All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract class for the Bedrock API.
Encapsulates the metrics about the model invocation.
Abstract class that serves as a base for chat memory advisors.
Abstract builder for AbstractChatMemoryAdvisor.
Abstract StructuredOutputConverter implementation that uses a pre-configured DefaultConversionService to convert the LLM output into the desired type format.
Abstract implementation of the EmbeddingModel interface that provides dimensions calculation caching.
AbstractFilterExpressionConverter is an abstract class that implements the FilterExpressionConverter interface.
The AbstractMessage class is an abstract implementation of the Message interface.
Abstract StructuredOutputConverter implementation that uses a pre-configured MessageConverter to convert the LLM output into the desired type format.
Abstract base class for VectorStore implementations that provides observation capabilities.
Use ToolCallingManager instead.
Abstract base builder implementing common builder functionality for VectorStore.
Represents the response received when requesting an access token.
The data of the chat client request that can be modified before the execution of the ChatClient's call method
Builder for AdvisedRequest.
The data of the chat client response that can be modified before the call returns.
Builder for AdvisedResponse.
Parent advisor interface for all advisors.
Context used to store metadata for chat client advisors.
The type of the advisor.
Interface for an ObservationConvention for chat client advisors.
AI Advisor observation documentation.
High cardinality key names.
Low cardinality key names.
Collection of attribute keys used in AI observations (spans, metrics, events).
Collection of event names used in AI observations.
Collection of metric attributes used in AI observations.
Enumeration of metric names used in AI observations.
Metadata associated with an AI operation (e.g.
Builder for AiOperationMetadata.
Types of operations performed by AI systems.
Collection of systems providing AI functionality.
Utility methods for creating native runtime hints.
Types of tokens produced and consumed in an AI operation.
The Anthropic API client.
Input messages.
Chat completion request object.
Metadata about the request.
Chat completion response object.
Check the Models overview and model comparison for additional details and options.
The content block of the message.
The source of the media content.
The ContentBlock type.
Content block delta event.
JSON content block delta.
Text content block delta.
Content block start event.
Text content block.
Tool use content block.
Content block stop event.
Error event.
Error body.
The event type of the streamed chunk.
Message delta event.
Message delta usage.
Message start event.
Message stop event.
Ping event.
The role of the author of this message.
Tool description.
Special event used to aggregate multiple tool use events into a single event with list of aggregated ContentBlockToolUse.
Usage statistics.
Auto-configuration for Anthropic Chat Model.
The ChatModel implementation for the Anthropic service.
The options to be used when sending a chat request to the Anthropic API.
Anthropic Chat autoconfiguration properties.
Anthropic API connection properties.
RateLimit implementation for OpenAI.
The AnthropicRuntimeHints class is responsible for registering runtime hints for Anthropic API classes.
Some model providers API leverage short-lived api keys which must be renewed at regular intervals using another credential.
Lets the generative know the content was generated as a response to the user.
Implementation of ToolCallback that adapts MCP tools to Spring AI's tool interface with asynchronous execution support.
Implementation of ToolCallbackProvider that discovers and provides MCP tools asynchronously from one or more MCP servers.
Represents a response returned by the AI.
Metadata associated with an audio transcription result.
Options for audio transcription.
Represents an audio transcription prompt for an AI model.
A response containing an audio transcription result.
Metadata associated with an audio transcription response.
QianFan abstract authentication API.
Converts Filter.Expression into Azure Search OData filter syntax.
AzureOpenAI audio transcription client implementation for backed by OpenAIClient.
Options for audio transcription using Azure Open AI.
Structured response of the transcribed audio.
Segment of the transcribed text and its corresponding details.
Extracted word and it's corresponding timestamps.
Configuration properties for Azure OpenAI audio transcription.
Audio transcription metadata implementation for AzureOpenAI.
Auto-configuration for Azure OpenAI.
ChatModel implementation for Microsoft Azure AI backed by OpenAIClient.
Builder to construct AzureOpenAiChatModel.
The configuration information for a chat completions request.
Callback interface that can be implemented by beans wishing to customize the OpenAIClientBuilder whilst retaining the default auto-configuration.
Azure Open AI Embedding Model implementation.
The configuration information for the embedding requests.
Represents the metadata for image generation using Azure OpenAI.
ImageModel implementation for Microsoft Azure AI backed by OpenAIClient.
The configuration information for a image generation request.
Configuration properties for Azure OpenAI image generation options.
Represents metadata associated with an image response from the Azure OpenAI image model.
Utility enumeration for representing the response format that may be requested from the Azure OpenAI model.
RuntimeHintsRegistrar for Azure OpenAI.
Uses Azure Cognitive Search as a backing vector store.
Builder class for creating AzureVectorStore instances.
Auto-configuration for Azure Vector Store.
Configuration properties for Azure Vector Store.
Base advisor that implements common aspects of the CallAroundAdvisor and StreamAroundAdvisor, reducing the boilerplate code needed to implement an advisor.
Base test class for VectorStore implementations.
Contract for batching Document objects so that the call to embed them could be optimized.
An implementation of StructuredOutputConverter that transforms the LLM output to a specific object type using JSON schema.
Configuration for AWS connection.
Configuration properties for Bedrock AWS connection.
Auto-configuration for Bedrock Cohere Embedding Model.
EmbeddingModel implementation that uses the Bedrock Cohere Embedding API.
Options for the Bedrock Cohere embedding API.
Bedrock Cohere Embedding autoconfiguration properties.
Auto-configuration for Bedrock Converse Proxy Chat Client.
Configuration properties for Bedrock Converse.
The BedrockMediaFormat class provides mappings between MIME types and their corresponding Bedrock media formats for documents, images, and videos.
A ChatModel implementation that uses the Amazon Bedrock Converse API to interact with the Supported models.
The BedrockRuntimeHints class is responsible for registering runtime hints for Bedrock AI API classes.
Auto-configuration for Bedrock Titan Embedding Model.
EmbeddingModel implementation that uses the Bedrock Titan Embedding API.
Options for the Titan Embedding API.
Bedrock Titan Embedding autoconfiguration properties.
Around advisor that wraps the ChatModel#call(Prompt) method.
The Call Around Advisor Chain is used to invoke the next Around Advisor in the chain.
