20. Web Services Support

20.1 Outbound Web Service Gateways

To invoke a Web Service upon sending a message to a channel, there are two options - both of which build upon the Spring Web Services project: SimpleWebServiceOutboundGateway and MarshallingWebServiceOutboundGateway. The former will accept either a String or javax.xml.transform.Source as the message payload. The latter provides support for any implementation of the Marshaller and Unmarshaller interfaces. Both require a Spring Web Services DestinationProvider for determining the URI of the Web Service to be called.

 simpleGateway = new SimpleWebServiceOutboundGateway(destinationProvider);

 marshallingGateway = new MarshallingWebServiceOutboundGateway(destinationProvider, marshaller);

When using the namespace support described below, you will only need to set a URI. Internally, the parser will configure a fixed URI DestinationProvider implementation. If you do need dynamic resolution of the URI at runtime, however, then the DestinationProvider can provide such behavior as looking up the URI from a registry. See the Spring Web Services javadoc for more information about the DestinationProvider strategy.

For more detail on the inner workings, see the Spring Web Services reference guide's chapter covering client access as well as the chapter covering Object/XML mapping.