6.2 Undeploying an Artifact

You can undeploy artifacts from SpringSource dm Server using either the hot-deploy directory on the file system, or by using the Admin Console.

Hot Undeploy

To hot-undeploy an artifact, remove the corresponding file from the pickup directory (by default $SERVER_HOME/pickup):

prompt$ cd $SERVER_HOME/pickup
prompt$ rm myapp.par

When SpringSource dm Server completes the undeployment of the artifact, a message similar to the following appears in the log:

[2009-03-08 17:00:05.000] fs-watcher     <SPDE0012I> - Undeployment of 'myapp.war' version '0' completed.

Manually Undeploy

You can undeploy only whole artifacts from the Admin Console, or in other words, you cannot undeploy the separate modules or bundles that make up an artifact. Each artifact that can be undeployed has an undeploy link to the right of its name in the list of Deployed Applications. As soon as you click the undeploy link, the page reloads with that artifact removed from the list.

The only artifact that you cannot undeploy from the Admin Console is the Admin Console itself. If you need to undeploy this application, you must remove it from the pickup directory (by default SERVER_HOME/pickup); the name of the application is com.springsource.server.servlet.admin.

If any problems have occurred the status message at the top of the page will report the error, as shown in the following image.