2.5 Starting With a Custom Configuration Directory

Use the -configDir option to specify an alternate config directory, different from the default SERVER_HOME/config directory. This option allows you to use the same SpringSource dm Server installation to run multiple instances of dm Server . Simply create a config directory for each instance, specify unique port numbers, logging and tracing directories, and so on. and then specify that directory when starting SpringSource dm Server.

If you specify a relative path for the -configDir parameter, the startup script interprets the path as relative to the root of the SpringSource dm Server installation, and not relative to the directory from which you execute the startup script.


To start SpringSource dm Server using a config directory of /config/node1:
prompt$ cd $SERVER_HOME
prompt$ bin/startup.sh -configDir /config/node1


To start SpringSource dm Server using a config directory of c:\config\node1:
prompt> cd %SERVER_HOME%
prompt> bin\startup.bat -configDir c:\config\node1