Class RabbitTemplate

    • Constructor Detail

      • RabbitTemplate

        public RabbitTemplate()
        Convenient constructor for use with setter injection. Don't forget to set the connection factory.
      • RabbitTemplate

        public RabbitTemplate​(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
        Create a rabbit template with default strategies and settings.
        connectionFactory - the connection factory to use
    • Method Detail

      • initDefaultStrategies

        protected void initDefaultStrategies()
        Set up the default strategies. Subclasses can override if necessary.
      • setExchange

        public void setExchange​(@Nullable
                                String exchange)
        The name of the default exchange to use for send operations when none is specified. Defaults to "" which is the default exchange in the broker (per the AMQP specification).
        exchange - the exchange name to use for send operations
      • getExchange

        public String getExchange()
        the name of the default exchange used by this template.
      • setRoutingKey

        public void setRoutingKey​(String routingKey)
        The value of a default routing key to use for send operations when none is specified. Default is empty which is not helpful when using the default (or any direct) exchange, but fine if the exchange is a headers exchange for instance.
        routingKey - the default routing key to use for send operations
      • getRoutingKey

        public String getRoutingKey()
        the default routing key used by this template.
      • setDefaultReceiveQueue

        public void setDefaultReceiveQueue​(String queue)
        The name of the default queue to receive messages from when none is specified explicitly.
        queue - the default queue name to use for receive
      • getDefaultReceiveQueue

        public String getDefaultReceiveQueue()
        Return the configured default receive queue.
        the queue or null if not configured.
      • setEncoding

        public void setEncoding​(String encoding)
        The encoding to use when converting between byte arrays and Strings in message properties.
        encoding - the encoding to set
      • getEncoding

        public String getEncoding()
        The encoding used when converting between byte arrays and Strings in message properties.
        the encoding.
      • setReplyAddress

        public void setReplyAddress​(String replyAddress)
        An address for replies; if not provided, a temporary exclusive, auto-delete queue will be used for each reply, unless RabbitMQ supports 'amq.rabbitmq.reply-to' - see

        The address can be a simple queue name (in which case the reply will be routed via the default exchange), or with the form exchange/routingKey to route the reply using an explicit exchange and routing key.

        replyAddress - the replyAddress to set
      • setReceiveTimeout

        public void setReceiveTimeout​(long receiveTimeout)
        Specify the receive timeout in milliseconds when using receive() methods (for sendAndReceive() methods, refer to replyTimeout. By default, the value is zero, which means the receive() methods will return null immediately if there is no message available. Set to less than zero to wait for a message indefinitely.
        receiveTimeout - the timeout.
      • setReplyTimeout

        public void setReplyTimeout​(long replyTimeout)
        Specify the timeout in milliseconds to be used when waiting for a reply Message when using one of the sendAndReceive methods. The default value is defined as DEFAULT_REPLY_TIMEOUT. A negative value indicates an indefinite timeout. Not used in the plain receive methods because there is no blocking receive operation defined in the protocol.
        replyTimeout - the reply timeout in milliseconds
        See Also:
        sendAndReceive(String, String, Message), convertSendAndReceive(String, String, Object)
      • setMessageConverter

        public void setMessageConverter​(MessageConverter messageConverter)
        Set the message converter for this template. Used to resolve Object parameters to convertAndSend methods and Object results from receiveAndConvert methods.

        The default converter is a SimpleMessageConverter, which is able to handle byte arrays, Strings, and Serializable Objects depending on the message content type header.

        messageConverter - The message converter.
        See Also:
        convertAndSend(java.lang.Object), receiveAndConvert(), SimpleMessageConverter
      • setMessagePropertiesConverter

        public void setMessagePropertiesConverter​(MessagePropertiesConverter messagePropertiesConverter)
        Set the MessagePropertiesConverter for this template. This converter is used to convert between raw byte content in the message headers and plain Java objects. In particular there are limitations when dealing with very long string headers, which hopefully are rare in practice, but if you need to use long headers you might need to inject a special converter here.
        messagePropertiesConverter - The message properties converter.
      • getMessagePropertiesConverter

        protected MessagePropertiesConverter getMessagePropertiesConverter()
        Return the properties converter.
        the converter.
      • getMessageConverter

        public MessageConverter getMessageConverter()
        Return the message converter for this template. Useful for clients that want to take advantage of the converter in ChannelCallback implementations.
        The message converter.
      • setMandatory

        public void setMandatory​(boolean mandatory)
        Set the mandatory flag when sending messages; only applies if a returnCallback had been provided.
        mandatory - the mandatory to set.
      • setMandatoryExpression

        public void setMandatoryExpression​(Expression mandatoryExpression)
        mandatoryExpression - a SpEL Expression to evaluate against each request message, if a returnCallback has been provided. The result of the evaluation must be a boolean value.
      • setMandatoryExpressionString

        public void setMandatoryExpressionString​(String mandatoryExpression)
        mandatoryExpression - a SpEL Expression to evaluate against each request message, if a returnCallback has been provided. The result of the evaluation must be a boolean value.
      • setCorrelationKey

        public void setCorrelationKey​(String correlationKey)
        If set to 'correlationId' (default) the correlationId property will be used; otherwise the supplied key will be used.
        correlationKey - the correlationKey to set
      • setRetryTemplate

        public void setRetryTemplate​( retryTemplate)
        Add a RetryTemplate which will be used for all rabbit operations.
        retryTemplate - The retry template.
      • setRecoveryCallback

        public void setRecoveryCallback​(org.springframework.retry.RecoveryCallback<?> recoveryCallback)
        Add a RecoveryCallback which is used for the retryTemplate.execute. If retryTemplate isn't provided recoveryCallback is ignored. RecoveryCallback should produce result compatible with execute(ChannelCallback) return type.
        recoveryCallback - The retry recoveryCallback.
      • setBeforePublishPostProcessors

