApplicationInitializer {
@Override public void onStartup(ServletContext servletContext) throws ServletException {
// Bootstrap repositories in root application context
AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext rootCtx = new AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext();
rootCtx.register(JpaRepositoryConfig.class); // Include JPA entities, Repositories
servletContext.addListener(new ContextLoaderListener(rootCtx));
// Enable Spring Data REST in the DispatcherServlet
AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext webCtx = new AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext();
DispatcherServlet dispatcherServlet = new DispatcherServlet(webCtx);
ServletRegistration.Dynamic reg = servletContext.addServlet("rest-exporter", dispatcherServlet);
The equivalent of the above in a standard web.xml will also work identically to this configuration if you are still in a servlet 2.5 environment. When you deploy this application to your servlet container, you should be able to see what repositories are exported by accessing the root of the application.
3. Repository resources
3.1. Fundamentals
The core functionality of Spring Data REST is to export resources for Spring Data repositories. Thus, the core artifact to look at and potentially tweak to customize the way the exporting works is the repository interface. Assume the following repository interface:
public interface OrderRepository extends CrudRepository<Order, Long> { }
For this repository, Spring Data REST exposes a collection resource at /orders
. The path is derived from the uncapitalized, pluralized, simple class name of the domain class being managed. It also exposes an item resource for each of the items managed by the repository under the URI template /orders/{id}
By default the HTTP methods to interact with these resources map to the according methods of CrudRepository
. Read more on that in the sections on collection resources and item resources.
3.1.1. Default status codes
For the resources exposed, we use a set of default status codes:
200 OK
- for plainGET
requests. -
201 Created
- forPOST
requests that create new resources. -
204 No Content
- forPUT
requests if the configuration is set to not return response bodies for resource updates (RepositoryRestConfiguration.returnBodyOnUpdate
). If the configuration value is set to include responses forPUT
,200 OK
will be returned for updates,201 Created
will be returned for resource created throughPUT
3.1.2. Resource discoverability
A core principle of HATEOAS is that resources should be discoverable through the publication of links that point to the available resources. There are a few competing de-facto standards of how to represent links in JSON. By default, Spring Data REST uses HAL to render responses. HAL defines links to be contained in a property of the returned document.
Resource discovery starts at the top level of the application. By issuing a request to the root URL under which the Spring Data REST application is deployed, the client can extract a set of links from the returned JSON object that represent the next level of resources that are available to the client.
For example, to discover what resources are available at the root of the application, issue an HTTP GET
to the root URL:
curl -v http://localhost:8080/
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-Type: application/hal+json
{ "_links" : {
"orders" : {
"href" : "http://localhost:8080/orders"
The property of the result document is an object in itself consisting of keys representing the relation type with nested link objects as specified in HAL.
3.2. The collection resource
Spring Data REST exposes a collection resource named after the uncapitalized, pluralized version of the domain class the exported repository is handling. Both the name of the resource and the path can be customized using the @RepositoryRestResource
on the repository interface.
3.2.1. Supported HTTP Methods
Collections resources support both GET
and POST
. All other HTTP methods will cause a 405 Method Not Allowed
Returns all entities the repository servers through its findAll(…)
method. If the repository is a paging repository we include the pagination links if necessary and additional page metadata.
If the repository has pagination capabilities the resource takes the following parameters:
- the page number to access (0 indexed, defaults to 0). -
- the page size requested (defaults to 20). -
- a collection of sort directives in the format($propertyname,)+[asc|desc]
Custom status codes
405 Method Not Allowed
- if thefindAll(…)
methods was not exported (through@RestResource(exported = false)
) or is not present in the repository at all.
Supported media types
Related resources
- a search resource if the backing repository exposes query methods.
Returns whether the collection resource is available.
Creates a new entity from the given request body.
Custom status codes
405 Method Not Allowed
- if thesave(…)
methods was not exported (through@RestResource(exported = false)
) or is not present in the repository at all.
Supported media types
3.3. The item resource
Spring Data REST exposes a resource for individual collection items as sub-resources of the collection resource.
3.3.1. Supported HTTP methods
Item resources generally support GET
unless explicit configuration prevents that (see below for details).
Returns a single entity.
Custom status codes
405 Method Not Allowed
- if thefindOne(…)
methods was not exported (through@RestResource(exported = false)
) or is not present in the repository at all.
