Interface FunctionCallback

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface FunctionCallback
Represents a model function call handler. Implementations are registered with the Models and called on prompts that trigger the function call.
Christian Tzolov
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      Returns the Function name. Unique within the model.
    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
      Returns the function description. This description is used by the model do decide if the function should be called or not.
    • getInputTypeSchema

      String getInputTypeSchema()
      Returns the JSON schema of the function input type.
    • call

      String call(String functionInput)
      Called when a model detects and triggers a function call. The model is responsible to pass the function arguments in the pre-configured JSON schema format.
      functionInput - JSON string with the function arguments to be passed to the function. The arguments are defined as JSON schema usually registered with the the model.
      String containing the function call response.