Chapter 3. ItemReaders and ItemWriters

3.1. Introduction

All batch processing can be described in its most simple form as reading in large amounts of data, performing some type of calculation or transformation, and writing the result out. Spring Batch provides two key interfaces to help perform bulk reading and writing: ItemReader and ItemWriter.

3.2. ItemReader

Although a simple concept, an ItemReader is the means for providing data from many different types of input. The most general examples include:

  • Flat File- Flat File Item Readers read lines of data from a flat file that typically describe records with fields of data defined by fixed positions in the file or delimited by some special character (e.g. Comma).

  • XML - XML ItemReaders process XML independently of technologies used for parsing, mapping and validating objects. Input data allows for the validation of and XML file against an XSD schema.

  • Database - A database resource is accessed that returns resultsets which can be mapped to objects for processing. The default SQL Input Sources invoke a RowMapper to return objects, keep track of the current row if restart is required, basic statistics, and some transaction enhancements that will be explained later.

There are many more possibilities, but we'll focus on the basic ones for this chapter. A complete list of all available ItemReaders can be found in Appendix A.

ItemReader is a basic interface for generic input operations:

public interface ItemReader {

  Object read() throws Exception;

  void mark() throws MarkFailedException;

  void reset() throws ResetFailedException;

The read method defines the most essential contract of the ItemReader, calling it returns one Item, returning null if no more items are left. An item might represent a line in a file, a row in a database, or an element in an XML file. It is generally expected that these will be mapped to a usable domain object (i.e. Trade, Foo, etc) but there is no requirement in the contract to do so.

The mark and reset methods are important due to the transactional nature of batch processing. Mark() will be called before reading begins. Calling reset at anytime will position the ItemReader to its position when mark was last called. The semantics are very similar to

3.3. ItemWriter

ItemWriter is similar in functionality to an ItemReader with the exception that the operations are reversed. Resources still need to be located, opened and closed but they differ in the case that an ItemWriter writes out, rather than reading in. In the case of databases or queues these may be inserts, updates or sends. The format of the serialization of the output is specific for every batch job.

As with ItemReader, ItemWriter is a fairly generic interface:

public interface ItemWriter {

  void write(Object item) throws Exception;

  void flush() throws FlushFailedException;

  void clear() throws ClearFailedException;

As with read on ItemReader, write provides the basic contract of ItemWriter, it will attempt to write out the item passed in as long as it is open. As with mark and reset, flush and clear are necessary due to the transactional nature of batch processing. Because it is generally expected that items will be 'batched' together into a chunk, and then output, it is expected that an ItemWriter will perform some type of buffering. flush will empty the buffer by actually writing the items out, whereas clear will simply throw the contents of the buffer away. In most cases, a Step implementation will call flush before a commit and clear in case of rollback. It is expected that implementations of the Step interface will call these methods.

3.4. ItemStream

Both ItemReaders and ItemWriters serve their individual purposes well, but there is a common concern among both of them that necessitates another interface. In general, as part of the scope of a batch job, readers and writers need to be opened, closed, and require a mechanism for persisting state:

public interface ItemStream {

  void open(ExecutionContext executionContext) throws StreamException;

  void update(ExecutionContext executionContext);
  void close(ExecutionContext executionContext) throws StreamException;

Before describing each method, it's worth briefly mentioning the ExecutionContext. Clients of an ItemReader that also implements ItemStream should call open before any calls to read, to open any resources such as files or obtain connections. A similar restriction applies to an ItemWriter is also implements ItemStream. As mentioned before, if expected data is found in the ExecutionContext, it may be used to start the ItemReader or ItemWriter at a location other than its initial state. Conversely, close will be called to ensure any resources allocated during open will be released safely. update is called primarily to ensure that any state currently being held is loaded into the provided ExecutionContext. This method will be called before committing, to ensure that the current state is persisted in the database before commit.

In the special case where the client of an ItemStream is a Step (from the Spring Batch Core), an ExecutionContext is created for each StepExecution to allow users to store the state of a particular execution, with the expectation that it will be returned if the same JobInstance is started again. For those familiar with Quartz, the semantics are very similar to a Quartz JobDataMap.

3.5. Flat Files

One of the most common mechanisms for interchanging bulk data has always been the flat file. Unlike XML, which has an agreed upon standard for defining how it is structured (XSD), anyone reading a flat file must understand ahead of time exactly how the file is structured. In general, all flat files fall into two general types: Delimited and Fixed Length.

3.5.1. The FieldSet

When working with flat files in Spring Batch, regardless of whether it is for input or output, one of the most important classes is the FieldSet. Many architectures and libraries contain abstractions for helping you read in from a file, but they usually return a String or an array of Strings. This really only gets you halfway there. A FieldSet is Spring Batch’s abstraction for enabling the binding of fields from a file resource. It allows developers to work with file input in much the same way as they would work with database input. A FieldSet is conceptually very similar to a Jdbc ResultSet. FieldSets only require one argument, a String array of tokens. Optionally, you can also configure in the names of the fields so that the fields may be accessed either by index or name as patterned after ResultSet. In code it means it's as simple as:

  String[] tokens = new String[]{"foo", "1", "true"};
  FieldSet fs = new DefaultFieldSet(tokens);
  String name = fs.readString(0);
  int value = fs.readInt(1);
  boolean booleanValue = fs.readBoolean(2);

There are many more options on the FieldSet interface, such as Date, long, BigDecimal, etc. The biggest advantage of the FieldSet is that it provides consistent parsing of flat file input. Rather than each batch job parsing differently in potentially unexpected ways, it can be consistent, both when erroring out due to a format exception, or when doing simple data conversions.

