Class ServletWebSocketHandlerRegistry

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ServletWebSocketHandlerRegistry extends Object implements WebSocketHandlerRegistry
WebSocketHandlerRegistry with Spring MVC handler mappings for the handshake requests.
Rossen Stoyanchev
  • Constructor Details

    • ServletWebSocketHandlerRegistry

      public ServletWebSocketHandlerRegistry()
  • Method Details

    • addHandler

      public WebSocketHandlerRegistration addHandler(WebSocketHandler handler, String... paths)
      Description copied from interface: WebSocketHandlerRegistry
      Configure a WebSocketHandler at the specified URL paths.
      Specified by:
      addHandler in interface WebSocketHandlerRegistry
    • setOrder

      public void setOrder(int order)
      Set the order for the resulting SimpleUrlHandlerMapping relative to other handler mappings configured in Spring MVC.

      The default value is 1.

    • getOrder

      public int getOrder()
    • setUrlPathHelper

      @Deprecated(since="6.2.4", forRemoval=true) public void setUrlPathHelper(@Nullable UrlPathHelper urlPathHelper)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      without a replacement since effectively the UrlPathHelper is no longer used with PathPatternParser used by the default in all extensions of AbstractHandlerMapping. To be removed in 7.0.
      Set the UrlPathHelper to configure on the SimpleUrlHandlerMapping used to map handshake requests.
    • getUrlPathHelper

      @Deprecated(since="6.2.4", forRemoval=true) @Nullable public UrlPathHelper getUrlPathHelper()
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Return the configured UrlPathHelper.
    • requiresTaskScheduler

      protected boolean requiresTaskScheduler()
      Whether there are any endpoint SockJS registrations without a TaskScheduler. This method should be invoked just before getHandlerMapping() to allow for registrations to be made first.
    • setTaskScheduler

      protected void setTaskScheduler(TaskScheduler scheduler)
      Provide the TaskScheduler to use for SockJS endpoints for which a task scheduler has not been explicitly registered. This method must be called prior to getHandlerMapping().
    • getHandlerMapping

      public AbstractHandlerMapping getHandlerMapping()