Create a CassandraChatMemory like CassandraChatMemory.create(CassandraChatMemoryConfig.builder().withTimeToLive(Duration.ofDays(1)).build()); For example @see
Auto-configuration for CassandraChatMemory.
Configuration for the Cassandra Chat Memory store.
Given a string sessionId, return the value for each primary key column.
Configuration properties for Cassandra chat memory.
The CassandraVectorStore is for managing and querying vector data in an Apache Cassandra db.
Builder for the Cassandra vector store.
Given a string document id, return the value for each primary key column.
Given a list of primary key column values, return the document id.
Indexes are automatically created with COSINE.
Auto-configuration for Cassandra Vector Store.
Configuration properties for Cassandra Vector Store.
The Categories class represents a set of categories used to classify content.
This class represents the scores for different categories of content.
Client to perform stateless requests to an AI Model, using a fluent API.
A mutable builder for creating a ChatClient.
Specification for a prompt system.
Auto-configuration for ChatClient.
Builder for configuring a ChatClient.Builder.
Configuration properties for the chat client builder.
Callback interface that can be used to customize a ChatClient.Builder.
An ObservationFilter to include the chat prompt content in the observation.
Context used to store metadata for chat client workflows.
Interface for an ObservationConvention for chat client workflows.
Documented conventions for chat client observations.
Represents the metadata associated with the generation of a chat response.
The ChatMemory interface represents a storage for chat conversation history.
An ObservationFilter to include the chat completion content in the observation.
Handler for including the chat completion content in the observation as a span event.
Marker interface, to be used to store info on the model such as the current context length.
Handler for generating metrics from chat model observations.
Utilities to process the prompt and completion content in observations for chat models.
Context used to store metadata for chat model exchanges.
Interface for an ObservationConvention for chat model exchanges.
Documented conventions for chat model observations.
Events for chat model operations.
High-cardinality observation key names for chat model operations.
Low-cardinality observation key names for chat model operations.
An ObservationFilter to include the chat prompt content in the observation.
Handler for including the chat prompt content in the observation as a span event.
Auto-configuration for Spring AI chat model observations.
Configuration properties for chat model observations.
ModelOptions representing the common options that are portable across different chat models.
Builder for creating ChatOptions instance.
A PromptTemplate that lets you specify the role as a string should the current implementations and their roles not suffice for your needs.
The chat completion (e.g.
Models common AI provider metadata returned in an AI response.
Single-class Chroma API implementation based on the (unofficial) Chroma REST API.
Add embeddings to the chroma data store.
Chroma embedding collection.
Request to create a new collection with the given name and metadata.
Request to delete embedding from a collection.
Single query embedding response.
Object containing the get embedding results.
Get embeddings from a collection.
Request to get the nResults nearest neighbor embeddings for provided queryEmbeddings.
A QueryResponse object containing the query results.
Configuration properties for Chroma API client.
An implementation of BindingsPropertiesProcessor that detects Bindings of type: "chroma".
Connection details for a Chroma service.
Converts Filter.Expression into Chroma metadata filter expression format.
ChromaVectorStore is a concrete implementation of the VectorStore interface.
Auto-configuration for Chroma Vector Store.
Configuration properties for Chroma Vector Store.
Cohere Embedding API.
Cohere Embedding model ids.
The Cohere Embed model request.
Cohere Embedding API input types.
Specifies how the API handles inputs longer than the maximum token length.
Cohere Embedding response.
Converts Spring AI Filter.Expression into Coherence Filter.
Integration of Coherence Coherence 24.09+ as a Vector Store.
Builder class for creating CoherenceVectorStore instances.
Configuration properties for the common chat memory.
Common properties for vector stores.
Uses a large language model to compress a conversation history and a follow-up query into a standalone query that captures the essence of the conversation.
Combines documents retrieved based on multiple queries and from multiple data sources by concatenating them into a single collection of documents.
Data structure that contains content and metadata.
Converts the Document text and metadata into an AI, prompt-friendly text representation.
ContentFormatTransformer processes a list of documents by applying a content formatter to each document.
Augments the user query with contextual data from the content of the provided documents.
Amazon Bedrock Converse API utils.
Special event used to aggregate multiple tool use events into a single event with list of aggregated ContentBlockToolUse.
Cosmos DB implementation.
Builder class for creating CosmosDBVectorStore instances.
Auto-configuration for CosmosDB Vector Store.
Configuration properties for CosmosDB Vector Store.
Default implementation of the AdvisorObservationConvention.
The default implementation of ChatClient as created by the } method.
DefaultChatClientBuilder is a builder class for creating a ChatClient.
Default conventions to populate observations for chat client workflows.
Default implementation of ChatGenerationMetadata.
Default conventions to populate observations for chat model operations.
Default implementation for the ChatOptions.
Implementation of ChatOptions.Builder to create DefaultChatOptions.
Use specific builder for the type of tool you need, e.g.
Default implementation of ContentFormatter.
Default conventions to populate observations for embedding model operations.
Use specific builder for the type of tool you need, e.g.
Default conventions to populate observations for image model operations.
Default implementation of ToolCallingChatOptions.
Default implementation of ToolCallingChatOptions.Builder.
Default implementation of ToolCallingManager.
A default implementation of ToolCallResultConverter.
Default implementation of ToolDefinition.
Default implementation of ToolExecutionExceptionProcessor.
Default implementation of ToolExecutionResult.
Default implementation of ToolMetadata.
Default implementation of the Usage interface.
Default conventions to populate observations for vector store operations.
A ToolCallbackResolver that delegates to a list of ToolCallbackResolver instances.
A document is a container for the content and metadata of a document.
A component for compressing the content of each document to reduce noise and redundancy in the retrieved information, addressing challenges such as "lost-in-the-middle" and context length restrictions from the model.
EmbeddingModel is a generic interface for embedding models.
Represents a request to embed a list of documents.
A component for combining documents retrieved based on multiple queries and from multiple data sources into a single collection of documents.
Common set of metadata keys used in Documents by DocumentReaders and VectorStores.
A component for ordering and ranking documents based on their relevance to a query to bring the most relevant documents to the top of the list, addressing challenges such as "lost-in-the-middle".