3.5.2. FlatFileItemReader

A flat file is any type of file that contains at most two-dimensional (tabular) data. Reading flat files in the Spring Batch framework is facilitated by the class FlatFileItemReader, which provides basic functionality for reading and parsing flat files. FlatFileItemReader class has several properties. The three most important of these properties are Resource, FieldSetMapper and LineTokenizer. The FieldSetMapper and LineTokenizer interfaces will be explored more in the next sections. The resource property represents a Spring Core Resource. Documentation explaining how to create beans of this type can be found in Spring Framework, Chapter 4.Resources. Therefore, this guide will not go into the details of creating Resource objects. A resource is used to locate, open, and close resources. It can be as simple as:

        Resource resource = new FileSystemResource("resources/trades.csv");

In complex batch environments the directory structures are often managed by the EAI infrastructure where drop zones for external interfaces are established for moving files from ftp locations to batch processing locations and vice versa. File moving utilities are beyond the scope of the spring batch architecture but it is not unusual for batch job streams to include file moving utilities as steps in the job stream. It's sufficient to know that the batch architecture only needs to know how to locate the files to be processed. Spring Batch begins the process of feeding the data into the pipe from this starting point.

The other properties in FlatFileItemReader allow you to further specify how your data will be interpreted:

Table 3.1. Flat File Item Reader Properties

encodingStringSpecifies what text encoding to use - default is "ISO-8859-1"
commentsString[]Specifies line prefixes that indicate comment rows
linesToSkipintNumber of lines to ignore at the top of the file
firstLineIsHeaderbooleanIndicates that the first line of the file is a header containing field names. If the column names have not been set yet and the tokenizer extends AbstractLineTokenizer, field names will be set automatically from this line
recordSeparatorPolicyRecordSeparatorPolicyUsed to determine where the line endings are and do things like continue over a line ending if inside a quoted string. FieldSetMapper

The FieldSetMapper interface defines a single method, mapLine, which takes a FieldSet object and maps its contents to an object. This object may be a custom DTO or domain object, or it could be as simple as an array, depending on your needs. The FieldSetMapper is used in conjunction with the LineTokenizer to translate a line of data from a resource into an object of the desired type:

  public interface FieldSetMapper {
    public Object mapLine(FieldSet fs);


As you can see, the pattern used is exactly the same as RowMapper used by JdbcTemplate. LineTokenizer

Because there can be many formats of flat file data, which all need to be converted to a FieldSet so that a FieldSetMapper can create a useful domain object from them, an abstraction for turning a line of input into a FieldSet is necessary. In Spring Batch, this is called a LineTokenizer:

  public interface LineTokenizer {
    FieldSet tokenize(String line);


The contract of a LineTokenizer is such that, given a line of input (in theory the String could encompass more than one line) a FieldSet representing the line will be returned. This will then be passed to a FieldSetMapper. Spring Batch contains the following LineTokenizers:

  • DelmitedLineTokenizer - Used for files that separate records by a delimiter. The most common is a comma, but pipes or semicolons are often used as well

  • FixedLengthTokenizer - Used for tokenizing files where each record is separated by a 'fixed width' that must be defined per record.

  • PrefixMatchingCompositeLineTokenizer - Tokenizer that determines which among a list of Tokenizers should be used on a particular line by checking against a prefix. Simple Delimited File Reading Example

Now that the basic interfaces for reading in flat files have been defined, a simple example explaining how they work together is helpful. In it's most simple form, the flow when reading a line from a file is the following:

  1. Read one line from the file.

  2. Pass the string line into the LineTokenizer#tokenize() method, in order to retrieve a FieldSet

  3. Pass the FieldSet returned from tokenizing to a FieldSetMapper, returning the result from the ItemReader#read() method

The following example will be used to illustrate this using an actual domain scenario. This particular batch job reads in football players from the following file:


We want to map this data to the following Player domain object:

  public class Player implements Serializable {
  private String ID; 
  private String lastName; 
  private String firstName; 
  private String position; 
  private int birthYear; 
  private int debutYear;
    public String toString() {
      return "PLAYER:ID=" + ID + ",Last Name=" + lastName + 
        ",First Name=" + firstName + ",Position=" + position + 
        ",Birth Year=" + birthYear + ",DebutYear=" + 
    // setters and getters...

In order to map a FieldSet into our Player object, we need to create a FieldSetMapper that returns players:

  protected static class PlayerFieldSetMapper implements FieldSetMapper {
    public Object mapLine(FieldSet fieldSet) {
      Player player = new Player();


      return player;

We can then read in from the file by correctly constructing our FlatFileItemReader and calling read():

  FlatFileItemReader itemReader = new FlatFileItemReader();
  itemReader.setResource = new FileSystemResource("resources/players.csv");
  //DelimitedLineTokenizer defaults to comma as it's delimiter
  itemReader.setLineTokenizer(new DelimitedLineTokenizer());
  itemReader.setFieldSetMapper(new PlayerFieldSetMapper());;

Each call to read will return a new Player object from each line in the file. When the end of the file is reached, null will be returned. Mapping fields by name

There is one additional functionality line tokenizers that is similar in function to a JDBC ResultSet. The names of the fields can be injected into the LineTokenizer to increase the readability of the mapping function. First, we tell the LineTokenizer what the names of the fields in the fieldset are:

  tokenizer.setNames(new String[] {"ID", "lastName","firstName","position","birthYear","debutYear"}); 

and provide a FieldSetMapper that uses this information as follows:

    public class PlayerMapper implements FieldSetMapper {
        public Object mapLine(FieldSet fs) {
           if(fs == null){
              return null;
           Player player = new Player();
           return player;