Supported media types
Related resources
For every association of the domain type we expose links named after the association property. This can be customized by using @RestResource
on the property. The related resources are of type association resource.
Returns whether the item resource is available.
Replaces the state of the target resource with the supplied request body.
Custom status codes
405 Method Not Allowed
- if thesave(…)
methods was not exported (through@RestResource(exported = false)
) or is not present in the repository at all.
Supported media types
Similar to PUT
but only applying values sent with the request body.
Custom status codes
405 Method Not Allowed
- if thesave(…)
methods was not exported (through@RestResource(exported = false)
) or is not present in the repository at all.
Supported media types
Deletes the resource exposed.
Custom status codes
405 Method Not Allowed
- if thedelete(…)
methods was not exported (through@RestResource(exported = false)
) or is not present in the repository at all.
3.4. The association resource
Spring Data REST exposes sub-resources of every item resource for each of the associations the item resource has. The name and path of the of the resource defaults to the name of the association property and can be customized using @RestResource
on the association property.
3.4.1. Supported HTTP methods
Returns the state of the association resource
Supported media types
Binds the resource pointed to by the given URI(s) to the resource. This
Custom status codes
400 Bad Request
- if multiple URIs were given for a to-one-association.
Supported media types
text/uri-list - URIs pointing to the resource to bind to the association.
Only supported for collection associations. Adds a new element to the collection.
Supported media types
text/uri-list - URIs pointing to the resource to add to the association.
Unbinds the association.
Custom status codes
405 Method Not Allowed
- if the association is non-optional.
3.5. The search resource
The search resource returns links for all query methods exposed by a repository. The path and name of the query method resources can be modified using @RestResource
on the method declaration.
3.5.1. Supported HTTP methods
As the search resource is a read-only resource it supports GET
Returns a list of links pointing to the individual query method resources
Supported media types
Related resources
For every query method declared in the repository we expose a query method resource. If the resource supports pagination, the URI pointing to it will be a URI template containing the pagination parameters.
Returns whether the search resource is available. A 404 return code indicates no query method resources available at all.
3.6. The query method resource
The query method resource executes the query exposed through an individual query method on the repository interface.
3.6.1. Supported HTTP methods
As the search resource is a read-only resource it supports GET
Returns the result of the query execution.
If the query method has pagination capabilities (indicated in the URI template pointing to the resource) the resource takes the following parameters:
- the page number to access (0 indexed, defaults to 0). -
- the page size requested (defaults to 20). -
- a collection of sort directives in the format($propertyname,)+[asc|desc]
Supported media types
Returns whether a query method resource is available.
4. Domain Object Representations
4.1. Object Mapping
Spring Data REST returns a representation of a domain object that corresponds to the requested Accept
type specified in the HTTP request.
Currently, only JSON representations are supported. Other representation types can be supported in the future by adding an appropriate converter and updating the controller methods with the appropriate content-type.
Sometimes the behavior of the Spring Data REST’s ObjectMapper, which has been specially configured to use intelligent serializers that can turn domain objects into links and back again, may not handle your domain model correctly. There are so many ways one can structure your data that you may find your own domain model isn’t being translated to JSON correctly. It’s also sometimes not practical in these cases to try and support a complex domain model in a generic way. Sometimes, depending on the complexity, it’s not even possible to offer a generic solution.
4.1.1. Adding custom (de)serializers to Jackson’s ObjectMapper
To accommodate the largest percentage of use cases, Spring Data REST tries very hard to render your object graph correctly. It will try and serialize unmanaged beans as normal POJOs and it will try and create links to managed beans where that’s necessary. But if your domain model doesn’t easily lend itself to reading or writing plain JSON, you may want to configure Jackson’s ObjectMapper with your own custom type mappings and (de)serializers.
