Class CohereEmbeddingBedrockApi

Cohere Embedding API. AWS Bedrock Cohere Embedding API Based on the Cohere Embedding API
Christian Tzolov, Wei Jiang
  • Constructor Details

    • CohereEmbeddingBedrockApi

      public CohereEmbeddingBedrockApi(String modelId, String region)
      Create a new CohereEmbeddingBedrockApi instance using the default credentials provider chain, the default object mapper, default temperature and topP values.
      modelId - The model id to use. See the CohereEmbeddingBedrockApi.CohereEmbeddingModel for the supported models.
      region - The AWS region to use.
    • CohereEmbeddingBedrockApi

      public CohereEmbeddingBedrockApi(String modelId, credentialsProvider, String region, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper objectMapper)
      Create a new CohereEmbeddingBedrockApi instance using the provided credentials provider, region and object mapper.
      modelId - The model id to use. See the CohereEmbeddingBedrockApi.CohereEmbeddingModel for the supported models.
      credentialsProvider - The credentials provider to connect to AWS.
      region - The AWS region to use.
      objectMapper - The object mapper to use for JSON serialization and deserialization.
    • CohereEmbeddingBedrockApi

      public CohereEmbeddingBedrockApi(String modelId, String region, Duration timeout)
      Create a new CohereEmbeddingBedrockApi instance using the default credentials provider chain, the default object mapper, default temperature and topP values.
      modelId - The model id to use. See the CohereEmbeddingBedrockApi.CohereEmbeddingModel for the supported models.
      region - The AWS region to use.
      timeout - The timeout to use.
    • CohereEmbeddingBedrockApi

      public CohereEmbeddingBedrockApi(String modelId, credentialsProvider, String region, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper objectMapper, Duration timeout)
      Create a new CohereEmbeddingBedrockApi instance using the provided credentials provider, region and object mapper.
      modelId - The model id to use. See the CohereEmbeddingBedrockApi.CohereEmbeddingModel for the supported models.
      credentialsProvider - The credentials provider to connect to AWS.
      region - The AWS region to use.
      objectMapper - The object mapper to use for JSON serialization and deserialization.
      timeout - The timeout to use.
    • CohereEmbeddingBedrockApi

      public CohereEmbeddingBedrockApi(String modelId, credentialsProvider, region, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper objectMapper, Duration timeout)
      Create a new CohereEmbeddingBedrockApi instance using the provided credentials provider, region and object mapper.
      modelId - The model id to use. See the CohereEmbeddingBedrockApi.CohereEmbeddingModel for the supported models.
      credentialsProvider - The credentials provider to connect to AWS.
      region - The AWS region to use.
      objectMapper - The object mapper to use for JSON serialization and deserialization.
      timeout - The timeout to use.
  • Method Details