   } Automapping FieldSets to Domain Objects

For many, having to write a specific FieldSetMapper is equally as cumbersome as writing a specific RowMapper for a JdbcTemplate. Spring Batch makes this easier by providing a FieldSetMapper that automatically maps fields by matching a field name with a setter using the JavaBean spec. Again using the football example, the FieldSetMapper configuration looks like the following:

  <bean id="fieldSetMapper"
    <property name="prototypeBeanName" value="player" />

  <bean id="person"
        scope="prototype" />

For each entry in the FieldSet, the mapper will look for a corresponding setter on a new instance of the Player object (for this reason, prototype scope is required) in the same way the Spring container will look for setters matching a property name. Each available field in the FieldSet will be mapped, and the resultant Player object will be returned, with no code required. Fixed Length file formats

So far only delimited files have been discussed in much detail, however, they respresent only half of the file reading picture. Many organizations that use flat files use fixed length formats. An example fixed length file is below:


While this looks like one large field, it actually represent 4 distinct fields:

  1. ISIN: Unique identifier for the item being order - 12 characters long.

  2. Quantity: Number of this item being ordered - 3 characters long.

  3. Price: Price of the item - 4 characters long.

  4. Customer: Id of the customer ordering the item - 8 characters long.

When configuring the FixedLengthLineTokenizer, each of these lengths must be provided in the form of ranges:

  <bean id="fixedLengthLineTokenizer"
    <property name="names" value="ISIN, Quantity, Price, Customer" />
    <property name="columns" value="1-12, 13-15, 16-20, 21-29" />

This LineTokenizer will return the same FieldSet as if a dlimiter had been used, allowing the same approachs above to be used such as the BeanWrapperFieldSetMapper, in a way that is ignorant of how the actual line was parsed. Multiple record types within a single file

All of the file reading examples up to this point have all made a key assumption for simplicity's sake: one record equals one line. However, this may not always be the case. Its very common that a file might have records spanning multiple lines with multiple formats. The following excerpt from a file illustrates this:

  BAD;;Oak Street 31/A;;Small Town;00235;IL;US
  SAD;Smith, Elizabeth;Elm Street 17;;Some City;30011;FL;United States

Everything between the line starting with 'HEA' and the line starting with 'FOT' is considered one record. The PrefixMatchingCompositeLineTokenizer makes this easier by matching the prefix in a line with a particular tokenizer:

  <bean id="orderFileDescriptor"
    <property name="tokenizers">
      <entry key="HEA" value-ref="headerRecordDescriptor" />
      <entry key="FOT" value-ref="footerRecordDescriptor" />
      <entry key="BCU" value-ref="businessCustomerLineDescriptor" />
      <entry key="NCU" value-ref="customerLineDescriptor" />
      <entry key="BAD" value-ref="billingAddressLineDescriptor" />
      <entry key="SAD" value-ref="shippingAddressLineDescriptor" />
      <entry key="BIN" value-ref="billingLineDescriptor" />
      <entry key="SIN" value-ref="shippingLineDescriptor" />
      <entry key="LIT" value-ref="itemLineDescriptor" />
      <entry key="" value-ref="defaultLineDescriptor" />

This ensures that the line will be parsed correctly, which is especially important for fixed length input, with the correct field names. Any users of the FlatFileItemReader in this scenario must continue calling read until the footer for the record is returned, allowing them to return a complete order as one 'item'.

3.5.3. FlatFileItemWriter

Writing out to flat files has the same problems and issues that reading in from a file must overcome. It must be able to write out in either delimited or fixed length formats in a transactional manner. LineAggregator

Just as the LineTokenizer interface is necessary to take a string and split it into tokens, file writing must have a way to aggregate multiple fields into a single string for writing to a file. In Spring Batch this is the LineAggregator:

  public interface LineAggregator {

    public String aggregate(FieldSet fieldSet);


The LineAggregator is exactly the opposite of a LineTokenizer. LineTokenizer takes a String and returns a FieldSet, whereas LineAggregator takes a FieldSet and returns a String. As with reading there are two types: DelimitedLineAggregator and FixedLengthLineAggregator. FieldSetCreator

Because the LineAggregator interface uses a FieldSet as it's mechanism for converting to a string, there needs to be an interface that describes how to convert from an object into a FieldSet:

  public interface FieldSetCreator {

    FieldSet mapItem(Object data);


As with LineTokenizer and LineAggregator, FieldSetCreator is the polar opposite of FieldSetMapper. FieldSetMapper takes a FieldSet and returns a mapped object, whereas a FieldSetCreator takes an Object and returns a FieldSet. Simple Delimited File Writing Example

Now that both the LineAggregator and FieldSetCreator interfaces have been defined, the basic flow of writing can be explained:

  1. The object to be written is passed to the FieldSetCreator in order to obtain a FieldSet.

  2. The returned FieldSet is passed to the LineAggregator

  3. The returned String is written to the configured file.

The following excerpt from the FlatFileItemWriter expresses this in code:

  public void write(Object data) throws Exception {
    FieldSet fieldSet = fieldSetCreator.mapItem(data);
    getOutputState().write(lineAggregator.aggregate(fieldSet) + LINE_SEPARATOR);

A simple configuration with the smallest ammount of setters would look like the following:

  <bean id="itemWriter"
    <property name="resource"
              value="file:target/test-outputs/20070122.testStream.multilineStep.txt" />
    <property name="fieldSetCreator">
      <bean class=""/>
  </bean> Handling file creation

FlatFileItemReader has a very simple relationship with file resources. When the reader is initialized, it opens the file if it exists, and throws an exception if it does not. File writing isn't quite so simple. At first glance it seems like a similar straight forward contract should exist for FlatFileItemWriter, if the file already exists, throw an exception, if it does not, create it and start writing. However, potentially restarting a Job can cause issues. In the normal restart scenario, the contract is reversed, if the file exists start writing to it from the last known good position, if it does not, throw an exception. However, what happens if the file name for this job is always the same? In this case, you would want to delete the file if it exists, unless it's a restart. Because of this possibility, the FlatFileItemWriter contains the property, shouldDeleteIfExists. Setting this property to true will cause an existing file with the same name to be deleted when the writer is opened.