        public void setBeforePublishPostProcessors​(MessagePostProcessor... beforePublishPostProcessors)
        Set MessagePostProcessors that will be invoked immediately before invoking Channel#basicPublish(), after all other processing, except creating the AMQP.BasicProperties from MessageProperties. May be used for operations such as compression. Processors are invoked in order, depending on PriorityOrder, Order and finally unordered.
        beforePublishPostProcessors - the post processor.
        See Also:
      • addBeforePublishPostProcessors

        public void addBeforePublishPostProcessors​(MessagePostProcessor... beforePublishPostProcessors)
        Add MessagePostProcessor that will be invoked immediately before invoking Channel#basicPublish(), after all other processing, except creating the AMQP.BasicProperties from MessageProperties. May be used for operations such as compression. Processors are invoked in order, depending on PriorityOrder, Order and finally unordered.

        In contrast to setBeforePublishPostProcessors(MessagePostProcessor...), this method does not override the previously added beforePublishPostProcessors.

        beforePublishPostProcessors - the post processor.
      • setAfterReceivePostProcessors

        public void setAfterReceivePostProcessors​(MessagePostProcessor... afterReceivePostProcessors)
        Set a MessagePostProcessor that will be invoked immediately after a Channel#basicGet() and before any message conversion is performed. May be used for operations such as decompression. Processors are invoked in order, depending on PriorityOrder, Order and finally unordered.
        afterReceivePostProcessors - the post processor.
        See Also:
      • addAfterReceivePostProcessors

        public void addAfterReceivePostProcessors​(MessagePostProcessor... afterReceivePostProcessors)
        Add MessagePostProcessor that will be invoked immediately after a Channel#basicGet() and before any message conversion is performed. May be used for operations such as decompression. Processors are invoked in order, depending on PriorityOrder, Order and finally unordered.

        In contrast to setAfterReceivePostProcessors(MessagePostProcessor...), this method does not override the previously added afterReceivePostProcessors.

        afterReceivePostProcessors - the post processor.
      • setUseTemporaryReplyQueues

        public void setUseTemporaryReplyQueues​(boolean value)
        By default, when the broker supports it and no replyAddress is provided, send/receive methods will use Direct reply-to ( Setting this property to true will override that behavior and use a temporary, auto-delete, queue for each request instead. Changing this property has no effect once the first request has been processed.
        value - true to use temporary queues.
      • setUseDirectReplyToContainer

        public void setUseDirectReplyToContainer​(boolean useDirectReplyToContainer)
        Set whether or not to use a DirectReplyToMessageListenerContainer when direct reply-to is available and being used. When false, a new consumer is created for each request (the mechanism used in versions prior to 2.0). Default true.
        useDirectReplyToContainer - set to false to use a consumer per request.
        See Also:
      • setUserIdExpression

        public void setUserIdExpression​(Expression userIdExpression)
        Set an expression to be evaluated to set the userId message property if it evaluates to a non-null value and the property is not already set in the message to be sent. See
        userIdExpression - the expression.
      • setUserIdExpressionString

        public void setUserIdExpressionString​(String userIdExpression)
        Set an expression to be evaluated to set the userId message property if it evaluates to a non-null value and the property is not already set in the message to be sent. See
        userIdExpression - the expression.
      • setUserCorrelationId

        public void setUserCorrelationId​(boolean userCorrelationId)
        Set to true to use correlation id provided by the message instead of generating the correlation id for request/reply scenarios. The correlation id must be unique for all in-process requests to avoid cross talk.

        Users must therefore take create care to ensure uniqueness.

        userCorrelationId - true to use user correlation data.
      • isUsePublisherConnection

        public boolean isUsePublisherConnection()
        True if separate publisher connection(s) are used.
        true or false.
        See Also:
      • setUsePublisherConnection

        public void setUsePublisherConnection​(boolean usePublisherConnection)
        To avoid deadlocked connections, it is generally recommended to use a separate connection for publishers and consumers (except when a publisher is participating in a consumer transaction). Default 'false'. When setting this to true, be careful in that a RabbitAdmin that uses this template will declare queues on the publisher connection; this may not be what you expect, especially with exclusive queues that might be consumed in this application.
        usePublisherConnection - true to use a publisher connection.
      • setNoLocalReplyConsumer

        public void setNoLocalReplyConsumer​(boolean noLocalReplyConsumer)
        Set to true for a no-local consumer. Defaults to false.
        noLocalReplyConsumer - true for a no-local consumer.
        See Also:
        AbstractMessageListenerContainer.setNoLocal(boolean), Channel.basicConsume(String, boolean, String, boolean, boolean, Map, com.rabbitmq.client.Consumer)
      • setReplyErrorHandler

        public void setReplyErrorHandler​(ErrorHandler replyErrorHandler)
        When using a direct reply-to container for request/reply operations, set an error handler to be invoked when a reply delivery fails (e.g. due to a late reply).
        replyErrorHandler - the reply error handler
        See Also:
      • setUseChannelForCorrelation

        public void setUseChannelForCorrelation​(boolean useChannelForCorrelation)
        When using direct reply-to, set this to true to avoid the server needing to send the correlation id in a reply header. Use the channel to correlate the reply to a request instead.
        useChannelForCorrelation - true to use the channel.
      • expectedQueueNames

        public Collection<String> expectedQueueNames()
        Invoked by the container during startup so it can verify the queue is correctly configured (if a simple reply queue name is used instead of exchange/routingKey).
        Specified by:
        expectedQueueNames in interface ListenerContainerAware
        the queue name, if configured.
      • getUnconfirmed

