The first step in using OSGI profiles with Bundlor is to create a file that contains a textual
representation of the two properties that make up an OSGI profile:
. What you include in this file is up to you, but
typically you start with the OSGI profile of the OSGI runtime you are using, and then customize it to fit
your environment.
If you are using dm Server as your OSGI runtime, you can start by copying the section of the file
that refers to the two properties and pasting it
into your text file. If you are using another runtime, consult their documentation.
The following snippet shows a partial OSGI profile for dm Server; for clarity only a few packages are shown. The example shows the format in which you should create your own OSGI profile file.
org.osgi.framework.system.packages = \ javax.accessibility,\ javax.activation,\ javax.activation;version="1.1.0",\ javax.activity,\ javax.annotation,\ ... org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation = \ com_cenqua_clover,\ com.cenqua.*,\ com.yourkit.*,\ ...
Once you've created your OSGI profile file, the method of passing it to Bundlor depends on the front end you are using to generate a manifest. For detailed information about using the various front ends, see Chapter 4, Usage.