3.6. XML Item Readers and Writers

Spring Batch provides transactional infrastructure for both reading XML records and mapping them to Java objects as well as writing Java objects as XML records.

Constraints on streaming XML

The StAX API is used for I/O as other standard XML parsing APIs do not fit batch processing requirements (DOM loads the whole input into memory at once and SAX controls the parsing process allowing the user only to provide callbacks).

Lets take a closer look how XML input and output works in Spring Batch. First, there are a few concepts that vary from file reading and writing but are common across Spring Batch XML processing. With XML processing instead of lines of records (FieldSets) that need to be tokenized, it is assumed an XML resource is a collection of 'fragments' corresponding to individual records. Note that OXM tools are designed to work with standalone XML documents rather than XML fragments cut out of an XML document, therefore the Spring Batch infrastructure needs to work around this fact, as described below:

Figure 3.1: XML Input

The 'trade' tag is defined as the 'root element' in the scenario above. Everything between '<trade>' and '</trade>' is considered one 'fragment'. Spring Batch uses Object/XML Mapping (OXM) to bind fragments to objects. However, Spring Batch is not tied to any particular xml binding technology. Typical use is to delegate to Spring OXM, which provides uniform abstraction for the most popular OXM technologies. The dependency on Spring OXM is optional and you can choose to implement Spring Batch specific interfaces if desired. The relationship to the technologies that OXM supports can be shown as the following:

Figure 3.2: OXM Binding

Now with an introduction to OXM and how one can use XML fragments to represent records, let's take a closer look at Item Readers and Item Writers.

3.6.1. StaxEventItemReader

The StaxEventItemReader configuration provides a typical setup for the processing of records from an XML input stream. First, lets examine a set of XML records that the StaxEventItemReader can process.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <trade xmlns="">
  <trade xmlns="">
  <trade xmlns="">

To be able to process the XML records we need the following:

  • Root Element Name - Name of the root element of the fragment that constitutes the object to be mapped. The example configuration demonstrates this with the value of trade.

  • Resource - Spring Resource that represents the file to be read.

  • FragmentDeserializer - UnMarshalling facility provided by Spring OXM for mapping the XML fragment to an object.

<property name="itemReader">
     <bean class="">
         <property name="fragmentRootElementName"  value="trade" />
         <property name="resource" value="data/staxJob/input/20070918.testStream.xmlFileStep.xml" />
         <property name="fragmentDeserializer">
             <bean class="">
                     <bean class="org.springframework.oxm.xstream.XStreamMarshaller">
                         <property name="aliases" ref="aliases" />

Notice that in this example we have chosen to use an XStreamMarshaller that requires an alias passed in as a map with the first key and value being the name of the fragment (i.e. root element) and the object type to bind. Then, similar to a FieldSet, the names of the other elements that map to fields within the object type are described as key/value pairs in the map. In the configuration file we can use a spring configuration utility to describe the required alias as follows:

        <util:map id="aliases">
                <entry key="trade"
                        value="org.springframework.batch.sample.domain.Trade" />
                <entry key="isin" value="java.lang.String" />
                <entry key="quantity" value="long" />
                <entry key="price" value="java.math.BigDecimal" />
                <entry key="customer" value="java.lang.String" />

On input the reader reads the XML resource until it recognizes a new fragment is about to start (by matching the tag name by default). The reader creates a standalone XML document from the fragment (or at least makes it appear so) and passes the document to a deserializer (typically a wrapper around a Spring OXM Unmarshaller) to map the XML to a Java object.

In summary, if you were to see this in scripted code like Java the injection provided by the spring configuration would look something like the following:

      StaxEventItemReader xmlStaxEventItemReader = new StaxEventItemReader()
      Resource resource = new ByteArrayResource(xmlResource.getBytes()) 

      Map aliases = new HashMap();
      Marshaller marshaller = new XStreamMarshaller();
      xmlStaxEventItemReader.setFragmentDeserializer(new UnmarshallingEventReaderDeserializer(marshaller));
      xmlStaxEventItemReader.setFragmentRootElementName("trade"); ExecutionContext());

      boolean hasNext = true
      while (hasNext) {
        trade =;
        if (trade == null) {
                hasNext = false;
        } else {
                println trade;

3.6.2. StaxEventItemWriter

Output works symmetrically to input. The StaxEventItemWriter needs a Resource, a serializer, and a rootTagName. A Java object is passed to a serializer (typically a wrapper around Spring OXM Marshaller) which writes to a Resource using a custom event writer that filters the StartDocument and EndDocument events produced for each fragment by the OXM tools. We'll show this in an example using the MarshallingEventWriterSerializer. The Spring configuration for this setup looks as follows:

<bean class="org.springframework.batch.item.xml.StaxEventItemWriter" id="tradeStaxWriter">
  <property name="resource"value="file:target/test-outputs/20070918.testStream.xmlFileStep.output.xml" />
  <property name="serializer" ref="tradeMarshallingSerializer" />
  <property name="rootTagName" value="trades" />
  <property name="overwriteOutput" value="true" />

The configuration sets up the three required properties and optionally sets the overwriteOutput=true, mentioned earlier in the chapter for specifying whether an existing file can be overwritten. The TradeMarshallingSerializer is configured as follows:

<bean class="org.springframework.batch.item.xml.oxm.MarshallingEventWriterSerializer" id="tradeMarshallingSerializer">
   <bean class="org.springframework.oxm.xstream.XStreamMarshaller">
     <property name="aliases" ref="aliases" />

To summarize with a Java example, the following code illustrates all of the points discussed, demonstrating the programmatic setup of the required properties.

