20.2 HttpInvoker Inbound Gateway

To receive messages over http you need to use an HttpInvokerInboundGateway. Here is an example bean definition:

<bean id="inboundGateway"
    <property name="requestChannel" ref="requestChannel"/>
    <property name="replyChannel" ref="replyChannel"/>
    <property name="requestTimeout" value="30000"/>
    <property name="replyTimeout" value="10000"/>

Because the inbound gateway must be able to receive HTTP requests, it must be configured within a Servlet container. The easiest way to do this is to provide a servlet definition in web.xml:


Notice that the servlet name matches the bean name.

If you are running within a Spring MVC application and using the BeanNameHandlerMapping, then the servlet definition is not necessary. In that case, the bean name for your gateway can be matched against the URL path just like a Spring MVC Controller bean.