Record Class MistralAiApi.ChatCompletionRequest

Record Components:
model - ID of the model to use.
messages - The prompt(s) to generate completions for, encoded as a list of dict with role and content. The first prompt role should be user or system.
tools - A list of tools the model may call. Currently, only functions are supported as a tool. Use this to provide a list of functions the model may generate JSON inputs for.
toolChoice - Controls which (if any) function is called by the model. none means the model will not call a function and instead generates a message. auto means the model can pick between generating a message or calling a function. Any means the model must call a function.
temperature - What sampling temperature to use, between 0.0 and 1.0. Higher values like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic. We generally recommend altering this or top_p but not both.
topP - Nucleus sampling, where the model considers the results of the tokens with top_p probability mass. So 0.1 means only the tokens comprising the top 10% probability mass are considered. We generally recommend altering this or temperature but not both.
maxTokens - The maximum number of tokens to generate in the completion. The token count of your prompt plus max_tokens cannot exceed the model's context length.
stream - Whether to stream back partial progress. If set, tokens will be sent as data-only server-sent events as they become available, with the stream terminated by a data: [DONE] message. Otherwise, the server will hold the request open until the timeout or until completion, with the response containing the full result as JSON.
safePrompt - Whether to inject a safety prompt before all conversations.
randomSeed - The seed to use for random sampling. If set, different calls will generate deterministic results.
responseFormat - An object specifying the format that the model must output. Setting to { "type": "json_object" } enables JSON mode, which guarantees the message the model generates is valid JSON.
Enclosing class:

public static record MistralAiApi.ChatCompletionRequest(String model, List<MistralAiApi.ChatCompletionMessage> messages, List<MistralAiApi.FunctionTool> tools, MistralAiApi.ChatCompletionRequest.ToolChoice toolChoice, Float temperature, Float topP, Integer maxTokens, Boolean stream, Boolean safePrompt, Integer randomSeed, MistralAiApi.ChatCompletionRequest.ResponseFormat responseFormat) extends Record
Creates a model request for chat conversation.
  • Constructor Details

    • ChatCompletionRequest

      public ChatCompletionRequest(List<MistralAiApi.ChatCompletionMessage> messages, String model)
      Shortcut constructor for a chat completion request with the given messages and model.
      messages - The prompt(s) to generate completions for, encoded as a list of dict with role and content. The first prompt role should be user or system.
      model - ID of the model to use.
    • ChatCompletionRequest

      public ChatCompletionRequest(List<MistralAiApi.ChatCompletionMessage> messages, String model, Float temperature, boolean stream)
      Shortcut constructor for a chat completion request with the given messages, model and temperature.
      messages - The prompt(s) to generate completions for, encoded as a list of dict with role and content. The first prompt role should be user or system.
      model - ID of the model to use.
      temperature - What sampling temperature to use, between 0.0 and 1.0.
      stream - Whether to stream back partial progress. If set, tokens will be sent
    • ChatCompletionRequest

      public ChatCompletionRequest(List<MistralAiApi.ChatCompletionMessage> messages, String model, Float temperature)
      Shortcut constructor for a chat completion request with the given messages, model and temperature.
      messages - The prompt(s) to generate completions for, encoded as a list of dict with role and content. The first prompt role should be user or system.
      model - ID of the model to use.
      temperature - What sampling temperature to use, between 0.0 and 1.0.
    • ChatCompletionRequest

      Shortcut constructor for a chat completion request with the given messages, model, tools and tool choice. Streaming is set to false, temperature to 0.8 and all other parameters are null.
      messages - A list of messages comprising the conversation so far.
      model - ID of the model to use.
      tools - A list of tools the model may call. Currently, only functions are supported as a tool.
      toolChoice - Controls which (if any) function is called by the model.
    • ChatCompletionRequest

      public ChatCompletionRequest(List<MistralAiApi.ChatCompletionMessage> messages, Boolean stream)
      Shortcut constructor for a chat completion request with the given messages and stream.
    • ChatCompletionRequest

      public ChatCompletionRequest(String model, List<MistralAiApi.ChatCompletionMessage> messages, List<MistralAiApi.FunctionTool> tools, MistralAiApi.ChatCompletionRequest.ToolChoice toolChoice, Float temperature, Float topP, Integer maxTokens, Boolean stream, Boolean safePrompt, Integer randomSeed, MistralAiApi.ChatCompletionRequest.ResponseFormat responseFormat)
      Creates an instance of a ChatCompletionRequest record class.
      model - the value for the model record component
      messages - the value for the messages record component
      tools - the value for the tools record component
      toolChoice - the value for the toolChoice record component
      temperature - the value for the temperature record component
      topP - the value for the topP record component
      maxTokens - the value for the maxTokens record component
      stream - the value for the stream record component
      safePrompt - the value for the safePrompt record component
      randomSeed - the value for the randomSeed record component
      responseFormat - the value for the responseFormat record component
  • Method Details

    • toString

      public final String toString()
      Returns a string representation of this record class. The representation contains the name of the class, followed by the name and value of each of the record components.
      Specified by:
      toString in class Record
      a string representation of this object
    • hashCode

      public final int hashCode()
      Returns a hash code value for this object. The value is derived from the hash code of each of the record components.
      Specified by:
      hashCode in class Record
      a hash code value for this object
    • equals

      public final boolean equals(Object o)
      Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one. The objects are equal if the other object is of the same class and if all the record components are equal. All components in this record class are compared with Objects::equals(Object,Object).
      Specified by:
      equals in class Record
      o - the object with which to compare
      true if this object is the same as the o argument; false otherwise.
    • model

      public String model()
      Returns the value of the model record component.
      the value of the model record component
    • messages

      Returns the value of the messages record component.
      the value of the messages record component
    • tools

      Returns the value of the tools record component.
      the value of the tools record component
    • toolChoice

      Returns the value of the toolChoice record component.
      the value of the toolChoice record component
    • temperature

      public Float temperature()
      Returns the value of the temperature record component.
      the value of the temperature record component
    • topP

      public Float topP()
      Returns the value of the topP record component.
      the value of the topP record component
    • maxTokens

      public Integer maxTokens()
      Returns the value of the maxTokens record component.
      the value of the maxTokens record component
    • stream

      public Boolean stream()
      Returns the value of the stream record component.
      the value of the stream record component
    • safePrompt

      public Boolean safePrompt()
      Returns the value of the safePrompt record component.
      the value of the safePrompt record component
    • randomSeed

      public Integer randomSeed()
      Returns the value of the randomSeed record component.
      the value of the randomSeed record component
    • responseFormat

      Returns the value of the responseFormat record component.
      the value of the responseFormat record component