4. Configuration Format

This section describes the configuration structure that is used by the initializr. The metadata provided through configuration are driving the options exposed by a particular instance and the project metadata format.


A good way to get started with the configuration is to look at the configuration of the production instance and check the end-result on start.spring.io

The configuration is split in several sections:

4.1 Env section


Check the code for a full list of the available configuration options.

The env element defines environment option that the service uses:

  • artifactRepository: the URL of the (maven) repository that should be used to download the Spring Boot CLI distribution bundle. This is only used by the /spring endpoint at the moment.
  • springBootMetadataUrl the URL of the resource that provides the list of available Spring Boot versions..
  • forceSsl: a boolean flag that determines if we should use https even when browsing a resource via http. This is enabled by default.
  • fallbackApplicationName: the name of the default application. Application names are generated based on the project’s name. However, some user input may result in an invalid identifier for a Java class name for instance.
  • invalidApplicationNames: a fixed list of invalid application names. If a project generation uses one of these names, the fallback is used instead.
  • invalidPackageNames: a fixed list of invalid package names. If a project generation uses one of these names, the default is used instead.
  • googleAnalyticsTrackingCode: the Google Analytics code to use. If this is set, Google analytics is automatically enabled.
  • kotlin: kotlin-specific settings. For now, only the kotlin version to use can be configured.
  • maven: maven-specified settings. A custom maven parent POM can be defined and whether or not the spring-boot-dependencies BOM should be automatically added to the project.

If some of your dependencies require a custom Bill of Materials (BOM) and/or a custom repository, you can add them here and use the id as a reference. For instance, let’s say that you want to integrate with library foo and it requires a foo-bom and a foo-repo. You can configure things as follows:

        groupId: com.example
        artifactId: foo-bom
        version: 1.2.3
        name: foo-release-repo
        url: https://repo.example.com/foo
        snapshotsEnabled: false

You can then use the foo-bom and foo-repo in a "dependency" or "dependency group" section.


The spring-milestones and spring-snapshots repositories are available by default. Please note that these are just references and won’t impact the project unless you choose a dependency that explicitly refer to a bom and/or repo by id. Check the example below for more details.

4.2 Dependencies section

The dependencies section allows you define a list of groups, each group having one more dependency. A group gather dependencies that share a common characteristics (i.e. all web-related dependencies for instance).

A dependency has the following basic characteristics:

  • A mandatory identifier. If no further information is provided, a Spring Boot starer with that id is assumed.
  • A name and description used in the generated meta-data and the web ui.
  • A groupId and artifactId to define the coordinates of the dependency.
  • A version if Spring Boot does not already provide a dependency management for that dependency.
  • A scope (can be compile, runtime, provided or test).
  • The reference to a bom or a repository that must be added to the project once that dependency is added.
  • A versionRange used to determine the Spring Boot versions that are compatible with the dependency.
  • Links to resources such as a guide or a reference doc section.

Check the code for a full list of the available configuration options.

Here is the most basic dependency entry you could have

    - name: Core
        - id: security
          name: Security
          description: Secure your application via spring-security

The security dependency is held within a group called "Core".

This adds an option name Security with a tooltip showing the description above. If a project is generated with that dependency, the org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-security dependency will be added to the project.

Let’s now add a custom dependency that is not managed by Spring Boot and that only work from Spring Boot 1.2.0.RELEASE and onwards but should not be used in the 1.3 lines and further for some reason.

    - name: Core
        - id: my-lib-id
          name: My lib
          description: Secure your application via spring-security
          groupId: com.example.foo
          artifactId: foo-core
          bom: foo-bom
          repository: foo-repo
          versionRange: "[1.2.0.RELEASE,1.3.0.M1)"

If one selects this entry, the com.example.foo:foo-core} dependency will be added and the Bill of Materials and repository for foo will be added automatically to the project as well (see the "Env section" above for a reference to those identifiers). Because the bom provides a dependency management for foo-core there is no need to hard code the version in the configuration.

The versionRange syntax follows some simple rules: a square bracket "[" or "]" denotes an inclusive end of the range and a round bracket "(" or ")" denotes an exclusive end of the range. A range can also be unbounded by defining a a single version. In the example above, the dependency will be available as from 1.2.0.RELEASE up to, not included, 1.3.0.M1 (which is the first milestone of the 1.3 line).

4.2.1 Dependency group

A dependency group gather a set of dependencies as well as some common settings: bom, repository and versionRange. If one of them is set, it is applied for all dependencies within that group. It is still possible to override a particular value at the dependency level.

4.3 Other sections

The other section defines the default and the list of available options in the web UI. This also drives how the meta-data for your instance are generated and tooling support is meant to react to that.

For instance, if you want your groupId to default to org.acme and the javaVersions to only be 1.7 and 1.8 you would write the following config:

    value: org.acme
    - id: 1.8
      default: true
    - id: 1.7
      default: false