Component responsible for retrieving Documents from an underlying data source, such as a search engine, a vector store, a database, or a knowledge graph.
A component for removing irrelevant or redundant documents from a list of retrieved documents, addressing challenges such as "lost-in-the-middle" and context length restrictions from the model.
Write a list of Document instances.
ElasticsearchAiSearchFilterExpressionConverter is a class that converts Filter.Expression objects into Elasticsearch query string representation.
Elasticsearch-based vector store implementation using the dense_vector field type.
The representation of Document along with its embedding.
Auto-configuration for Elasticsearch Vector Store.
Provided Elasticsearch vector option configuration.
Configuration properties for Elasticsearch Vector Store.
Represents a single embedding vector.
EmbeddingModel is a generic interface for embedding models.
Description of an embedding model.
Handler for generating metrics from embedding model observations.
Context used to store metadata for embedding model exchanges.
Interface for an ObservationConvention for embedding model exchanges.
Documented conventions for embedding model observations.
High-cardinality observation key names for embedding model operations.
Low-cardinality observation key names for embedding model operations.
Auto-configuration for Spring AI embedding model observations.
Options for embedding models.
Builder for EmbeddingOptions.
Request to embed a list of input instructions.
Embedding response object.
Common AI provider metadata returned in an embedding response.
Metadata associated with the embedding result.
Utility methods for embedding related operations.
A RateLimit implementation that returns zero for all property getters
A EmpytUsage implementation that returns zero for all property getters
An ObservationHandler that logs errors using a Tracer.
Represents an evaluation request, which includes the user's text, a list of content data, and a chat response.
A utility to reformat extracted text content before encapsulating it in a Document.
The Builder class is a nested static class of ExtractedTextFormatter designed to facilitate the creation and customization of instances of ExtractedTextFormatter.
Implementation of Evaluator used to evaluate the factual accuracy of Large Language Model (LLM) responses against provided context.
Writes the content of a list of Documents into a file.
Portable runtime generative for metadata filter expressions.
Triple that represents and filter boolean expression as left type right.
Filter expression operations.
Represents expression grouping (e.g.
String identifier representing an expression key.
Mark interface representing the supported expression types: Filter.Key, Filter.Value, Filter.Expression and Filter.Group.
Represents expression value constant or constant array.
DSL builder for Filter.Expression instances.
Converters a generic, portable Filter.Expression into a VectorStore specific expression language format.
Parse a textual, vector-store agnostic, filter expression language into Filter.Expression.
Helper class providing various boolean transformation.
This class provides an empty implementation of FiltersListener, which can be extended to create a listener which only needs to handle a subset of the available methods.
This class provides an empty implementation of FiltersVisitor, which can be extended to create a visitor which only needs to handle a subset of the available methods.
This interface defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by FiltersParser.
This interface defines a complete generic visitor for a parse tree produced by FiltersParser.
Gets or Sets FinishReason
This class extends PDFTextStripper to provide custom text extraction and formatting capabilities for PDF pages.
Implementations of this interface provides instructions for how the output of a language generative should be formatted.
in favor of ToolCallback.
Use specific builder for the type of tool you need, e.g.
Function invoking builder interface.
Method invoking builder interface.
Describes the type of the schema used to describe the input parameters of the function.
Use ToolCallingManager instead.
Helper used to provide only the function definition, without the actual function call implementation.
Builder for creating FunctionCallingOptions instance.
A ToolCallback implementation to invoke functions as tools.
Connection details for a GemFire service.
A VectorStore implementation backed by GemFire.
Builder class for creating GemFireVectorStore instances.
Auto-configuration for GemFire Vector Store.
Configuration properties for GemFire Vector Store.
Represents a response returned by the AI.
The Generation class represents a response from a moderation process.
The SAP HANA Cloud vector engine offers multiple use cases in AI scenarios.
Builder class for creating HanaCloudVectorStore instances.
Auto-configuration for Hana Cloud Vector Store.
Configuration properties for Hana Cloud Vector Store.
The HanaVectorEntity is an abstract class that represents a mapped superclass for entities that have a vector representation stored in a HANA vector repository.
The HanaVectorRepository interface provides methods for interacting with a HANA vector repository, which allows storing and querying vector embeddings.
An implementation of ChatModel that interfaces with HuggingFace Inference Endpoints for text generation.
Configuration properties for Hugging Face chat model.
Interface for generating unique document IDs.
Context used to store metadata for image model exchanges.
Interface for an ObservationConvention for image model exchanges.
Documented conventions for image model observations.
Events for image model operations.
High-cardinality observation key names for image model operations.
Low-cardinality observation key names for image model operations.
An ObservationFilter to include the image prompt content in the observation.
Auto-configuration for Spring AI image model observations.
Configuration properties for image model observations.
ImageOptions represent the common options, portable across different image generation models.
The image completion (e.g.
Represents metadata associated with an image response.
The InMemoryChatMemory class is an implementation of the ChatMemory interface that represents an in-memory storage for chat conversation history.
Utility methods for Jackson.
A SHA-256 based ID generator that returns the hash as a UUID.
Utilities to perform parsing operations between JSON and Java.
A class that reads JSON documents and converts them into a list of Document objects.
Utility class for converting JSON Schema to OpenAPI schema format.
Utilities to generate JSON Schemas from Java types and method signatures.
Options for generating JSON Schemas.
Estimates the number of tokens in a given text or message using the JTokkit encoding library.
Keyword extractor that uses generative to extract 'excerpt_keywords' metadata field.
Returns a new list of content (e.g list of messages of list of documents) that is a subset of the input list of contents and complies with the max token size constraint.
Only to help moving away from AbstractToolCallSupport.
StructuredOutputConverter implementation that uses a DefaultConversionService to convert the LLM output into a List instance.
Utility class that provides predefined SLF4J Marker instances used in logging operations within the application.
StructuredOutputConverter implementation that uses a pre-configured MappingJackson2MessageConverter to convert the LLM output into a java.util.Map<String, Object> instance.
Converts Filter.Expression into JSON metadata filter expression format.
MariaDB-based vector store implementation using MariaDB's vector search capabilities.
Builder for creating instances of MariaDBVectorStore.
The representation of Document along with its embedding.