        public Collection<CorrelationData> getUnconfirmed​(long age)
        Gets unconfirmed correlation data older than age and removes them.
        age - in milliseconds
        the collection of correlation data for which confirms have not been received or null if no such confirms exist.
      • getUnconfirmedCount

        public int getUnconfirmedCount()
        Gets unconfirmed messages count.
        The count of the messages that are not confirmed yet by RabbitMQ.
      • doStart

        protected void doStart()
        Perform additional start actions.
      • doStop

        protected void doStop()
        Perform additional stop actions.
      • useDirectReplyTo

        protected boolean useDirectReplyTo()
        Override this method use some other criteria to decide whether or not to use direct reply-to ( The default implementation returns true if the broker supports it and there is no replyAddress set and useTemporaryReplyQueues is false. When direct reply-to is not used, the template will create a temporary, exclusive, auto-delete queue for the reply.

        This method is invoked once only - when the first message is sent, from a synchronized block.

        true to use direct reply-to.
      • send

        public void send​(Message message)
                  throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: AmqpTemplate
        Send a message to a default exchange with a default routing key.
        Specified by:
        send in interface AmqpTemplate
        message - a message to send
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • send

        public void send​(String routingKey,
                         Message message)
                  throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: AmqpTemplate
        Send a message to a default exchange with a specific routing key.
        Specified by:
        send in interface AmqpTemplate
        routingKey - the routing key
        message - a message to send
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • send

        public void send​(String routingKey,
                         Message message,
                         CorrelationData correlationData)
                  throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: RabbitOperations
        Send a message to the default exchange with a specific routing key.
        Specified by:
        send in interface RabbitOperations
        routingKey - the routing key
        message - a message to send
        correlationData - data to correlate publisher confirms.
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • send

        public void send​(String exchange,
                         String routingKey,
                         Message message)
                  throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: AmqpTemplate
        Send a message to a specific exchange with a specific routing key.
        Specified by:
        send in interface AmqpTemplate
        exchange - the name of the exchange
        routingKey - the routing key
        message - a message to send
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • send

        public void send​(String exchange,
                         String routingKey,
                         Message message,
                         CorrelationData correlationData)
                  throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: RabbitOperations
        Send a message to a specific exchange with a specific routing key.
        Specified by:
        send in interface RabbitOperations
        exchange - the name of the exchange
        routingKey - the routing key
        message - a message to send
        correlationData - data to correlate publisher confirms.
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • convertAndSend

        public void convertAndSend​(String routingKey,
                                   Object object)
                            throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: AmqpTemplate
        Convert a Java object to an Amqp Message and send it to a default exchange with a specific routing key.
        Specified by:
        convertAndSend in interface AmqpTemplate
        routingKey - the routing key
        object - a message to send
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • convertAndSend

        public void convertAndSend​(String exchange,
                                   String routingKey,
                                   Object object)
                            throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: AmqpTemplate
        Convert a Java object to an Amqp Message and send it to a specific exchange with a specific routing key.
        Specified by:
        convertAndSend in interface AmqpTemplate
        exchange - the name of the exchange
        routingKey - the routing key
        object - a message to send
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • convertAndSend

        public void convertAndSend​(Object message,
                                   MessagePostProcessor messagePostProcessor)
                            throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: AmqpTemplate
        Convert a Java object to an Amqp Message and send it to a default exchange with a default routing key.
        Specified by:
        convertAndSend in interface AmqpTemplate
        message - a message to send
        messagePostProcessor - a processor to apply to the message before it is sent
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • convertAndSend

        public void convertAndSend​(String routingKey,
                                   Object message,
                                   MessagePostProcessor messagePostProcessor)
                            throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: AmqpTemplate
        Convert a Java object to an Amqp Message and send it to a default exchange with a specific routing key.
        Specified by:
        convertAndSend in interface AmqpTemplate
        routingKey - the routing key
        message - a message to send
        messagePostProcessor - a processor to apply to the message before it is sent
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • convertAndSend

        public void convertAndSend​(Object message,
                                   MessagePostProcessor messagePostProcessor,
                                   CorrelationData correlationData)
                            throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: RabbitOperations
        Convert a Java object to an Amqp Message and send it to a default exchange with a default routing key.
        Specified by:
        convertAndSend in interface RabbitOperations
        message - a message to send
        messagePostProcessor - a processor to apply to the message before it is sent
        correlationData - data to correlate publisher confirms.
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • convertAndSend

        public void convertAndSend​(String routingKey,
                                   Object message,
                                   MessagePostProcessor messagePostProcessor,
                                   CorrelationData correlationData)
                            throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: RabbitOperations
        Convert a Java object to an Amqp Message and send it to a default exchange with a specific routing key.
        Specified by:
        convertAndSend in interface RabbitOperations
        routingKey - the routing key
        message - a message to send
        messagePostProcessor - a processor to apply to the message before it is sent
        correlationData - data to correlate publisher confirms.
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • convertAndSend

        public void convertAndSend​(String exchange,
                                   String routingKey,
                                   Object message,
                                   MessagePostProcessor messagePostProcessor)
                            throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: AmqpTemplate
        Convert a Java object to an Amqp Message and send it to a specific exchange with a specific routing key.
        Specified by:
        convertAndSend in interface AmqpTemplate
        exchange - the name of the exchange
        routingKey - the routing key
        message - a message to send
        messagePostProcessor - a processor to apply to the message before it is sent
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • convertAndSend