     StaxEventItemWriter staxItemWriter = new StaxEventItemWriter()
     FileSystemResource resource = new FileSystemResource(File.createTempFile("StaxEventWriterOutputSourceTests", "xml"))

     Map aliases = new HashMap();
     XStreamMarshaller marshaller = new XStreamMarshaller()

     MarshallingEventWriterSerializer tradeMarshallingSerializer = new MarshallingEventWriterSerializer(marshaller)


     ExecutionContext executionContext = new ExecutionContext()
     Trade trade = new Trade()
     trade.isin = "XYZ0001"
     trade.quantity =5 
     trade.price = 11.39 
     trade.customer = "Customer1"
     println trade

For a complete example configuration of XML input and output and a corresponding Job see the sample xmlStaxJob.

3.7. Creating File Names at Runtime

Both the XML and Flat File examples above use the Spring Resource abstraction to obtain the file to read or write from. This works because Resource has a getFile method, that returns a Both XML and Flat File resources can be configured using standard Spring constructs:

  <bean id="flatFileItemReader"
    <property name="resource"
                     value="file://outputs/20070122.testStream.CustomerReportStep.TEMP.txt" />

The above Resource will load the file from the file system, at the location specificied. Note that absolute locations have to start with a double slash ("//"). In most spring applications, this solution is good enough because the names of these are known at compile time. However, in batch scenarios, the file name may need to be determined at runtime as a parameter to the job. This could be solved using '-D' parameters, i.e. a system property:

<bean id="flatFileItemReader"
    <property name="resource" value="${}" />

All that would be required for this solution to work would be a system argument ("file://file.txt"). (Note that although a PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer can be used here, it is not necessary if the system property is always set because the ResourceEditor in Spring already filters and does placeholder replacement on system properties.)

Often in a batch setting it is preferable to parameterize the file name in the JobParameters of the job, instead of through system properties, and access them that way. To allow for this, Spring Batch provides the StepExecutionResourceProxy. The proxy can use either job name, step name, or any values from the JobParameters, by surrounding them with %:

  <bean id="inputFile"
        class="org.springframework.batch.core.resource.StepExecutionResourceProxy" />
    <property name="filePattern" value="//%JOB_NAME%/%STEP_NAME%/" />

Assuming a job name of 'fooJob', and a step name of 'fooStep', and the key-value pair of '"fileName.txt"' is in the JobParameters the job is started with, the following filename will be passed as the Resource: "//fooJob/fooStep/fileName.txt". It should be noted that in order for the proxy to have access to the StepExecution, it must be registered as a StepListener:

  <bean id="fooStep" parent="abstractStep"
    <property name="listeners" ref="inputFile" />

The StepListener interface will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 4. For now, it is sufficient to know that the proxy must be registered.

3.8. Database

Like most enterprise application styles, a database is the central storage mechanism for batch. However, batch differs from other application styles due to the sheer size of the datasets that must be worked with. The Spring Core JdbcTemplate illustrates this problem well. If you use JdbcTemplate with a RowMapper, the RowMapper will be called once for every result returned from the provided query. This causes few issues in scenarios where the dataset is small, but the large datasets often necessary for batch processing would cause any JVM to crash quickly. If the sql statement returns 1 million rows, the RowMapper will be called 1 million times. Spring Batch provides two types of solutions for this problem: Cursor and DrivingQuery ItemReaders.

3.8.1. Cursor Based ItemReaders

Using a database cursor is generally the default approach of most batch developers. This is because it is the database's solution to the problem of 'streaming' relational data. The Java ResultSet class is essentially an object orientated mechanism for manipulating a cursor. A ResultSet maintains a cursor to the current row of data. Calling next on a ResultSet moves this cursor to the next row. Spring Batch cursor based ItemReaders open the a cursor on initialization, and move the cursor forward one row for every call to read, returning a mapped object that can be used for processing. The close method will then be called to ensure all resources are freed up. The Spring core JdbcTemplate gets around this problem by using the callback pattern to completely map all rows in a ResultSet and close before returning control back to the method caller. However, in batch this must wait until the step is complete. Below is a generic diagram of how a cursor based ItemReader works, and while a SQL statement is used as an example since it is so widely known, any technology could implement the basic approach:

The example illustrates the basic pattern. Given a 'FOO' table, which has three columns: ID, NAME, and BAR, select all rows with an ID greater than one but less than 7. This puts the beginning of the cursor (row 1) on ID 2. The result of this row should be a completely mapped Foo object, calling read() again, moves the cursor to the next row, which is the Foo with an ID of 3. JdbcCursorItemReader

JdbcCursorItemReader is the JDBC implementation of the cursor based technique. It works directly with a ResultSet and requires a SQL statement to run against a connection obtained from a DataSource. The following database schema will be used as an example:


Many people prefer to use a domain object for each row, so we'll use an implementation of the RowMapper interface to map a CustomerCredit object:

public class CustomerCreditRowMapper implements RowMapper {

 public static final String ID_COLUMN = "id";
 public static final String NAME_COLUMN = "name";
 public static final String CREDIT_COLUMN = "credit";

 public Object mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
        CustomerCredit customerCredit = new CustomerCredit();


        return customerCredit;


