Class RepublishMessageRecovererWithConfirms

    • Constructor Detail

      • RepublishMessageRecovererWithConfirms

        public RepublishMessageRecovererWithConfirms​(RabbitTemplate errorTemplate,
                                                     CachingConnectionFactory.ConfirmType confirmType)
        Use the supplied template to publish the messsage with the provided confirm type. The template and its connection factory must be suitably configured to support the confirm type.
        errorTemplate - the template.
        confirmType - the confirmType.
      • RepublishMessageRecovererWithConfirms

        public RepublishMessageRecovererWithConfirms​(RabbitTemplate errorTemplate,
                                                     String errorExchange,
                                                     CachingConnectionFactory.ConfirmType confirmType)
        Use the supplied template to publish the messsage with the provided confirm type to the provided exchange with the default routing key. The template and its connection factory must be suitably configured to support the confirm type.
        errorTemplate - the template.
        confirmType - the confirmType.
        errorExchange - the exchange.
      • RepublishMessageRecovererWithConfirms

        public RepublishMessageRecovererWithConfirms​(RabbitTemplate errorTemplate,
                                                     String errorExchange,
                                                     String errorRoutingKey,
                                                     CachingConnectionFactory.ConfirmType confirmType)
        Use the supplied template to publish the messsage with the provided confirm type to the provided exchange with the provided routing key. The template and its connection factory must be suitably configured to support the confirm type.
        errorTemplate - the template.
        confirmType - the confirmType.
        errorExchange - the exchange.
        errorRoutingKey - the routing key.
    • Method Detail

      • setConfirmTimeout

        public void setConfirmTimeout​(long confirmTimeout)
        Set the confirm timeout; default 10 seconds.
        confirmTimeout - the timeout.