        public void convertAndSend​(String exchange,
                                   String routingKey,
                                   Object message,
                                   MessagePostProcessor messagePostProcessor,
                                   CorrelationData correlationData)
                            throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: RabbitOperations
        Convert a Java object to an Amqp Message and send it to a specific exchange with a specific routing key.
        Specified by:
        convertAndSend in interface RabbitOperations
        exchange - the name of the exchange
        routingKey - the routing key
        message - a message to send
        messagePostProcessor - a processor to apply to the message before it is sent
        correlationData - data to correlate publisher confirms.
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • receive

        public Message receive()
                        throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: AmqpTemplate
        Receive a message if there is one from a default queue. Returns immediately, possibly with a null value.
        Specified by:
        receive in interface AmqpTemplate
        a message or null if there is none waiting
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • receive

        public Message receive​(String queueName)
        Description copied from interface: AmqpTemplate
        Receive a message if there is one from a specific queue. Returns immediately, possibly with a null value.
        Specified by:
        receive in interface AmqpTemplate
        queueName - the name of the queue to poll
        a message or null if there is none waiting
      • doReceiveNoWait

        protected Message doReceiveNoWait​(String queueName)
        Non-blocking receive.
        queueName - the queue to receive from.
        The message, or null if none immediately available.
      • receive

        public Message receive​(long timeoutMillis)
                        throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: AmqpTemplate
        Receive a message from a default queue, waiting up to the specified wait time if necessary for a message to become available.
        Specified by:
        receive in interface AmqpTemplate
        timeoutMillis - how long to wait before giving up. Zero value means the method will return null immediately if there is no message available. Negative value makes method wait for a message indefinitely.
        a message or null if the time expires
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • receive

        public Message receive​(String queueName,
                               long timeoutMillis)
        Description copied from interface: AmqpTemplate
        Receive a message from a specific queue, waiting up to the specified wait time if necessary for a message to become available.
        Specified by:
        receive in interface AmqpTemplate
        queueName - the queue to receive from
        timeoutMillis - how long to wait before giving up. Zero value means the method will return null immediately if there is no message available. Negative value makes method wait for a message indefinitely.
        a message or null if the time expires
      • receiveAndConvert

        public Object receiveAndConvert()
                                 throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: AmqpTemplate
        Receive a message if there is one from a default queue and convert it to a Java object. Returns immediately, possibly with a null value.
        Specified by:
        receiveAndConvert in interface AmqpTemplate
        a message or null if there is none waiting
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • receiveAndConvert

        public Object receiveAndConvert​(String queueName)
                                 throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: AmqpTemplate
        Receive a message if there is one from a specific queue and convert it to a Java object. Returns immediately, possibly with a null value.
        Specified by:
        receiveAndConvert in interface AmqpTemplate
        queueName - the name of the queue to poll
        a message or null if there is none waiting
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • receiveAndConvert

        public Object receiveAndConvert​(long timeoutMillis)
                                 throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: AmqpTemplate
        Receive a message if there is one from a default queue and convert it to a Java object. Wait up to the specified wait time if necessary for a message to become available.
        Specified by:
        receiveAndConvert in interface AmqpTemplate
        timeoutMillis - how long to wait before giving up. Zero value means the method will return null immediately if there is no message available. Negative value makes method wait for a message indefinitely.
        a message or null if the time expires
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • receiveAndConvert

        public Object receiveAndConvert​(String queueName,
                                        long timeoutMillis)
                                 throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: AmqpTemplate
        Receive a message if there is one from a specific queue and convert it to a Java object. Wait up to the specified wait time if necessary for a message to become available.
        Specified by:
        receiveAndConvert in interface AmqpTemplate
        queueName - the name of the queue to poll
        timeoutMillis - how long to wait before giving up. Zero value means the method will return null immediately if there is no message available. Negative value makes method wait for a message indefinitely.
        a message or null if the time expires
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • receiveAndConvert

        public <T> T receiveAndConvert​(long timeoutMillis,
                                       ParameterizedTypeReference<T> type)
                                throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: AmqpTemplate
        Receive a message if there is one from a default queue and convert it to a Java object. Wait up to the specified wait time if necessary for a message to become available. Requires a SmartMessageConverter.
        Specified by:
        receiveAndConvert in interface AmqpTemplate
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type.
        timeoutMillis - how long to wait before giving up. Zero value means the method will return null immediately if there is no message available. Negative value makes method wait for a message indefinitely.
        type - the type to convert to.
        a message or null if the time expires
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • receiveAndConvert

        public <T> T receiveAndConvert​(String queueName,
                                       long timeoutMillis,
                                       ParameterizedTypeReference<T> type)
                                throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: AmqpTemplate
        Receive a message if there is one from a specific queue and convert it to a Java object. Wait up to the specified wait time if necessary for a message to become available. Requires a SmartMessageConverter.
        Specified by:
        receiveAndConvert in interface AmqpTemplate
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type.
        queueName - the name of the queue to poll
        timeoutMillis - how long to wait before giving up. Zero value means the method will return null immediately if there is no message available. Negative value makes method wait for a message indefinitely.
        type - the type to convert to.
        a message or null if the time expires
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • receiveAndReply

        public <R,​S> boolean receiveAndReply​(String queueName,
                                                   ReceiveAndReplyCallback<R,​S> callback)
                                            throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: AmqpTemplate
        Receive a message if there is one from provided queue, invoke provided ReceiveAndReplyCallback and send reply message, if the callback returns one, to the replyTo Address from MessageProperties or to default exchange and default routingKey.
        Specified by:
        receiveAndReply in interface AmqpTemplate
        Type Parameters:
        R - The type of the request after conversion from the Message.
        S - The type of the response.
        queueName - the queue name to receive a message.
        callback - a user-provided ReceiveAndReplyCallback implementation to process received message and return a reply message.
        true, if message was received.
        AmqpException - if there is a problem.
      • receiveAndReply

