4.3 Polling Consumer

Spring Integration also provides a PollingConsumer, and it can be instantiated in the same way except that the channel must implement PollableChannel:

PollableChannel channel = (PollableChannel) context.getBean("examplePollableChannel");

PollingConsumer consumer = new PollingConsumer(channel, exampleHandler);

There are many other configuration options for the Polling Consumer. For example, the trigger is a required property:

PollingConsumer consumer = new PollingConsumer(channel, handler);

consumer.setTrigger(new IntervalTrigger(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS));

Spring Integration currently provides two implementations of the Trigger interface: IntervalTrigger and CronTrigger. The IntervalTrigger is typically defined with a simple interval (in milliseconds), but also supports an 'initialDelay' property and a boolean 'fixedRate' property (the default is false - i.e. fixed delay):

IntervalTrigger trigger = new IntervalTrigger(1000);

The CronTrigger simply requires the cron expression (see the Javadoc for details):

CronTrigger trigger = new CronTrigger("*/10 * * * * MON-FRI");

In addition to the trigger, several other polling-related configuration properties may be specified:

PollingConsumer consumer = new PollingConsumer(channel, handler);



A Polling Consumer may even delegate to a Spring TaskExecutor and participate in Spring-managed transactions. The following example shows the configuration of both:

PollingConsumer consumer = new PollingConsumer(channel, handler);

TaskExecutor taskExecutor = (TaskExecutor) context.getBean("exampleExecutor");

PlatformTransactionManager txManager = (PlatformTransationManager) context.getBean("exampleTxManager");

The examples above show dependency lookups, but keep in mind that these consumers will most often be configured as Spring bean definitions. In fact, Spring Integration also provides a FactoryBean that creates the appropriate consumer type based on the type of channel, and there is full XML namespace support to even further hide those details. The namespace-based configuration will be featured as each component type is introduced.

Many of the MessageHandler implementations are also capable of generating reply Messages. As mentioned above, sending Messages is trivial when compared to the Message reception. Nevertheless, when and how many reply Messages are sent depends on the handler type. For example, an Aggregator waits for a number of Messages to arrive and is often configured as a downstream consumer for a Splitter which may generate multiple replies for each Message it handles. When using the namespace configuration, you do not strictly need to know all of the details, but it still might be worth knowing that several of these components share a common base class, the AbstractReplyProducingMessageHandler, and it provides a setOutputChannel(..) method.