Package-level declarations


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Provide a ContentResultMatchers Kotlin DSL in order to be able to write idiomatic Kotlin code.

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Provide a CookieResultMatchers Kotlin DSL in order to be able to write idiomatic Kotlin code.

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Provide a FlashAttributeResultMatchers Kotlin DSL in order to be able to write idiomatic Kotlin code.

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Provide a HeaderResultMatchers Kotlin DSL in order to be able to write idiomatic Kotlin code.

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Provide a JsonPathResultMatchers Kotlin DSL in order to be able to write idiomatic Kotlin code.

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Provide a ModelResultMatchers Kotlin DSL in order to be able to write idiomatic Kotlin code.

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Provide a RequestResultMatchers Kotlin DSL in order to be able to write idiomatic Kotlin code.

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Provide a StatusResultMatchers Kotlin DSL in order to be able to write idiomatic Kotlin code.

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Provide a ViewResultMatchers Kotlin DSL in order to be able to write idiomatic Kotlin code.

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Provide a XpathResultMatchers Kotlin DSL in order to be able to write idiomatic Kotlin code.


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Extension for providing an isEqualTo alias since is is a reserved keyword in Kotlin.