        public <R,​S> boolean receiveAndReply​(ReceiveAndReplyCallback<R,​S> callback,
                                                   String exchange,
                                                   String routingKey)
                                            throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: AmqpTemplate
        Receive a message if there is one from default queue, invoke provided ReceiveAndReplyCallback and send reply message, if the callback returns one, to the provided exchange and routingKey.
        Specified by:
        receiveAndReply in interface AmqpTemplate
        Type Parameters:
        R - The type of the request after conversion from the Message.
        S - The type of the response.
        callback - a user-provided ReceiveAndReplyCallback implementation to process received message and return a reply message.
        exchange - the exchange name to send reply message.
        routingKey - the routing key to send reply message.
        true, if message was received.
        AmqpException - if there is a problem.
      • receiveAndReply

        public <R,​S> boolean receiveAndReply​(String queueName,
                                                   ReceiveAndReplyCallback<R,​S> callback,
                                                   String replyExchange,
                                                   String replyRoutingKey)
                                            throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: AmqpTemplate
        Receive a message if there is one from provided queue, invoke provided ReceiveAndReplyCallback and send reply message, if the callback returns one, to the provided exchange and routingKey.
        Specified by:
        receiveAndReply in interface AmqpTemplate
        Type Parameters:
        R - The type of the request after conversion from the Message.
        S - The type of the response.
        queueName - the queue name to receive a message.
        callback - a user-provided ReceiveAndReplyCallback implementation to process received message and return a reply message.
        replyExchange - the exchange name to send reply message.
        replyRoutingKey - the routing key to send reply message.
        true, if message was received
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • sendAndReceive

        public Message sendAndReceive​(Message message)
                               throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: AmqpTemplate
        Basic RPC pattern. Send a message to a default exchange with a default routing key and attempt to receive a response. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout.
        Specified by:
        sendAndReceive in interface AmqpTemplate
        message - a message to send
        the response if there is one
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • sendAndReceive

        public Message sendAndReceive​(String routingKey,
                                      Message message)
                               throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: AmqpTemplate
        Basic RPC pattern. Send a message to a default exchange with a specific routing key and attempt to receive a response. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout.
        Specified by:
        sendAndReceive in interface AmqpTemplate
        routingKey - the routing key
        message - a message to send
        the response if there is one
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • sendAndReceive

        public Message sendAndReceive​(String exchange,
                                      String routingKey,
                                      Message message)
                               throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: AmqpTemplate
        Basic RPC pattern. Send a message to a specific exchange with a specific routing key and attempt to receive a response. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout.
        Specified by:
        sendAndReceive in interface AmqpTemplate
        exchange - the name of the exchange
        routingKey - the routing key
        message - a message to send
        the response if there is one
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • convertSendAndReceive

        public Object convertSendAndReceive​(Object message)
                                     throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: AmqpTemplate
        Basic RPC pattern with conversion. Send a Java object converted to a message to a default exchange with a default routing key and attempt to receive a response, converting that to a Java object. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout.
        Specified by:
        convertSendAndReceive in interface AmqpTemplate
        message - a message to send
        the response if there is one
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • convertSendAndReceive

        public Object convertSendAndReceive​(Object message,
                                            CorrelationData correlationData)
                                     throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: RabbitOperations
        Basic RPC pattern with conversion. Send a Java object converted to a message to a default exchange with a default routing key and attempt to receive a response, converting that to a Java object. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout.
        Specified by:
        convertSendAndReceive in interface RabbitOperations
        message - a message to send.
        correlationData - data to correlate publisher confirms.
        the response if there is one
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • convertSendAndReceive

        public Object convertSendAndReceive​(String routingKey,
                                            Object message)
                                     throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: AmqpTemplate
        Basic RPC pattern with conversion. Send a Java object converted to a message to a default exchange with a specific routing key and attempt to receive a response, converting that to a Java object. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout.
        Specified by:
        convertSendAndReceive in interface AmqpTemplate
        routingKey - the routing key
        message - a message to send
        the response if there is one
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • convertSendAndReceive

        public Object convertSendAndReceive​(String routingKey,
                                            Object message,
                                            CorrelationData correlationData)
                                     throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: RabbitOperations
        Basic RPC pattern with conversion. Send a Java object converted to a message to a default exchange with a specific routing key and attempt to receive a response, converting that to a Java object. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout.
        Specified by:
        convertSendAndReceive in interface RabbitOperations
        routingKey - the routing key
        message - a message to send
        correlationData - data to correlate publisher confirms.
        the response if there is one
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • convertSendAndReceive

        public Object convertSendAndReceive​(String exchange,
                                            String routingKey,
                                            Object message)
                                     throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: AmqpTemplate
        Basic RPC pattern with conversion. Send a Java object converted to a message to a specific exchange with a specific routing key and attempt to receive a response, converting that to a Java object. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout.
        Specified by:
        convertSendAndReceive in interface AmqpTemplate
        exchange - the name of the exchange
        routingKey - the routing key
        message - a message to send
        the response if there is one
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • convertSendAndReceive

        public Object convertSendAndReceive​(String exchange,
                                            String routingKey,
                                            Object message,
                                            CorrelationData correlationData)
                                     throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: RabbitOperations
        Basic RPC pattern with conversion. Send a Java object converted to a message to a specific exchange with a specific routing key and attempt to receive a response, converting that to a Java object. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout.
        Specified by:
        convertSendAndReceive in interface RabbitOperations
        exchange - the name of the exchange
        routingKey - the routing key
        message - a message to send
        correlationData - data to correlate publisher confirms.
        the response if there is one
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • convertSendAndReceive

