4.7 Application trace

As described in the User Guide SpringSource dm Server provides support for per-application trace. SpringSource dm Server provides SLF4J-based implementations of both Commons Logging and Log4J which allow trace generated by applications using those APIs to be captured and included in the application trace file. This use of SLF4J-based replacement implementations means that the standard configuration mechanisms for Commons Logging and Log4J cannot be used. Instead, application trace is configured via the use of the Application-TraceLevels header in the application's manifest as described in the User Guide.

Using vanilla Log4J

If you do not wish to take advantage of the SpringSource dm Server's built-in support for per-application trace, it is possible to force your application to utilise vanilla Log4J rather than the SLF4J-based implementation that is provided in the SpringSource dm Server. This can be achieved by specifying the bundle symbolic name of the vanilla Log4J bundle when importing the Log4J package in your application's manifests. E.g.:

Import-Package: org.apache.log4j;bundle-symbolic-name="com.springsource.org.apache.log4j"