Pitchfork: Spring JEE Support

Reference Documentation

Rod Johnson

Costin Leau

Michael Chen

Version 1.0-m5

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Table of Contents

1. Pitchfork: Spring JEE Support
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Bootstrapping
1.3. Specification support
1.3.1. EJB 3.0 deployment descriptors
1.3.2. EJB 3.0-style interception
1.3.3. EJB 3.0 style declarative transaction management
1.3.4. EJB 3.0 style injection
1.4. Architecture
1.4.1. Metadata
1.4.2. ComponentContributor
1.4.3. Metadata Processors
1.4.4. Metadata PostProcessors
1.4.5. Metadata Validation