        public Object convertSendAndReceive​(Object message,
                                            MessagePostProcessor messagePostProcessor)
                                     throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: AmqpTemplate
        Basic RPC pattern with conversion. Send a Java object converted to a message to a default exchange with a default routing key and attempt to receive a response, converting that to a Java object. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout.
        Specified by:
        convertSendAndReceive in interface AmqpTemplate
        message - a message to send
        messagePostProcessor - a processor to apply to the message before it is sent
        the response if there is one
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • convertSendAndReceive

        public Object convertSendAndReceive​(Object message,
                                            MessagePostProcessor messagePostProcessor,
                                            CorrelationData correlationData)
                                     throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: RabbitOperations
        Basic RPC pattern with conversion. Send a Java object converted to a message to a default exchange with a default routing key and attempt to receive a response, converting that to a Java object. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout.
        Specified by:
        convertSendAndReceive in interface RabbitOperations
        message - a message to send
        messagePostProcessor - a processor to apply to the message before it is sent
        correlationData - data to correlate publisher confirms.
        the response if there is one
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • convertSendAndReceive

        public Object convertSendAndReceive​(String routingKey,
                                            Object message,
                                            MessagePostProcessor messagePostProcessor)
                                     throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: AmqpTemplate
        Basic RPC pattern with conversion. Send a Java object converted to a message to a default exchange with a specific routing key and attempt to receive a response, converting that to a Java object. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout.
        Specified by:
        convertSendAndReceive in interface AmqpTemplate
        routingKey - the routing key
        message - a message to send
        messagePostProcessor - a processor to apply to the message before it is sent
        the response if there is one
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • convertSendAndReceive

        public Object convertSendAndReceive​(String routingKey,
                                            Object message,
                                            MessagePostProcessor messagePostProcessor,
                                            CorrelationData correlationData)
                                     throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: RabbitOperations
        Basic RPC pattern with conversion. Send a Java object converted to a message to a default exchange with a specific routing key and attempt to receive a response, converting that to a Java object. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout.
        Specified by:
        convertSendAndReceive in interface RabbitOperations
        routingKey - the routing key
        message - a message to send
        messagePostProcessor - a processor to apply to the message before it is sent
        correlationData - data to correlate publisher confirms.
        the response if there is one
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • convertSendAndReceive

        public Object convertSendAndReceive​(String exchange,
                                            String routingKey,
                                            Object message,
                                            MessagePostProcessor messagePostProcessor)
                                     throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: AmqpTemplate
        Basic RPC pattern with conversion. Send a Java object converted to a message to a specific exchange with a specific routing key and attempt to receive a response, converting that to a Java object. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout.
        Specified by:
        convertSendAndReceive in interface AmqpTemplate
        exchange - the name of the exchange
        routingKey - the routing key
        message - a message to send
        messagePostProcessor - a processor to apply to the message before it is sent
        the response if there is one
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • convertSendAndReceive

        public Object convertSendAndReceive​(String exchange,
                                            String routingKey,
                                            Object message,
                                            MessagePostProcessor messagePostProcessor,
                                            CorrelationData correlationData)
                                     throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: RabbitOperations
        Basic RPC pattern with conversion. Send a Java object converted to a message to a specific exchange with a specific routing key and attempt to receive a response, converting that to a Java object. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout.
        Specified by:
        convertSendAndReceive in interface RabbitOperations
        exchange - the name of the exchange
        routingKey - the routing key
        message - a message to send
        messagePostProcessor - a processor to apply to the message before it is sent
        correlationData - data to correlate publisher confirms.
        the response if there is one
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • convertSendAndReceiveAsType

        public <T> T convertSendAndReceiveAsType​(Object message,
                                                 ParameterizedTypeReference<T> responseType)
                                          throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: AmqpTemplate
        Basic RPC pattern with conversion. Send a Java object converted to a message to a default exchange with a default routing key and attempt to receive a response, converting that to a Java object. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout. Requires a SmartMessageConverter.
        Specified by:
        convertSendAndReceiveAsType in interface AmqpTemplate
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type.
        message - a message to send.
        responseType - the type to convert the reply to.
        the response if there is one.
        AmqpException - if there is a problem.
      • convertSendAndReceiveAsType

        public <T> T convertSendAndReceiveAsType​(Object message,
                                                 CorrelationData correlationData,
                                                 ParameterizedTypeReference<T> responseType)
                                          throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: RabbitOperations
        Basic RPC pattern with conversion. Send a Java object converted to a message to a default exchange with a default routing key and attempt to receive a response, converting that to a Java object. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout. Requires a SmartMessageConverter.
        Specified by:
        convertSendAndReceiveAsType in interface RabbitOperations
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type.
        message - a message to send.
        correlationData - data to correlate publisher confirms.
        responseType - the type to convert the reply to.
        the response if there is one.
        AmqpException - if there is a problem.
      • convertSendAndReceiveAsType

        public <T> T convertSendAndReceiveAsType​(String routingKey,
                                                 Object message,
                                                 ParameterizedTypeReference<T> responseType)
                                          throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: AmqpTemplate
        Basic RPC pattern with conversion. Send a Java object converted to a message to a default exchange with a specific routing key and attempt to receive a response, converting that to a Java object. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout. Requires a SmartMessageConverter.
        Specified by:
        convertSendAndReceiveAsType in interface AmqpTemplate
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type.
        routingKey - the routing key
        message - a message to send
        responseType - the type to convert the reply to.
        the response if there is one
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • convertSendAndReceiveAsType