Reads the given Markdown resource and groups headers, paragraphs, or text divided by horizontal lines (depending on the MarkdownDocumentReaderConfig.horizontalRuleCreateDocument configuration) into Documents.
Common configuration for the MarkdownDocumentReader.
Interface for customizing asynchronous MCP client configurations.
Auto-configuration for Model Context Protocol (MCP) client support.
Record class that implements AutoCloseable to ensure proper cleanup of MCP clients.
Common Configuration properties for the Model Context Protocol (MCP) clients shared for all transport types.
Client types supported by the MCP client.
Runtime hints registrar for Model Context Protocol (MCP) schema classes.
Auto-configuration for the Model Context Protocol (MCP) Server.
Configuration properties for the Model Context Protocol (MCP) server.
Server types supported by the MCP server.
Configuration properties for Server-Sent Events (SSE) based MCP client connections.
Parameters for configuring an SSE connection to an MCP server.
Configuration properties for the Model Context Protocol (MCP) stdio client.
Record representing the parameters for an MCP server connection.
Configurer class for customizing MCP synchronous clients.
Interface for customizing synchronous MCP client configurations.
Utility class that provides helper methods for working with Model Context Protocol (MCP) tools in a Spring AI environment.
Auto-configuration for MCP WebFlux Server Transport.
Auto-configuration for MCP WebMvc Server Transport.
The Media class represents the data and metadata of a media attachment in a message.
Builder class for Media.
Common media formats.
Utility class for merging ChatCompletions instances and their associated objects.
The Message interface represents a message that can be sent or received in a chat application.
Helper that for streaming chat responses, aggregate the chat response messages into a single AssistantMessage.
Memory is retrieved added as a collection of messages to the prompt
Converts a list of messages to a prompt for bedrock models.
Enumeration representing types of Messages in a chat application.
in favor of MethodToolCallback.
A ToolCallback implementation to invoke methods as tools.
A ToolCallbackProvider that builds ToolCallback instances from Tool-annotated methods.
Converts Filter.Expression into Milvus metadata filter expression format.
A specialized SearchRequest for Milvus vector search, extending the base request with Milvus-specific parameters.
Builder class for constructing instances of MilvusSearchRequest.
Connection details for a Milvus service client.
Parameters for Milvus client connection.
Milvus implementation of the VectorStore interface.
Auto-configuration for Milvus Vector Store.
Configuration properties for Milvus Vector Store.
Gemini supports the following MIME types: image/gif image/png image/jpeg video/mov video/mpeg video/mp4 video/mpg video/avi video/wmv video/mpegps video/flv
Single class implementation of the MiniMax Chat Completion API and MiniMax Embedding API.
Represents a chat completion response returned by model, based on the provided input.
Chat completion choice.
Represents a streamed chunk of a chat completion response returned by model, based on the provided input.
Chat completion choice.
The reason the model stopped generating tokens.
Message comprising the conversation.
The function definition.
An array of content parts with a defined type.
The image content of the message.
The role of the author of this message.
The relevant tool call.
Creates a model response for the given chat conversation.
An object specifying the format that the model must output.
Helper factory that creates a tool_choice of type 'none', 'auto' or selected function by name.
MiniMax Chat Completion Models: MiniMax Model.
List of multiple embedding responses.
MiniMax Embeddings Models: Embeddings.
Creates an embedding vector representing the input text.
MiniMax Embeddings Types
Represents a tool the model may call.
Function definition.
Create a tool of type 'function' and the given function definition.
Log probability information for the choice.
Message content tokens with log probability information.
The most likely tokens and their log probability, at this token position.
Usage statistics for the completion request.
Common value constants for MiniMax api.
Auto-configuration for MiniMax Chat and Embedding Models.
ChatModel and StreamingChatModel implementation for MiniMax backed by MiniMaxApi.
MiniMaxChatOptions represents the options for performing chat completion using the MiniMax API.
Configuration properties for MiniMax chat model.
MiniMax Embedding Model implementation.
This class represents the options for MiniMax embedding.
Configuration properties for MiniMax embedding model.
The MiniMaxRuntimeHints class is responsible for registering runtime hints for MiniMax API classes.
Helper class to support Streaming function calling.
Single-class, Java Client library for Mistral AI platform.
Represents a chat completion response returned by model, based on the provided input.
Chat completion choice.
Represents a streamed chunk of a chat completion response returned by model, based on the provided input.
Chat completion choice.
The reason the model stopped generating tokens.
Message comprising the conversation.
The function definition.
An array of content parts with a defined type.
Shortcut constructor for an image content.
The role of the author of this message.
The relevant tool call.
Creates a model request for chat conversation.
An object specifying the format that the model must output.
Specifies a tool the model should use.
List of well-known Mistral chat models.
Represents an embedding vector returned by embedding endpoint.
List of multiple embedding responses.
List of well-known Mistral embedding models.
Creates an embedding vector representing the input text.
Represents a tool the model may call.
Function definition.
Create a tool of type 'function' and the given function definition.
Log probability information for the choice.
Message content tokens with log probability information.
The most likely tokens and their log probability, at this token position.
Usage statistics.
Auto-configuration for Mistral AI.
An implementation of BindingsPropertiesProcessor that detects Bindings of type: "mistralai".
Represents a Mistral AI Chat Model.
Options for the Mistral AI Chat API.
Configuration properties for Mistral AI chat.
Common properties for Mistral AI.
Provides the Mistral AI Embedding Model.
Options for the Mistral AI Embedding API.
Configuration properties for MistralAI embedding model.
Parent properties for Mistral AI.
The MistralAiRuntimeHints class is responsible for registering runtime hints for Mistral AI API classes.
Helper class to support Streaming function calling.
Model<TReq extends ModelRequest<?>,TRes extends ModelResponse<?>>
The Model interface provides a generic API for invoking AI models.
Describes an AI model's basic characteristics.
Options for managing models in Ollama.
Context used when sending a request to a machine learning model and waiting for a response from the model provider.
Interface representing the customizable options for AI model interactions.
Utility class for manipulating ModelOptions objects.
Interface representing a request to an AI model.
Interface representing the response received from an AI model.
This interface provides methods to access the main output of the AI model and the metadata associated with this result.