Because JdbcTemplate is so familiar to users of Spring, and the JdbcCursorItemReader shares key interfaces with it, it's useful to see an example of how to read in this data with JdbcTemplate, in order to contrast it with the item reader. For the purposes of this example, let's assume there are 1,000 rows in the CUSTOMER database. The first example will be using JdbcTemplate:

//For simplicity sake, assume a dataSource has already been obtained
JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);
List customerCredits = jdbcTemplate.query("SELECT ID, NAME, CREDIT from CUSTOMER", new CustomerCreditRowMapper());

After running this code snippet the customerCredits list will contain 1,000 CustomerCredit objects. In the query method, a connection will be obtained from the DataSource, the provided SQL will be run against it, and the mapRow method will be called for each row in the ResultSet. Let's constrast this with the approach of the JdbcCursorItemReader:

JdbcCursorItemReader itemReader = new JdbcCursorItemReader();
itemReader.setSql("SELECT ID, NAME, CREDIT from CUSTOMER");
itemReader.setMapper(new CustomerCreditRowMapper());
int counter = 0;
ExecutionContext executionContext = new ExecutionContext();;
Object customerCredit = new Object();
while(customerCredit != null){
  customerCredit =;

After running this code snippet the counter will equal 1,000. If the code above had put the returned customerCredit into a list, the result would have been exactly the same as with the JdbcTemplate example. However, the big advantage of the ItemReader is that it allows items to be 'streamed'. The read method can be called once, and the item written out via an ItemWriter, and then the next item obtained via read. This allows item reading and writing to be done in 'chunks' and committed periodically, which is the essence of high performance batch processing. Additional Properties

Because there are so many varying options for opening a cursor in Java, there are many properties on the JdbcCustorItemReader that can be set:

Table 3.2. JdbcCursorItemReader Properties

ignoreWarningsDetermines whether or not SQLWarnings are logged or cause an exception - default is true
fetchSizeGives the JDBC driver a hint as to the number of rows that should be fetched from the database when more rows are needed by the ResultSet object used by the ItemReader. By default, no hint is given.
maxRowsSets the limits for the maximum number of rows the underlying ResultSet can hold at any one time.
queryTimeoutSets the number of seconds the driver will wait for a Statement object to execute to the given number of seconds. If the limit is exceeded, a DataAccessEception is thrown. (consult your driver vendor documentation for details).
verifyCursorPositionBecause the same ResultSet held by the ItemReader is passed to the RowMapper, it's possible for users to call themselves, which could cause issues with the reader's internal count. Settings this value to true will cause an exception to be thrown if the cursor position is not the same after the RowMapper call as it was before.
saveStateIndicates whether or not the reader's state should be saved in the ExecutionContext provided by ItemStream#update(ExecutionContext) The default value is false. HibernateCursorItemReader

Just as normal Spring users make important decisions about whether or not to use ORM solutions, which affects whether or not they use a JdbcTemplate or a HibernateTemplate, Spring Batch users have the same options. HibernateCursorItemReader is the Hibernate implementation of the cursor technique. Hibernate's usage in batch has been fairly controversial. This has largely been because hibernate was originally developed to support online application styles. However, that doesn't mean it can't be used for batch processing. The easiest approach for solving this problem is to use a StatelessSession rather than a standard session. This removes all of the caching and dirty checking hibernate employs that can cause issues when using it in a batch scenario. For more information on the differences between stateless and normal hibernate sessions, refer to the documentation of your specific hibernate release. The HibernateCursorItemReader allows you to declare an HQL statement and pass in a SessionFactory, which will pass back one item per call to read in the same basic fashion as the JdbcCursorItemReader. Below is an example configuration using the same 'customer credit' example as the JDBC reader:

  HibernateCursorItemReader itemReader = new HibernateCursorItemReader();
  itemReader.setQueryString("from CustomerCredit");
  //For simplicity sake, assume sessionFactory already obtained.
  int counter = 0;
  ExecutionContext executionContext = new ExecutionContext();;
  Object customerCredit = new Object();
  while(customerCredit != null){
    customerCredit =;

This configured ItemReader will return CustomerCredit objects in the exact same manner as described by the JdbcCursorItemReader, assuming hibernate mapping files have been created correctly for the Customer table. The 'useStatelessSession' property defaults to true, but has been added here to draw attention to the ability to switch it on or off.

3.8.2. Driving Query Based ItemReaders

In the previous section, Cursor based database input was discussed. However, it isn't the only option. Many database vendors, such as DB2, have extremely pessimistic locking strategies that can cause issues if the table being read also needs to be used by other portions of the online application. Furthermore, opening cursors over extremely large datasets can cause issues on certain vendors. Therefore, many projects prefer to use a 'Driving Query' approach to reading in data. This approach works by iterating over keys, rather than the entire object that needs to be returned, as the following example illustrates:

As you can see, this example uses the same 'FOO' table as was used in the cursor based example. However, rather than selecting the entire row, only the ID's were selected in the SQL statement. So, rather than a FOO object being returned from read, an Integer will be returned. This number can then be used to query for the 'details', which is a complete Foo object:

As you can see, an existing DAO can be used to obtain a full 'Foo' object using the key obtained from the driving query. In Spring Batch, driving query style input is implemented with a DrivingQueryItemReader, which has only one dependency: a KeyCollector KeyCollector

As the previous example illustrates, the DrivingQueryItemReader is fairly simple. It simply iterates over a list of keys. However, the real complication is how those keys are obtained. The KeyCollector interface abstracts this:

  public interface KeyCollector {

   List retrieveKeys(ExecutionContext executionContext);

   void updateContext(Object key, ExecutionContext executionContext);