Abstract class registration
One key configuration point you might need to hook into is when you’re using an abstract class (or an interface) in your domain model. Jackson won’t know by default what implementation to create for an interface. Take the following example:
public class MyEntity {
private List<MyInterface> interfaces;
In a default configuration, Jackson has no idea what class to instantiate when POSTing new data to the exporter. This is something you’ll need to tell Jackson either through an annotation, or, more cleanly, by registering a type mapping using a Module
To add your own Jackson configuration to the ObjectMapper
used by Spring Data REST, override the configureJacksonObjectMapper
method. That method will be passed an ObjectMapper
instance that has a special module to handle serializing and deserializing `PersistentEntity`s. You can register your own modules as well, like in the following example.
protected void configureJacksonObjectMapper(ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
objectMapper.registerModule(new SimpleModule("MyCustomModule") {
public void setupModule(SetupContext context) {
new SimpleAbstractTypeResolver().addMapping(MyInterface.class,
Once you have access to the SetupContext
object in your Module
, you can do all sorts of cool things to configure Jacskon’s JSON mapping. You can read more about how `Module`s work on Jackson’s wiki: http://wiki.fasterxml.com/JacksonFeatureModules
Adding custom serializers for domain types
If you want to (de)serialize a domain type in a special way, you can register your own implementations with Jackson’s ObjectMapper
and the Spring Data REST exporter will transparently handle those domain objects correctly. To add serializers, from your setupModule
method implementation, do something like the following:
public void setupModule(SetupContext context) {
SimpleSerializers serializers = new SimpleSerializers();
SimpleDeserializers deserializers = new SimpleDeserializers();
serializers.addSerializer(MyEntity.class, new MyEntitySerializer());
deserializers.addDeserializer(MyEntity.class, new MyEntityDeserializer());
5. Validation
There are two ways to register a Validator
instance in Spring Data REST: wire it by bean name or register the validator manually. For the majority of cases, the simple bean name prefix style will be sufficient.
In order to tell Spring Data REST you want a particular Validator
assigned to a particular event, you simply prefix the bean name with the event you’re interested in. For example, to validate instances of the Person
class before new ones are saved into the repository, you would declare an instance of a Validator<Person>
in your ApplicationContext
with the bean name "beforeCreatePersonValidator". Since the prefix "beforeCreate" matches a known Spring Data REST event, that validator will be wired to the correct event.
5.1. Assigning Validators manually
If you would rather not use the bean name prefix approach, then you simply need to register an instance of your validator with the bean who’s job it is to invoke validators after the correct event. In your configuration that subclasses Spring Data REST’s RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration
, override the configureValidatingRepositoryEventListener
method and call the addValidator
method on the ValidatingRepositoryEventListener
, passing the event you want this validator to be triggered on, and an instance of the validator.
protected void configureValidatingRepositoryEventListener(ValidatingRepositoryEventListener v) {
v.addValidator("beforeSave", new BeforeSaveValidator());
6. Events
There are eight different events that the REST exporter emits throughout the process of working with an entity. Those are:
6.1. Writing an ApplicationListener
There is an abstract class you can subclass which listens for these kinds of events and calls the appropriate method based on the event type. You just override the methods for the events you’re interested in.
public class BeforeSaveEventListener extends AbstractRepositoryEventListener {
@Override public void onBeforeSave(Object entity) {
... logic to handle inspecting the entity before the Repository saves it
@Override public void onAfterDelete(Object entity) {
... send a message that this entity has been deleted
One thing to note with this approach, however, is that it makes no distinction based on the type of the entity. You’ll have to inspect that yourself.
6.2. Writing an annotated handler
Another approach is to use an annotated handler, which does filter events based on domain type.
To declare a handler, create a POJO and put the @RepositoryEventHandler
annotation on it. This tells the BeanPostProcessor
that this class needs to be inspected for handler methods.
Once it finds a bean with this annotation, it iterates over the exposed methods and looks for annotations that correspond to the event you’re interested in. For example, to handle BeforeSaveEvents in an annotated POJO for different kinds of domain types, you’d define your class like this:
public class PersonEventHandler {
@HandleBeforeSave(Person.class) public void handlePersonSave(Person p) {
... you can now deal with Person in a type-safe way
@HandleBeforeSave(Profile.class) public void handleProfileSave(Profile p) {
... you can now deal with Profile in a type-safe way
You can also declare the domain type at the class level:
public class PersonEventHandler {
@HandleBeforeSave public void handleBeforeSave(Person p) {
@HandleAfterDelete public void handleAfterDelete(Person p) {
Just declare an instance of your annotated bean in your ApplicationContext
and the BeanPostProcessor
that is by default created in RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration
will inspect the bean for handlers and wire them to the correct events.
public class RepositoryConfiguration {
@Bean PersonEventHandler personEventHandler() {
return new PersonEventHandler();