Interface ApiKey

All Known Implementing Classes:
NoopApiKey, SimpleApiKey

public interface ApiKey
Some model providers API leverage short-lived api keys which must be renewed at regular intervals using another credential. For example, a GCP service account can be exchanged for an api key to call Vertex AI. Model clients use the ApiKey interface to get an api key before they make any request to the model provider. Implementations of this interface can cache the api key and perform a key refresh when it is required.
Adib Saikali
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns an api key to use for a making request.
  • Method Details

    • getValue

      String getValue()
      Returns an api key to use for a making request. Users of this method should NOT cache the returned api key, instead call this method whenever you need an api key. Implementors of this method MUST ensure that the returned key is not expired.
      the current value of the api key