Interface FunctionCallingOptions

All Known Implementing Classes:
AzureOpenAiChatOptions, FunctionCallingOptionsBuilder.PortableFunctionCallingOptions, MistralAiChatOptions, OpenAiChatOptions, VertexAiGeminiChatOptions

public interface FunctionCallingOptions
Christian Tzolov
  • Method Details

    • getFunctionCallbacks

      List<FunctionCallback> getFunctionCallbacks()
      Function Callbacks to be registered with the ChatClient. For Prompt Options the functionCallbacks are automatically enabled for the duration of the prompt execution. For Default Options the FunctionCallbacks are registered but disabled by default. You have to use "functions" property to list the function names from the ChatClient registry to be used in the chat completion requests.
      Return the Function Callbacks to be registered with the ChatClient.
    • setFunctionCallbacks

      void setFunctionCallbacks(List<FunctionCallback> functionCallbacks)
      Set the Function Callbacks to be registered with the ChatClient.
      functionCallbacks - the Function Callbacks to be registered with the ChatClient.
    • getFunctions

      Set<String> getFunctions()
      List of function names from the ChatClient registry to be used in the next chat completion requests.
    • setFunctions

      void setFunctions(Set<String> functions)
      Set the list of function names from the ChatClient registry to be used in the next chat completion requests.
      functions - the list of function names from the ChatClient registry to be used in the next chat completion requests.
    • builder

      Returns FunctionCallingOptionsBuilder to create a new instance of FunctionCallingOptions.