Spring AMQP - Reference Documentation


Mark Pollack , Mark Fisher , Oleg Zhurakousky , Dave Syer , Gary Russell , Gunnar Hillert


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Table of Contents

I. Introduction
1. Quick Tour for the impatient
1.1. Introduction
1.1.1. Very, Very Quick
1.1.2. With XML Configuration
1.1.3. With Java Configuration
2. What's New
2.1. Changes in 1.3 Since 1.2
2.1.1. Listener Concurrency
2.1.2. Listener Queues
2.1.3. Consumer Priority
2.1.4. Exclusive Consumer
2.1.5. Rabbit Admin
2.1.6. Direct Exchange Binding
2.1.7. AMQP Template
2.1.8. Caching Connection Factory
2.1.9. Binding Arguments
2.1.10. Routing Connection Factory
2.1.11. MessageBuilder and MessagePropertiesBuilder
2.1.12. RetryInterceptorBuilder
2.1.13. RepublishMessageRecoverer
2.2. Changes to 1.2 Since 1.1
2.2.1. RabbitMQ Version
2.2.2. Rabbit Admin
2.2.3. Rabbit Template
2.2.4. JSON Message Converters
2.2.5. Automatic Declaration of Queues, etc
2.2.6. AMQP Remoting
2.2.7. Requested Heart Beats
2.3. Changes to 1.1 Since 1.0
2.3.1. General
2.3.2. AMQP Log4j Appender
II. Reference
3. Using Spring AMQP
3.1. AMQP Abstractions
3.2. Connection and Resource Management
3.2.1. Configuring the Underlying Client Connection Factory
3.2.2. Routing Connection Factory
3.2.3. Publisher Confirms and Returns
3.3. AmqpTemplate
3.3.1. Adding Retry Capabilities
3.3.2. Publisher Confirms and Returns
3.4. Sending messages
3.4.1. Message Builder API
3.4.2. Publisher Confirms
3.4.3. Publisher Returns
3.5. Receiving messages
3.5.1. Synchronous Consumer
3.5.2. Asynchronous Consumer
3.6. Message Converters
3.7. Request/Reply Messaging
3.7.1. Message Correlation With A Reply Queue
Reply Listener Container
3.7.2. Spring Remoting with AMQP
3.8. Configuring the broker
3.8.1. Conditional Declaration
3.9. Exception Handling
3.10. Transactions
3.10.1. A note on Rollback of Received Messages
3.10.2. Using the RabbitTransactionManager
3.11. Message Listener Container Configuration
3.12. Listener Concurrency
3.13. Exclusive Consumer
3.14. Listener Container Queues
3.15. Resilience: Recovering from Errors and Broker Failures
3.15.1. Automatic Declaration of Exchanges, Queues and Bindings
3.15.2. Failures in Synchronous Operations and Options for Retry
3.15.3. Message Listeners and the Asynchronous Case
3.15.4. Exception Classification for Retry
3.16. Debugging
4. Erlang integration
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Communicating with Erlang processes
4.2.1. Executing RPC
4.2.2. ErlangConverter
4.3. Exceptions
5. Sample Applications
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Hello World
5.2.1. Synchronous Example
5.2.2. Asynchronous Example
5.3. Stock Trading
III. Spring Integration - Reference
6. Spring Integration AMQP Support
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Inbound Channel Adapter
6.3. Outbound Channel Adapter
6.4. Inbound Gateway
6.5. Outbound Gateway
IV. Other Resources
7. Further Reading