Generate metrics about the model usage in the context of an AI operation.
The Moderation class represents the result of a moderation process.
An interface that represents metadata associated with the results of a moderation generation process.
Represents a single message intended for moderation, encapsulating the text content.
The ModerationModel interface defines a generic AI model for moderation.
Represents the options for moderation.
A builder class for creating instances of ModerationOptions.
Represents a prompt for moderation containing a single message and the options for the moderation model.
Represents a response from a moderation process, encapsulating the moderation metadata and the generated content.
Defines the metadata associated with a moderation response, extending a base response interface.
Represents the result of a moderation process, indicating whether content was flagged, the categories of moderation, and detailed scores for each category.
Converts Filter.Expression into MongoDB Atlas metadata filter expression format.
MongoDB Atlas-based vector store implementation using the Atlas Vector Search.
The representation of Document along with its embedding.
Auto-configuration for MongoDB Atlas Vector Store.
Configuration properties for MongoDB Atlas Vector Store.
Single-class, Java Client library for Moonshot platform.
Represents a chat completion response returned by model, based on the provided input.
Chat completion choice.
Represents a streamed chunk of a chat completion response returned by model, based on the provided input.
Chat completion choice.
The reason the model stopped generating tokens.
Message comprising the conversation.
The function definition.
The role of the author of this message.
The relevant tool call.
Creates a model response for the given chat conversation.
Helper factory that creates a tool_choice of type 'none', 'auto' or selected function by name.
Moonshot Chat Completion Models: MOONSHOT_V1_8K - moonshot-v1-8k MOONSHOT_V1_32K - moonshot-v1-32k MOONSHOT_V1_128K - moonshot-v1-128k
Represents a tool the model may call.
Function definition.
Create a tool of type 'function' and the given function definition.
Usage statistics.
Auto-configuration for Moonshot Chat Model.
MoonshotChatModel is a ChatModel implementation that uses the Moonshot
Options for Moonshot chat completions.
Configuration properties for Moonshot chat client.
Parent properties for Moonshot.
Constants for Moonshot API.
Parent properties for Moonshot.
The MoonshotRuntimeHints class is responsible for registering runtime hints for Moonshot API classes.
Helper class to support Streaming function calling.
Uses a large language model to expand a query into multiple semantically diverse variations to capture different perspectives, useful for retrieving additional contextual information and increasing the chances of finding relevant results.
A named MCP client transport.
Converts Filter.Expression into Neo4j condition expression format.
Neo4j-based vector store implementation using Neo4j's vector search capabilities.
An enum to configure the distance function used in the Neo4j vector index.
Auto-configuration for Neo4j Vector Store.
Configuration properties for Neo4j Vector Store.
Root of the hierarchy of Model access exceptions that are considered non-transient - where a retry of the same operation would fail unless the cause of the Exception is corrected.
This implementation of ApiKey indicates that no API key should be used, e.g.
ChatModel implementation that uses the OCI GenAI Chat API.
Configuration properties for OCI Cohere chat model.
The configuration information for OCI chat requests.
Configuration properties for OCI connection.
EmbeddingModel implementation that uses the OCI GenAI Embedding API.
Configuration properties for OCI embedding model.
The configuration information for OCI embedding requests
Auto-configuration for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Generative AI.
Java Client for the Ollama API.
Chat request object.
Represents a tool the model may call.
Function definition.
Create a tool of type 'function' and the given function definition.
Ollama chat response object.
Generate embeddings from a model.
The response object returned from the /embedding endpoint.
Chat message object.
The role of the message in the conversation.
The relevant tool call.
The function definition.
Auto-configuration for Ollama Chat Client.
An implementation of BindingsPropertiesProcessor that detects Bindings of type: "ollama".
ChatModel implementation for Ollama.
Ollama Chat autoconfiguration properties.
Connection details for an Ollama service.
Ollama connection autoconfiguration properties.
EmbeddingModel implementation for Ollama.
Ollama Embedding autoconfiguration properties.
Ollama initialization configuration properties.
Helper class for common Ollama models.
Manage the lifecycle of models in Ollama.
Helper class for creating strongly-typed Ollama options.
The OllamaRuntimeHints class is responsible for registering runtime hints for Ollama AI API classes.
Single class implementation of the OpenAI Chat Completion API and OpenAI Embedding API.
Represents a chat completion response returned by model, based on the provided input.
Chat completion choice.
Represents a streamed chunk of a chat completion response returned by model, based on the provided input.
Chat completion choice.
The reason the model stopped generating tokens.
Message comprising the conversation.
Audio response from the model.
The function definition.
An array of content parts with a defined type.
Shortcut constructor for an image content.
The role of the author of this message.
The relevant tool call.
Creates a model response for the given chat conversation.
Parameters for audio output.
Specifies the output audio format.
Specifies the voice type.
Helper factory that creates a tool_choice of type 'none', 'auto' or selected function by name.
OpenAI Chat Completion Models.
Represents an embedding vector returned by embedding endpoint.
List of multiple embedding responses.
OpenAI Embeddings Models: Embeddings.
Creates an embedding vector representing the input text.
Represents a tool the model may call.
Function definition.
Create a tool of type 'function' and the given function definition.
Log probability information for the choice.
Message content tokens with log probability information.
The most likely tokens and their log probability, at this token position.
The type of modality for the model completion.
Usage statistics for the completion request.
Breakdown of tokens used in a completion.
Breakdown of tokens used in the prompt
Thrown on 4xx client errors, such as 401 - Incorrect API key provided, 401 - You must be a member of an organization to use the API, 429 - Rate limit reached for requests, 429 - You exceeded your current quota , please check your plan and billing details.
Common value constants for OpenAI api.
Enumeration of OpenAI API response headers.
Turn audio into text or text into audio.
Builder to construct OpenAiAudioApi instance.
Request to generates audio from the input text.
The format to audio in.
Builder for the SpeechRequest.
The voice to use for synthesis.
The Transcription Object represents a verbose json transcription response returned by model, based on the provided input.
Segment of the transcribed text and its corresponding details.
Extracted word and it corresponding timestamps.
Request to transcribe an audio file to text.
The format of the transcript and translation outputs, in one of these options: json, text, srt, verbose_json, or vtt.
