Class StaticToolCallbackProvider

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class StaticToolCallbackProvider extends Object implements ToolCallbackProvider
A simple implementation of ToolCallbackProvider that maintains a static array of FunctionCallback objects. This provider is immutable after construction and provides a straightforward way to supply a fixed set of tool callbacks to AI models.

This implementation is thread-safe as it maintains an immutable array of callbacks that is set during construction and cannot be modified afterwards.

Example usage:

 FunctionCallback callback1 = new MyFunctionCallback();
 FunctionCallback callback2 = new AnotherFunctionCallback();

 // Create provider with varargs constructor
 ToolCallbackProvider provider1 = new StaticToolCallbackProvider(callback1, callback2);

 // Or create provider with List constructor
 List<FunctionCallback> callbacks = Arrays.asList(callback1, callback2);
 ToolCallbackProvider provider2 = new StaticToolCallbackProvider(callbacks);
Christian Tzolov
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • StaticToolCallbackProvider

      public StaticToolCallbackProvider(FunctionCallback... toolCallbacks)
      Constructs a new StaticToolCallbackProvider with the specified array of function callbacks.
      toolCallbacks - the array of function callbacks to be provided by this provider. Must not be null, though an empty array is permitted.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the toolCallbacks array is null
    • StaticToolCallbackProvider

      public StaticToolCallbackProvider(List<? extends FunctionCallback> toolCallbacks)
      Constructs a new StaticToolCallbackProvider with the specified list of function callbacks. The list is converted to an array internally.
      toolCallbacks - the list of function callbacks to be provided by this provider. Must not be null and must not contain null elements.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the toolCallbacks list is null or contains null elements
  • Method Details

    • getToolCallbacks

      public FunctionCallback[] getToolCallbacks()
      Returns the array of function callbacks held by this provider.
      Specified by:
      getToolCallbacks in interface ToolCallbackProvider
      an array containing all function callbacks provided during construction. The returned array is a direct reference to the internal array, as the callbacks are expected to be immutable.