Spring GemFire 1.0.1 API Reference

Spring.Data.GemFire Namespace

This namespace contains all core classes making up the Spring GemFire project.

Namespace Hierarchy


Class Description
AllKeysInterest Basic holder class for registering an all-key based interest in cached data.
CacheFactoryObject Factory used for configuring a Gemfire Cache manager. Allows either retrieval of an existing, opened cache or the creation of a new one.
ClientRegionFactoryObject FactoryObject for creating generic Gemfire Region. Will try to first locate the region (by name) and, in case none if found, proceed to creating one using the given settings.
GemFireCacheUtils Helper class featuring methods for GemFire Cache or Region handling.
GemFireSystemException GemFire-specific subclass of UncategorizedDataAccessException, for GemFire system errors that do not match any concrete
KeyInterest Basic holder class for registering a keys based interest in cached data.
PoolConnection Simple holder class used for configuring servers or locators for GemFire pools.
PoolFactoryDefaults Static value for default values of the Pool
PoolFactoryObject Factory object for easy declaration and configuration of a GemFire pool.
RegexInterest Cache interest based on regular expression rather then individual key types.
RegionAttributesFactoryObject Create a Gemstone.Gemfire.Cache.RegionsAttribute using standard .NET setter properties.
RegionLookupFactoryObject Simple FactoryObject for retrieving generic GemFire Regions. If the region doesn't exist, an exception is thrown. For declaring and configuring new regions, see ClientRegionFactoryObject.


Interface Description
IInterest Basic holder interface for registering an interest in cached data.


Enumeration Description
InterestResultPolicy Enumeration for the policy of what to load on region initialization when registering for interest in cached data