The primary method in this interface is the retrieveKeys method. It is expected that this method will return the keys to be processed regardless of whether or not it is a restart scenario. For example, if a job starts processing keys 1 through 1,000, and fails after processing key 500, upon restarting keys 500 through 1,000 should be returned. This functionality is made possible by the updateContext method, which saves the provided key (which should be the current key being processed) in the provided ExecutionContext. The retrieveKeys method can then use this value to retrieve a subset of the original keys:

  ExecutionContext executionContext = new ExecutionContext();
  List keys = keyStrategy.retrieveKeys(executionContext);
  //Assume keys contains 1 through 1,000
  keyStrategy.updateContext(new Long(500), executionContext);
  keys = keyStrategy.retrieveKeys(executionContext);
  //keys should now contains 500 through 1,000

This generalization illustrates the KeyCollector contract. If we assume that initially calling retrieveKeys returned 1,000 keys (1 through 1,000), calling updateContext with key 500 should mean that calling retrieveKeys again with the same ExecutionContext will return 500 keys (501 through 1,000). SingleColumnJdbcKeyCollector

The most common driving query scenario is that of input that has only one column that represents its key. This is implemented as the SingleColumnJdbcKeyCollector class, which has the following options:

Table 3.3. SinglecolumnJdbcKeyCollector properties

jdbcTemplateThe JdbcTemplate to be used to query the database
sqlThe sql statement to query the database with. It should return only one value.
restartSqlThe sql statement to use in the case of restart. Because only one key will be used, this query should require only one argument.
keyMapperThe RowMapper implementation to be used to map the keys to objects. By default, this is a Spring Core SingleColumnRowMapper, which maps them to well known types such as Integer, String, etc. For more information, check the documentation of your specific Spring release.

The following code helps illustrate how to setup and use a SingleColumnJdbcKeyCollector:

  SingleColumnJdbcKeyCollector keyCollector = new SingleColumnJdbcKeyCollector(getJdbcTemplate(),
  "SELECT ID from T_FOOS order by ID");

  keyCollector.setRestartSql("SELECT ID from T_FOOS where ID > ? order by ID");

  ExecutionContext executionContext = new ExecutionContext();

  List keys = keyStrategy.retrieveKeys(new ExecutionContext());

  for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) {

If this code were run in the proper environment with the correct database tables setup, then it would output the following:


Now, let's modify the code slightly to show what would happen if the code were started again after a restart, having failed after processing key 3 successfully:

  SingleColumnJdbcKeyCollector keyCollector = new SingleColumnJdbcKeyCollector(getJdbcTemplate(),
  "SELECT ID from T_FOOS order by ID");

  keyCollector.setRestartSql("SELECT ID from T_FOOS where ID > ? order by ID");

  ExecutionContext executionContext = new ExecutionContext();  

  keyStrategy.updateContext(new Long(3), executionContext);
  List keys = keyStrategy.retrieveKeys(executionContext);

  for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) {

Running this code snippet would result in the following:


The key difference between the two examples is the following line:

  keyStrategy.updateContext(new Long(3), executionContext);

This tells the key collector to update the provided ExecutionContext with the key of three. This will normally be called by the DrivingQueryItemReader, but is called directly for simplicities sake. By calling retrieveKeys with the ExecutionContext that was updated to contain 3, the argument of 3 will be passed to the restartSql:

  keyCollector.setRestartSql("SELECT ID from T_FOOS where ID > ? order by ID");

This will cause only keys 4 and 5 to be returned, since they are the only ones with an ID greater than 3. Mapping multiple column keys

The SingleColumnJdbcKeyCollector is extremely useful for generating keys, but only if one column uniquely identifies your record. What if more than one column is required to be able to uniquely identify your record? This should be a minority scenario, but it is still possible. In this case, the MultipleColumnJdbcKeyCollector should be used. It allows for mapping multiple columns by sacrificing simplicity. The properties needed to use the multiple column collector are the same as the single column version except one difference: instead of a regular RowMaper, an ExecutionContextRowMapper must be provided. Just like the single column version, it requires a normal SQL statement and a restart SQL statement. However, because the restart SQL statement will require more than one argument, there needs to be more complex handling of how keys are mapped to an execution context. An ExecutionContextRowMapper provides this:

public interface ExecutionContextRowMapper extends RowMapper {

  public void mapKeys(Object key, ExecutionContext executionContext);

 public PreparedStatementSetter createSetter(ExecutionContext executionContext);

The ExecutionContextRowMapper interface extends the standard RowMapper interface to allow for multiple keys to be stored in an ExecutionContext, and a PreparedStatementSetter be created so that arguments to a the restart SQL statement can be set for the key returned.

By default a implementation of the ExecutionContextRowMapper that uses a Map will be used. It is recommended that this implementation not be overridden. However, if a specific type of key needs to be returned, then a new implementation can be provided. iBatisKeyCollector

Jdbc is not the only option available for key collectors, iBatis can be used as well. The usage of iBatis doesn't change the basic requirements of a KeyCollector: query, restart query, and DataSource. However, because iBatis is used, both queries are simply iBatis query ids, and the data source is a SqlMapClient.