Request to translate an audio file to English.
TTS is an AI model that converts text to natural sounding spoken text.
Whisper is a general-purpose speech recognition model.
OpenAI audio speech client implementation for backed by OpenAiAudioApi.
Options for OpenAI text to audio - speech synthesis.
Configuration properties for OpenAI audio speech.
Audio speech metadata implementation for OpenAI.
OpenAI audio transcription client implementation for backed by OpenAiAudioApi.
OpenAI Audio Transcription Options.
Audio transcription metadata implementation for OpenAI.
Auto-configuration for OpenAI.
An implementation of BindingsPropertiesProcessor that detects Bindings of type: "openai".
ChatModel and StreamingChatModel implementation for OpenAI backed by OpenAiApi.
Options for the OpenAI Chat API.
Open AI Embedding Model implementation.
OpenAI Embedding Options.
OpenAI Image API.
Builder to construct OpenAiImageApi instance.
OpenAI Image API model.
OpenAiImageModel is a class that implements the ImageModel interface.
OpenAI Image API options.
OpenAI Image autoconfiguration properties.
OpenAI Moderation API.
Builder to construct OpenAiModerationApi instance.
OpenAiModerationModel is a class that implements the ModerationModel interface.
OpenAI Moderation API options.
OpenAI Moderation autoconfiguration properties.
RateLimit implementation for OpenAI.
Utility used to extract known HTTP response headers for the OpenAI API.
The OpenAiRuntimeHints class is responsible for registering runtime hints for OpenAI API classes.
Helper class to support Streaming function calling.
A FilterExpressionConverter implementation for OpenSearch AI search filter expressions.
OpenSearch-based vector store implementation using OpenSearch's vector search capabilities.
Builder class for creating OpenSearchVectorStore instances.
The representation of Document along with its embedding.
Integration of Oracle database 23ai as a Vector Store.
Builder class for creating OracleVectorStore instances.
Auto-configuration for Oracle Vector Store.
Configuration properties for Oracle Vector Store.
Groups the parsed PDF pages into Documents.
The ParagraphManager class is responsible for managing the paragraphs and hierarchy of a PDF document.
Represents a document paragraph metadata and hierarchy.
Uses the PDF catalog (e.g.
Utility methods for String parsing.
Common configuration builder for the PagePdfDocumentReader and the ParagraphPdfDocumentReader.
Re-implement the PDFLayoutTextStripperByArea on top of the PDFLayoutTextStripper instead the original PDFTextStripper.
The PdfReaderRuntimeHints class is responsible for registering runtime hints for PDFBox resources.
Converts Filter.Expression into PgVector metadata filter expression format.
Validates the schema of a PostgreSQL table used as a PGVectorStore.
PostgreSQL-based vector store implementation using the pgvector extension.
Defaults to CosineDistance.
The ID type for the Pg vector store schema.
By default, pgvector performs exact nearest neighbor search, which provides perfect recall.
Auto-configuration for PostgreSQL Vector Store.
Configuration properties for PostgreSQL Vector Store.
Converts Filter.Expression into Pinecone metadata filter expression format.
A VectorStore implementation backed by Pinecone, a cloud-based vector database.
Builder class for creating PineconeVectorStore instances.
First step interface requiring API key configuration.
Final step interface requiring index name configuration.
Internal implementation of the step builder pattern using records for immutability.
Auto-configuration for Pinecone Vector Store.
Configuration properties for Pinecone Vector Store.
Auto-configuration class for PostgresMlEmbeddingModel.
PostgresML EmbeddingModel
PostgresML Embedding Options.
Configuration properties for Postgres ML.
Converts Filter.Expression into test string format.
The Prompt class represents a prompt used in AI model requests.
Assertion utility class that assists in validating arguments for prompt-related operations.
Memory is retrieved added into the prompt's system text.
Abstract Data Type (ADT) modeling metadata gathered by the AI during request processing.
Abstract Data Type (ADT) modeling filter metadata for all prompts sent during an AI request.
Strategy for pulling Ollama models.
Connection details for a Qdrant service client.
Qdrant vectorStore implementation.
Builder for creating instances of QdrantVectorStore.
Auto-configuration for Qdrant Vector Store.
Configuration properties for Qdrant Vector Store.
Represents an access token for the QianFan API.
Single class implementation of the QianFan Chat Completion API and Embedding API.
Represents a chat completion response returned by model, based on the provided input.
Represents a streamed chunk of a chat completion response returned by model, based on the provided input.
Message comprising the conversation.
The role of the author of this message.
Creates a model response for the given chat conversation.
An object specifying the format that the model must output.
QianFan Chat Completion Models: QianFan Model.
Represents an embedding vector returned by embedding endpoint.
List of multiple embedding responses.
QianFan Embeddings Models: Embeddings.
Creates an embedding vector representing the input text.
Usage statistics for the completion request.
QianFanAuthenticator is a class that authenticates and requests access token for the QianFan API.
Auto-configuration for QianFan Chat, Embedding, and Image Models.
ChatModel and StreamingChatModel implementation for QianFan backed by QianFanApi.
QianFanChatOptions represents the options for performing chat completion using the QianFan API.
Configuration properties for QianFan chat model.
The ApiUtils class provides utility methods for working with API requests and responses.
QianFan Embedding Client implementation.
This class represents the options for QianFan embedding.
Configuration properties for QianFan embedding model.
QianFan Image API.
QianFan Image API model.
QianFanImageModel is a class that implements the ImageModel interface.
QianFan Image API options.
QianFan Image autoconfiguration properties.
The QianFanRuntimeHints class is responsible for registering runtime hints for QianFan API classes.
Represents a query in the context of a Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) flow.
A component for augmenting an input query with additional data, useful to provide a large language model with the necessary context to answer the user query.
A component for expanding the input query into a list of queries, addressing challenges such as poorly formed queries by providing alternative query formulations, or by breaking down complex problems into simpler sub-queries.
A component for transforming the input query to make it more effective for retrieval tasks, addressing challenges such as poorly formed queries, ambiguous terms, complex vocabulary, or unsupported languages.
Context for the question is retrieved from a Vector Store and added to the prompt's user text.
A random ID generator that returns a UUID.
