Interface AsyncAmqpTemplate

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface AsyncAmqpTemplate
    Classes implementing this interface can perform asynchronous send and receive operations.
    Gary Russell
    • Method Detail

      • sendAndReceive

        ListenableFuture<Message> sendAndReceive​(Message message)
        Send a message to the default exchange with the default routing key. If the message contains a correlationId property, it must be unique.
        message - the message.
        the ListenableFuture.
      • sendAndReceive

        ListenableFuture<Message> sendAndReceive​(java.lang.String routingKey,
                                                 Message message)
        Send a message to the default exchange with the supplied routing key. If the message contains a correlationId property, it must be unique.
        routingKey - the routing key.
        message - the message.
        the ListenableFuture.
      • sendAndReceive

        ListenableFuture<Message> sendAndReceive​(java.lang.String exchange,
                                                 java.lang.String routingKey,
                                                 Message message)
        Send a message to the supplied exchange and routing key. If the message contains a correlationId property, it must be unique.
        exchange - the exchange.
        routingKey - the routing key.
        message - the message.
        the ListenableFuture.
      • convertSendAndReceive

        <C> ListenableFuture<C> convertSendAndReceive​(java.lang.Object object)
        Convert the object to a message and send it to the default exchange with the default routing key.
        Type Parameters:
        C - the expected result type.
        object - the object to convert.
        the ListenableFuture.
      • convertSendAndReceive

        <C> ListenableFuture<C> convertSendAndReceive​(java.lang.String routingKey,
                                                      java.lang.Object object)
        Convert the object to a message and send it to the default exchange with the provided routing key.
        Type Parameters:
        C - the expected result type.
        routingKey - the routing key.
        object - the object to convert.
        the ListenableFuture.
      • convertSendAndReceive

        <C> ListenableFuture<C> convertSendAndReceive​(java.lang.String exchange,
                                                      java.lang.String routingKey,
                                                      java.lang.Object object)
        Convert the object to a message and send it to the provided exchange and routing key.
        Type Parameters:
        C - the expected result type.
        exchange - the exchange.
        routingKey - the routing key.
        object - the object to convert.
        the ListenableFuture.
      • convertSendAndReceive

        <C> ListenableFuture<C> convertSendAndReceive​(java.lang.Object object,
                                                      MessagePostProcessor messagePostProcessor)
        Convert the object to a message and send it to the default exchange with the default routing key after invoking the MessagePostProcessor. If the post processor adds a correlationId property, it must be unique.
        Type Parameters:
        C - the expected result type.
        object - the object to convert.
        messagePostProcessor - the post processor.
        the ListenableFuture.
      • convertSendAndReceive

        <C> ListenableFuture<C> convertSendAndReceive​(java.lang.String routingKey,
                                                      java.lang.Object object,
                                                      MessagePostProcessor messagePostProcessor)
        Convert the object to a message and send it to the default exchange with the provided routing key after invoking the MessagePostProcessor. If the post processor adds a correlationId property, it must be unique.
        Type Parameters:
        C - the expected result type.
        routingKey - the routing key.
        object - the object to convert.
        messagePostProcessor - the post processor.
        the ListenableFuture.
      • convertSendAndReceive

        <C> ListenableFuture<C> convertSendAndReceive​(java.lang.String exchange,
                                                      java.lang.String routingKey,
                                                      java.lang.Object object,
                                                      MessagePostProcessor messagePostProcessor)
        Convert the object to a message and send it to the provided exchange and routing key after invoking the MessagePostProcessor. If the post processor adds a correlationId property, it must be unique.
        Type Parameters:
        C - the expected result type.
        exchange - the exchange
        routingKey - the routing key.
        object - the object to convert.
        messagePostProcessor - the post processor.
        the ListenableFuture.
      • convertSendAndReceiveAsType

        <C> ListenableFuture<C> convertSendAndReceiveAsType​(java.lang.Object object,
                                                            ParameterizedTypeReference<C> responseType)
        Convert the object to a message and send it to the default exchange with the default routing key.
        Type Parameters:
        C - the expected result type.
        object - the object to convert.
        responseType - the response type.
        the ListenableFuture.
      • convertSendAndReceiveAsType

        <C> ListenableFuture<C> convertSendAndReceiveAsType​(java.lang.String routingKey,
                                                            java.lang.Object object,
                                                            ParameterizedTypeReference<C> responseType)
        Convert the object to a message and send it to the default exchange with the provided routing key.
        Type Parameters:
        C - the expected result type.
        routingKey - the routing key.
        object - the object to convert.
        responseType - the response type.
        the ListenableFuture.
      • convertSendAndReceiveAsType

        <C> ListenableFuture<C> convertSendAndReceiveAsType​(java.lang.String exchange,
                                                            java.lang.String routingKey,
                                                            java.lang.Object object,
                                                            ParameterizedTypeReference<C> responseType)
        Convert the object to a message and send it to the provided exchange and routing key.
        Type Parameters:
        C - the expected result type.
        exchange - the exchange.
        routingKey - the routing key.
        object - the object to convert.
        responseType - the response type.
        the ListenableFuture.
      • convertSendAndReceiveAsType

        <C> ListenableFuture<C> convertSendAndReceiveAsType​(java.lang.Object object,
                                                            MessagePostProcessor messagePostProcessor,
                                                            ParameterizedTypeReference<C> responseType)
        Convert the object to a message and send it to the default exchange with the default routing key after invoking the MessagePostProcessor. If the post processor adds a correlationId property, it must be unique.
        Type Parameters:
        C - the expected result type.
        object - the object to convert.
        messagePostProcessor - the post processor.
        responseType - the response type.
        the ListenableFuture.
      • convertSendAndReceiveAsType

        <C> ListenableFuture<C> convertSendAndReceiveAsType​(java.lang.String routingKey,
                                                            java.lang.Object object,
                                                            MessagePostProcessor messagePostProcessor,
                                                            ParameterizedTypeReference<C> responseType)
        Convert the object to a message and send it to the default exchange with the provided routing key after invoking the MessagePostProcessor. If the post processor adds a correlationId property, it must be unique.
        Type Parameters:
        C - the expected result type.
        routingKey - the routing key.
        object - the object to convert.
        messagePostProcessor - the post processor.
        responseType - the response type.
        the ListenableFuture.
      • convertSendAndReceiveAsType

        <C> ListenableFuture<C> convertSendAndReceiveAsType​(java.lang.String exchange,
                                                            java.lang.String routingKey,
                                                            java.lang.Object object,
                                                            MessagePostProcessor messagePostProcessor,
                                                            ParameterizedTypeReference<C> responseType)
        Convert the object to a message and send it to the provided exchange and routing key after invoking the MessagePostProcessor. If the post processor adds a correlationId property, it must be unique.
        Type Parameters:
        C - the expected result type.
        exchange - the exchange
        routingKey - the routing key.
        object - the object to convert.
        messagePostProcessor - the post processor.
        responseType - the response type.
        the ListenableFuture.