        public <T> T convertSendAndReceiveAsType​(String routingKey,
                                                 Object message,
                                                 CorrelationData correlationData,
                                                 ParameterizedTypeReference<T> responseType)
                                          throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: RabbitOperations
        Basic RPC pattern with conversion. Send a Java object converted to a message to a default exchange with a specific routing key and attempt to receive a response, converting that to a Java object. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout. Requires a SmartMessageConverter.
        Specified by:
        convertSendAndReceiveAsType in interface RabbitOperations
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type.
        routingKey - the routing key
        message - a message to send
        correlationData - data to correlate publisher confirms.
        responseType - the type to convert the reply to.
        the response if there is one
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • convertSendAndReceiveAsType

        public <T> T convertSendAndReceiveAsType​(String exchange,
                                                 String routingKey,
                                                 Object message,
                                                 ParameterizedTypeReference<T> responseType)
                                          throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: AmqpTemplate
        Basic RPC pattern with conversion. Send a Java object converted to a message to a specific exchange with a specific routing key and attempt to receive a response, converting that to a Java object. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout. Requires a SmartMessageConverter.
        Specified by:
        convertSendAndReceiveAsType in interface AmqpTemplate
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type.
        exchange - the name of the exchange
        routingKey - the routing key
        message - a message to send
        responseType - the type to convert the reply to.
        the response if there is one
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • convertSendAndReceiveAsType

        public <T> T convertSendAndReceiveAsType​(Object message,
                                                 MessagePostProcessor messagePostProcessor,
                                                 ParameterizedTypeReference<T> responseType)
                                          throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: AmqpTemplate
        Basic RPC pattern with conversion. Send a Java object converted to a message to a default exchange with a default routing key and attempt to receive a response, converting that to a Java object. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout. Requires a SmartMessageConverter.
        Specified by:
        convertSendAndReceiveAsType in interface AmqpTemplate
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type.
        message - a message to send
        messagePostProcessor - a processor to apply to the message before it is sent
        responseType - the type to convert the reply to.
        the response if there is one
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • convertSendAndReceiveAsType

        public <T> T convertSendAndReceiveAsType​(Object message,
                                                 MessagePostProcessor messagePostProcessor,
                                                 CorrelationData correlationData,
                                                 ParameterizedTypeReference<T> responseType)
                                          throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: RabbitOperations
        Basic RPC pattern with conversion. Send a Java object converted to a message to a default exchange with a default routing key and attempt to receive a response, converting that to a Java object. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout. Requires a SmartMessageConverter.
        Specified by:
        convertSendAndReceiveAsType in interface RabbitOperations
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type.
        message - a message to send
        messagePostProcessor - a processor to apply to the message before it is sent
        correlationData - data to correlate publisher confirms.
        responseType - the type to convert the reply to.
        the response if there is one
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • convertSendAndReceiveAsType

        public <T> T convertSendAndReceiveAsType​(String routingKey,
                                                 Object message,
                                                 MessagePostProcessor messagePostProcessor,
                                                 ParameterizedTypeReference<T> responseType)
                                          throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: AmqpTemplate
        Basic RPC pattern with conversion. Send a Java object converted to a message to a default exchange with a specific routing key and attempt to receive a response, converting that to a Java object. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout. Requires a SmartMessageConverter.
        Specified by:
        convertSendAndReceiveAsType in interface AmqpTemplate
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type.
        routingKey - the routing key
        message - a message to send
        messagePostProcessor - a processor to apply to the message before it is sent
        responseType - the type to convert the reply to.
        the response if there is one
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • convertSendAndReceiveAsType

        public <T> T convertSendAndReceiveAsType​(String routingKey,
                                                 Object message,
                                                 MessagePostProcessor messagePostProcessor,
                                                 CorrelationData correlationData,
                                                 ParameterizedTypeReference<T> responseType)
                                          throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: RabbitOperations
        Basic RPC pattern with conversion. Send a Java object converted to a message to a default exchange with a specific routing key and attempt to receive a response, converting that to a Java object. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout. Requires a SmartMessageConverter.
        Specified by:
        convertSendAndReceiveAsType in interface RabbitOperations
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type.
        routingKey - the routing key
        message - a message to send
        messagePostProcessor - a processor to apply to the message before it is sent
        correlationData - data to correlate publisher confirms.
        responseType - the type to convert the reply to.
        the response if there is one
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • convertSendAndReceiveAsType

        public <T> T convertSendAndReceiveAsType​(String exchange,
                                                 String routingKey,
                                                 Object message,
                                                 MessagePostProcessor messagePostProcessor,
                                                 ParameterizedTypeReference<T> responseType)
                                          throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: AmqpTemplate
        Basic RPC pattern with conversion. Send a Java object converted to a message to a specific exchange with a specific routing key and attempt to receive a response, converting that to a Java object. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout. Requires a SmartMessageConverter.
        Specified by:
        convertSendAndReceiveAsType in interface AmqpTemplate
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type.
        exchange - the name of the exchange
        routingKey - the routing key
        message - a message to send
        messagePostProcessor - a processor to apply to the message before it is sent
        responseType - the type to convert the reply to.
        the response if there is one
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • convertSendAndReceiveAsType

        public <T> T convertSendAndReceiveAsType​(String exchange,
                                                 String routingKey,
                                                 Object message,
                                                 MessagePostProcessor messagePostProcessor,
                                                 CorrelationData correlationData,
                                                 ParameterizedTypeReference<T> responseType)
                                          throws AmqpException
        Description copied from interface: RabbitOperations
        Basic RPC pattern with conversion. Send a Java object converted to a message to a specific exchange with a specific routing key and attempt to receive a response, converting that to a Java object. Implementations will normally set the reply-to header to an exclusive queue and wait up for some time limited by a timeout. Requires a SmartMessageConverter.
        Specified by:
        convertSendAndReceiveAsType in interface RabbitOperations
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type.
        exchange - the name of the exchange
        routingKey - the routing key
        message - a message to send
        messagePostProcessor - a processor to apply to the message before it is sent
        correlationData - data to correlate publisher confirms.
        responseType - the type to convert the reply to.
        the response if there is one
        AmqpException - if there is a problem
      • convertSendAndReceiveRaw