Abstract Data Type (ADT) encapsulating metadata from an AI provider's API rate limits granted to the API key in use and the API key's current balance.
Converts Filter.Expression into Redis search filter expression format.
Redis-based vector store implementation using Redis Stack with RediSearch and RedisJSON.
Auto-configuration for Redis Vector Store.
Configuration properties for Redis Vector Store.
Service that helps caching remote Resources on the local file system.
Miscellaneous Resource utility methods.
Represents a Model response that includes the entire response along withe specified response entity type.
An object specifying the format that the model must output.
JSON schema object that describes the format of the JSON object.
Interface representing metadata associated with an AI model's response.
Interface representing metadata associated with the results of an AI model.
Advisor that implements common Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) flows using the building blocks defined in the package and following the Modular RAG Architecture.
RetryUtils is a utility class for configuring and handling retry operations.
Uses a large language model to rewrite a user query to provide better results when querying a target system, such as a vector store or a web search engine.
A CallAroundAdvisor and StreamAroundAdvisor that filters out the response if the user input contains any of the sensitive words.
The type of schema to generate for a given Java type.
Utility class for working with Cassandra schema.
Similarity search request.
SearchRequest Builder.
OCI serving mode.
Helper class to load the OCI Gen AI ServingMode max_inner_product is currently not supported because the distance value is not normalized and would not comply with the requirement of being between 0 and 1
A simple implementation of ApiKey that holds an immutable API key value.
A simple logger advisor that logs the request and response messages.
SimpleVectorStore is a simple implementation of the VectorStore interface.
An immutable Content implementation representing content, metadata, and its embeddings.
Converts Filter.Expression into SpEL metadata filter expression format.
The Speech class represents the result of speech synthesis from an AI model.
The SpeechMessage class represents a single text message to be converted to speech by the OpenAI TTS API.
The SpeechModel interface provides a way to interact with the OpenAI Text-to-Speech (TTS) API.
The SpeechPrompt class represents a request to the OpenAI Text-to-Speech (TTS) API.
Creates a new instance of SpeechResponse with the given speech result.
Types of Spring AI constructs which can be observed.
Auto-configuration for AI Retry.
Properties for AI Retry.
Exponential Backoff properties.
JSON Schema Generator Module for Spring AI.
Options for customizing the behavior of the module.
A Spring ApplicationContext-based implementation that provides a way to retrieve a bean from the Spring context and wrap it into a ToolCallback.
Converts a Filter into a JSON Path expression.
Auto-configuration for Server-Sent Events (SSE) HTTP client transport in the Model Context Protocol (MCP).
Auto-configuration for WebFlux-based Server-Sent Events (SSE) client transport in the Model Context Protocol (MCP).
Represents the StabilityAI API.
Auto-configuration for StabilityAI Image Model.
Represents metadata associated with the image generation process in the StabilityAI framework.
StabilityAiImageModel is a class that implements the ImageModel interface.
StabilityAiImageOptions is an interface that extends ImageOptions.
Configuration properties for Stability AI image model.
A simple implementation of ToolCallbackProvider that maintains a static array of FunctionCallback objects.
A ToolCallbackResolver that resolves tool callbacks from a static registry.
Auto-configuration for Standard Input/Output (stdio) transport in the Model Context Protocol (MCP).
Around advisor that runs around stream based requests.
The StreamAroundAdvisorChain is used to delegate the call to the next StreamAroundAdvisor in the chain.
Helper class to support streaming function calling.
The StreamingModel interface provides a generic API for invoking an AI models with streaming response.
The StreamingSpeechModel interface provides a way to interact with the OpenAI Text-to-Speech (TTS) API using a streaming approach, allowing you to receive the generated audio in a real-time fashion.
Converts the (raw) LLM output into a structured responses of type.
Enum representing different styles for images.
Title extractor with adjacent sharing that uses generative to extract 'section_summary', 'prev_section_summary', 'next_section_summary' metadata fields.
Implementation of ToolCallback that adapts MCP tools to Spring AI's tool interface.
Implementation of ToolCallbackProvider that discovers and provides MCP tools from one or more MCP servers.
A message of the type 'system' passed as input.
An implementation of BindingsPropertiesProcessor that detects Bindings of type: "genai".
A DocumentReader that reads text from a Resource.
A document reader that leverages Apache Tika to extract text from a variety of document formats, such as PDF, DOC/DOCX, PPT/PPTX, and HTML.
Java client for the Bedrock Titan Embedding model.
Titan Embedding model ids.
Titan Embedding request parameters.
TitanEmbeddingRequest builder.
Titan Embedding response.
Token count based strategy implementation for BatchingStrategy.
Estimates the number of tokens in a given text or message.
A TextSplitter that splits text into chunks of a target size in tokens.
Marks a method as a tool in Spring AI.
Represents a tool whose execution can be triggered by an AI model.
Provides ToolCallback instances for tools defined in different sources.
A resolver for ToolCallback instances.
Provides ToolCallback instances for tools defined in different sources.
Auto-configuration for common tool calling features of ChatModel.
A set of options that can be used to configure the interaction with a chat model, including tool calling.
A builder to create a ToolCallingChatOptions instance.
Service responsible for managing the tool calling process for a chat model.
A functional interface to convert tool call results to a String that can be sent back to the AI model.
Represents the context for tool execution in a function calling scenario.
Definition used by the AI model to determine when and how to call the tool.
An exception thrown when a tool execution fails.
A functional interface to process a ToolExecutionException by either converting the error message to a String that can be sent back to the AI model or throwing an exception to be handled by the caller.
The result of a tool execution.
Metadata about a tool specification and execution.
Marks a tool argument.
The ToolResponseMessage class represents a message with a function content in a chat application.
Registers runtime hints for the tool calling APIs.
Miscellaneous tool utility methods.
Utilities to prepare and process traces for observability.
An implementation of the AbstractEmbeddingModel that uses ONNX-based Transformer models for text embeddings.
Auto-configuration for Transformers Embedding Model.
Configuration properties for the Transformer Embedding model.
Configurations for the HuggingFaceTokenizer used to convert sentences into tokens.
Root of the hierarchy of Model access exceptions that are considered transient - where a previously failed operation might be able to succeed when the operation is retried without any intervention by application-level functionality.
