All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract OutputParser implementation that uses a pre-configured DefaultConversionService to convert the LLM output into the desired type format.
Abstract OutputParser implementation that uses a pre-configured MessageConverter to convert the LLM output into the desired type format.
Lets the model know the content was generated as a response to the user.
Implementation of AiClient backed by an OpenAiService
An implementation of OutputParser that transforms the LLM output to a specific object type using JSON schema.
A PromptTemplate that lets you specify the role as a string should the current implementations and their roles not suffice for your needs.
Converts the Document text and metadata into a AI, prompt-friendly text representation.
A utility to reformat extracted text content before encapsulating it in a Document.
The Builder class is a nested static class of ExtractedTextFormatter designed to facilitate the creation and customization of instances of ExtractedTextFormatter.
Writes the content of a list of Documents into a file.
Portable runtime model for metadata filter expressions.
Triple that represents and filter boolean expression as left type right.
Filter expression operations.
Represents expression grouping (e.g.
String identifier representing an expression key.
Mark interface representing the supported expression types: Filter.Key, Filter.Value, Filter.Expression and Filter.Group.
Represents expression value constant or constant array.
DSL builder for Filter.Expression instances.
Parse a textual, vector-store agnostic, filter expression language into Filter.Expression.
This class provides an empty implementation of FiltersListener, which can be extended to create a listener which only needs to handle a subset of the available methods.
This class provides an empty implementation of FiltersVisitor, which can be extended to create a visitor which only needs to handle a subset of the available methods.
This interface defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by FiltersParser.
This interface defines a complete generic visitor for a parse tree produced by FiltersParser.
Gets or Sets FinishReason
This class extends PDFTextStripper to provide custom text extraction and formatting capabilities for PDF pages.
Implementations of this interface provides instructions for how the output of a language model should be formatted.
An implementation of AiClient that interfaces with HuggingFace Inference Endpoints for text generation.
Keyword extractor that uses model to extract 'excerpt_keywords' metadata field.
OutputParser implementation that uses a DefaultConversionService to convert the LLM output into a List instance.
OutputParser implementation that uses a pre-configured MappingJackson2MessageConverter to convert the LLM output into a java.util.Map<String, Object> instance.
Converts Filter.Expression into Milvus metadata filter expression format.
Parameters for Milvus client connection.
Configuration for the Milvus vector store.
An enum to configure the distance function used in the Neo4j vector index.
Configuration for the Neo4j vector store.
A client implementation for interacting with Ollama Service.
Ollama generate a completion api response model
Implementation of AiClient backed by an OpenAiService.
Converts the (raw) LLM output into a structured responses of type.
Groups the parsed PDF pages into Documents.
The ParagraphManager class is responsible for managing the paragraphs and hierarchy of a PDF document.
Represents a document paragraph metadata and hierarchy.
Uses the PDF catalog (e.g.
Common configuration builder for the PagePdfDocumentReader and the ParagraphPdfDocumentReader.
Re-implement the PDFLayoutTextStripperByArea on top of the PDFLayoutTextStripper instead the original PDFTextStripper.
Converts Filter.Expression into PgVector metadata filter expression format.
Uses the "vector_store" table to store the Spring AI vector data.
Defaults to CosineDistance.
By default, pgvector performs exact nearest neighbor search, which provides perfect recall.
Converts Filter.Expression into Pinecone metadata filter expression format.
A VectorStore implementation backed by Pinecone, a cloud-based vector database.
Configuration class for the PineconeVectorStore.
PostgresML EmbeddingClient
Converts Filter.Expression into test string format.
Service that helps caching remote Resources on the local file system.
Similarity search request builder.
Adds simple serialization/deserialization to the data stored in the InMemoryVectorStore
Title extractor with adjacent sharing that uses model to extract 'section_summary', 'prev_section_summary', 'next_section_summary' metadata fields.
A message of the type 'system' passed as input.
A document reader that leverages Apache Tika to extract text from a variety of document formats, such as PDF, DOC/DOCX, PPT/PPTX, and HTML.
Configurations for the HuggingFaceTokenizer used to convert sentences into tokens.
A message of the type 'user' passed as input Messages with the user role are from the end-user or developer.
The VectorStore interface defines the operations for managing and querying documents in a vector database.