        protected Message convertSendAndReceiveRaw​(String exchange,
                                                   String routingKey,
                                                   Object message,
                                                   MessagePostProcessor messagePostProcessor,
                                                   CorrelationData correlationData)
        Convert and send a message and return the raw reply message, or null. Subclasses can invoke this method if they want to perform conversion on the outbound message but have direct access to the reply message before conversion.
        exchange - the exchange.
        routingKey - the routing key.
        message - the data to send.
        messagePostProcessor - a message post processor (can be null).
        correlationData - correlation data (can be null).
        the reply message or null if a timeout occurs.
      • convertMessageIfNecessary

        protected Message convertMessageIfNecessary​(Object object)
      • doSendAndReceive

        protected Message doSendAndReceive​(String exchange,
                                           String routingKey,
                                           Message message,
                                           CorrelationData correlationData)
        Send a message and wait for a reply.
        exchange - the exchange name
        routingKey - the routing key
        message - the message to send
        correlationData - the correlation data for confirms
        the message that is received in reply
      • replyTimedOut

        protected void replyTimedOut​(String correlationId)
        Subclasses can implement this to be notified that a reply has timed out.
        correlationId - the correlationId
      • isMandatoryFor

        public Boolean isMandatoryFor​(Message message)
        Return whether the provided message should be sent with the mandatory flag set.
        message - the message.
        true for mandatory.
      • invoke

        public <T> T invoke​(RabbitOperations.OperationsCallback<T> action,
                            com.rabbitmq.client.ConfirmCallback acks,
                            com.rabbitmq.client.ConfirmCallback nacks)
        Description copied from interface: RabbitOperations
        Invoke operations on the same channel. If callbacks are needed, both callbacks must be supplied.
        Specified by:
        invoke in interface RabbitOperations
        Type Parameters:
        T - the return type.
        action - the callback.
        acks - a confirm callback for acks.
        nacks - a confirm callback for nacks.
        the result of the action method.
      • waitForConfirms

        public boolean waitForConfirms​(long timeout)
        Description copied from interface: RabbitOperations
        Delegate to the underlying dedicated channel to wait for confirms. The connection factory must be configured for publisher confirms and this method must be called within the scope of an RabbitOperations.invoke(OperationsCallback) operation. Requires CachingConnectionFactory#setPublisherConfirms(true).
        Specified by:
        waitForConfirms in interface RabbitOperations
        timeout - the timeout
        true if acks and no nacks are received.
        See Also:
      • waitForConfirmsOrDie

        public void waitForConfirmsOrDie​(long timeout)
        Description copied from interface: RabbitOperations
        Delegate to the underlying dedicated channel to wait for confirms. The connection factory must be configured for publisher confirms and this method must be called within the scope of an RabbitOperations.invoke(OperationsCallback) operation. Requires CachingConnectionFactory#setPublisherConfirms(true).
        Specified by:
        waitForConfirmsOrDie in interface RabbitOperations
        timeout - the timeout
        See Also:
      • determineConfirmsReturnsCapability

        public void determineConfirmsReturnsCapability​(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
      • doSend

        public void doSend​(com.rabbitmq.client.Channel channel,
                           String exchangeArg,
                           String routingKeyArg,
                           Message message,
                           boolean mandatory,
                           CorrelationData correlationData)
                    throws IOException
        Send the given message to the specified exchange.
        channel - The RabbitMQ Channel to operate within.
        exchangeArg - The name of the RabbitMQ exchange to send to.
        routingKeyArg - The routing key.
        message - The Message to send.
        mandatory - The mandatory flag.
        correlationData - The correlation data.
        IOException - If thrown by RabbitMQ API methods.
      • nullSafeExchange

        public String nullSafeExchange​(String exchange)
        Return the exchange or the default exchange if null.
        exchange - the exchange.
        the result.
      • nullSafeRoutingKey

        public String nullSafeRoutingKey​(String rk)
        Return the routing key or the default routing key if null.
        rk - the routing key.
        the result.
      • addListener

        public void addListener​(com.rabbitmq.client.Channel channel)
        Add this template as a confirms listener for the provided channel.
        channel - the channel.
      • handleReturn

        public void handleReturn​(int replyCode,
                                 String replyText,
                                 String exchange,
                                 String routingKey,
                                 com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.BasicProperties properties,
                                 byte[] body)
        Description copied from interface: PublisherCallbackChannel.Listener
        Handle a returned message.
        Specified by:
        handleReturn in interface PublisherCallbackChannel.Listener
        replyCode - the reply code.
        replyText - the reply text.
        exchange - the exchange.
        routingKey - the routing key.
        properties - the message properties.
        body - the message body.
      • revoke

        public void revoke​(com.rabbitmq.client.Channel channel)
        Description copied from interface: PublisherCallbackChannel.Listener
        When called, this listener should remove all references to the channel - it will no longer be invoked by the channel.
        Specified by:
        revoke in interface PublisherCallbackChannel.Listener
        channel - The channel.
      • onMessage

        public void onMessage​(Message message,
                              com.rabbitmq.client.Channel channel)
        Description copied from interface: ChannelAwareMessageListener
        Callback for processing a received Rabbit message.

        Implementors are supposed to process the given Message, typically sending reply messages through the given Session.

        Specified by:
        onMessage in interface ChannelAwareMessageListener
        message - the received AMQP message (never null)
        channel - the underlying Rabbit Channel (never null unless called by the stream listener container).