Uses a large language model to translate a query to a target language that is supported by the embedding model used to generate the document embeddings.
A utility class that provides methods for resolving types and classes related to functions.
Connection details for a Typesense service client.
DockerComposeConnectionDetailsFactory for TypesenseConnectionDetails.
Converts Filter.Expression into Typesense metadata filter expression format.
Configuration properties for Typesense service client.
A vector store implementation that uses Typesense as the backend.
Auto-configuration for Typesense Vector Store.
Configuration properties for Typesense Vector Store.
Utility class for detecting and normalizing URLs.
Abstract Data Type (ADT) encapsulating metadata on the usage of an AI provider's API per AI request.
An utility class to provide support methods handling Usage.
A message of the type 'user' passed as input Messages with the user role are from the end-user or developer.
The VectorStore interface defines the operations for managing and querying documents in a vector database.
Builder interface for creating VectorStore instances.
Memory is retrieved from a VectorStore added into the prompt's system text.
Retrieves documents from a vector store that are semantically similar to the input query.
Collection of attribute keys used in vector store observations (spans, metrics, events).
Auto-configuration for Spring AI vector store observations.
Utilities to process the query content in observations for vector store operations.
Context used to store metadata for vector store operations.
A ObservationConvention for VectorStoreObservationContext.
Documented conventions for vector store observations.
High-cardinality observation key names for vector store operations.
Low-cardinality observation key names for vector store operations.
Collection of event names used in vector store observations.
Configuration properties for vector store observations.
Collection of systems providing vector store functionality.
An ObservationFilter to include the Vector Store search response content in the observation.
Handler for including the query response content in the observation as a span event.
Types of similarity metrics used in vector store operations.
Auto-configuration for Vertex AI Gemini Chat.
VertexAiEmbeddingConnectionDetails represents the details of a connection to the Vertex AI embedding service.
Configuration properties for Vertex AI Embedding.
Utility class for constructing parameter objects for Vertex AI embedding requests.
Auto-configuration for Vertex AI Gemini Chat.
Vertex AI Gemini Chat Model implementation that provides access to Google's Gemini language models.
Options for the Vertex AI Gemini Chat API.
Configuration properties for Vertex AI Gemini Chat.
Configuration properties for Vertex AI Gemini Chat.
Constants for Vertex AI Gemini.
The VertexAiGeminiRuntimeHints class is responsible for registering runtime hints for Vertex AI Gemini API classes.
Enum representing methods for evaluating harmful content.
Enum representing different threshold levels for blocking harmful content.
Enum representing different categories of harmful content.
Implementation of the Vertex AI Multimodal Embedding Model.
VertexAI Embedding Models: - Text embeddings - Multimodal embeddings
Class representing the options for Vertex AI Multimodal Embedding.
Configuration properties for Vertex AI Gemini Chat.
A class representing a Vertex AI Text Embedding Model.
VertexAI Embedding Models: - Text embeddings - Multimodal embeddings
Options for the Vertex AI Text Embedding service.
Configuration properties for Vertex AI Gemini Chat.
Implementation of ToolCallingManager specifically designed for Vertex AI Gemini.
Java Client for the API. autoconfiguration class.
ChatModel implementation for
Helper class for creating options.
Chat properties for Watsonx.AI Chat.
Java class for Chat Request object.
Java class for Chat Response object.
Java class for Chat Results object. connection autoconfiguration properties.
EmbeddingModel implementation for
The configuration information for the embedding requests. Embedding autoconfiguration properties.
Java class for Embedding Request object.
Java class for Embedding Response object.
Java class for Embedding Results object.
The WatsonxAiRuntimeHints class is responsible for registering runtime hints for Watsonx AI API classes.
An implementation of BindingsPropertiesProcessor that detects Bindings of type: "weaviate".
Converts Filter.Expression into Weaviate metadata filter expression format.
A vector store implementation that stores and retrieves vectors in a Weaviate database.
Defines the consistency levels for Weaviate operations.
Represents a metadata field configuration for Weaviate vector store.
Defines the supported types for metadata fields.
Auto-configuration for Weaviate Vector Store.
Configuration properties for Weaviate Vector Store.
Single class implementation of the ZhiPuAI Chat Completion API and ZhiPuAI Embedding API.
Represents a chat completion response returned by model, based on the provided input.
Chat completion choice.
Represents a streamed chunk of a chat completion response returned by model, based on the provided input.
Chat completion choice.
The reason the model stopped generating tokens.
Message comprising the conversation.
The function definition.
An array of content parts with a defined type.
The image content of the message.
The role of the author of this message.
The relevant tool call.
Creates a model response for the given chat conversation.
An object specifying the format that the model must output.
Helper factory that creates a tool_choice of type 'none', 'auto' or selected function by name.
ZhiPuAI Chat Completion Models: ZhiPuAI Model.
Represents an embedding vector returned by embedding endpoint.
List of multiple embedding responses.
ZhiPuAI Embeddings Models: Embeddings.
Creates an embedding vector representing the input text.
Represents a tool the model may call.
Function definition.
Create a tool of type 'function' and the given function definition.
Log probability information for the choice.
Message content tokens with log probability information.
The most likely tokens and their log probability, at this token position.
Usage statistics for the completion request.
Auto-configuration for ZhiPuAI.
ChatModel and StreamingChatModel implementation for ZhiPuAI backed by ZhiPuAiApi.
ZhiPuAiChatOptions represents the options for the ZhiPuAiChat model.
Configuration properties for ZhiPuAI chat model.
ZhiPuAI Embedding Model implementation.
The ZhiPuAiEmbeddingOptions class represents the options for ZhiPuAI embedding.
Configuration properties for ZhiPuAI embedding model.
ZhiPuAI Image API.
ZhiPuAI Image API model.
ZhiPuAiImageModel is a class that implements the ImageModel interface.
ZhiPuAiImageOptions represents the options for image generation using ZhiPuAI image model.
Configuration properties for ZhiPuAI chat model.
The ZhiPuAiRuntimeHints class is responsible for registering runtime hints for ZhiPu AI API classes.
Helper class to support Streaming function calling.
Common value constants for ZhiPu api.