3.8.3. Database ItemWriters

While both Flat Files and XML have specific ItemWriters, there is no exact equivalent in the database world. This is because transactions provide all the functionality that is needed. ItemWriters are necessary for files because they must act as if they're transactional, keeping track of written items and flushing or clearing at the appropriate times. Databases have no need for this functionality, since the write is already contained in a transaction. Users can create their own DAO's that implement the ItemWriter interface or use one from a custom ItemWriter that's written for generic processing concerns, either way, they should work without any issues. The one exception to this is buffered output. This is most common when using hibernate as an ItemWriter, but could have the same issues when using Jdbc batch mode. Buffering database output doesn't have any inherent flaws, assuming there are no errors in the data. However, any errors while writing out can cause issues because there is no way to know which individual item caused an exception. An example would be a record that causes a DataIntegrityViolationException, perhaps because of a primary key violation. If items are buffered before being written out, this error will not be thrown until the buffer is flushed just before a commit. For example, let's assume that 20 items will be written per chunk, and the 15th item throws a DataIntegrityViolationException. As far as the Step is concerned, all 20 item will be written out successfully, since there's no way to know that an error will occur until they are actually written out. Once ItemWriter#flush() is called, the buffer will be emptied and the exception will be hit. At this point, there's nothing the Step can do, the transaction must be rolled back. Normally, this exception will cause the Item to be skipped (depending upon the skip/retry policies), and then it won't be written out again. However, in this scenario, there's no way for it to know which item caused the issue, the whole buffer was being written out when the failure happened. Because this is a common enough use case, especially when using Hibernate, Spring Batch provides an implementation to help: HibernateAwareItemWriter. The HibernateAwareItemWriter solves the problem in a straightforward way: if a chunk fails the first time, on subsequent runs it will be flushed after after each time. This effectively lowers the commit interval to one for the length of the chunk. Doing so allows for items to be skipped reliably. The following example illustrates how to configure the HibernateAwareItemWriter:

  <bean id="hibernateItemWriter"
    <property name="sessionFactory" ref="sessionFactory" />
    <property name="delegate" ref="customerCreditWriter" />

  <bean id="customerCreditWriter"
    <property name="sessionFactory" ref="sessionFactory" />

3.9. Reusing Existing Services

Batch systems are often used in conjunction with other application styles. The most common is an online system, but it may also support integration or even a thick client application by moving necessary bulk data that each application style uses. For this reason, it is common that many users want to reuse existing DAOs or other services within their batch jobs. The Spring container itself makes this fairly easy by allowing any necessary class to be injected. However, there may be cases where the existing service needs to act as an ItemReader or ItemWriter, either to satisfy the dependency of another Spring Batch class, or because it truly is the main ItemReader for a step. It's fairly trivial to write an adaptor class for each service that needs wrapping, but because it's such a common concern, Spring Batch provides implementations: ItemReaderAdapter and ItemWriterAdapter. Both classes implement the standard Spring method invoking delegator pattern and are fairly simple to set up. Below is an example of the reader:

  <bean id="itemReader" class="org.springframework.batch.item.adapter.ItemReaderAdapter">
    <property name="targetObject" ref="fooService" />
    <property name="targetMethod" value="generateFoo" />

  <bean id="fooService" class="org.springframework.batch.item.sample.FooService" />

One important point to note is that the contract of the targetMethod must be the same as the contract for read. That is, when exhausted it will return null, otherwise an Object. Anything else will prevent the framework from correctly knowing when processing should end, either causing an infinite loop or incorrect failure, depending upon the implementation of the ItemWriter. The ItemWriter implementation is equally as simple:

  <bean id="itemWriter" class="org.springframework.batch.item.adapter.ItemWriterAdapter">
    <property name="targetObject" ref="fooService" />
    <property name="targetMethod" value="processFoo" />

  <bean id="fooService" class="org.springframework.batch.item.sample.FooService" />

3.10. Item Transforming

The ItemReader and ItemWriter interfaces have been discussed in detail in this chapter, but what if you want to insert business logic before writing? One option for both reading and writing is to use the composite pattern. That is, create an ItemWriter that contains another ItemWriter, or an ItemReader that contains another ItemReader. For example:

  public class CompositeItemWriter implements ItemWriter {

    ItemWriter itemWriter;

    public CompositeItemWriter(ItemWriter itemWriter) {
      this.itemWriter = itemWriter;

    public void write(Object item) throws Exception {

      //Add business logic here


    public void clear() throws ClearFailedException {

    public void flush() throws FlushFailedException {

The class above contains another ItemWriter that it delgates to after having provided some business logic. It should be noted that the clear and flush methods must be propogated as well so that the delegate ItemWriter is notified. This pattern could easily be used for an ItemReader as well, perhaps to obtain more reference data based upon the input that was provided by the main ItemReader. This pattern is very useful if you need to control the call to write yourself. However, if you only want to 'transform' the item passed in for writing before it is actual written, there isn't much need to call write yourself, you just want to modify the item. For this scenario, Spring Batch provides the ItemTransformer interface:

  public interface ItemTransformer {

    Object transform(Object item) throws Exception;

An ItemTransformer is very simple, given one object, transorm it and return another. The object provided may or may not be of the same type. The point is that business logic may be applied within transform, and is completely up to the developer to create. An ItemTransformer is used as part of the ItemTransformerItemWriter, which accepts an ItemWriter and an ItemTransformer, passing the item first to the transformer, before writing it. For example, assuming an ItemReader provides a class of type Foo, and it needs to be converted to type Bar before being written out. An ItemTransformer can be written that performs the conversion:

  public class Foo {}

  public class Bar {
    public Bar(Foo foo) {}

  public class FooTransformer implements ItemTransformer{

    //Preform simple transformation, convert a Foo to a Barr
    public Object transform(Object item) throws Exception {
      assertTrue(item instanceof Foo);
      Foo foo = (Foo)item;
      return new Bar(foo);

  public class BarWriter implements ItemWriter{

    public void write(Object item) throws Exception {
      assertTrue(item instanceof Bar);

    //rest of class ommitted for clarity

In the very simple example above, there is a class Foo, a class Bar, and a class FooTransformer that adheres to the ItemTransformer interface. The transformation is simple, but any type of transformation could be done here. The BarWriter will be used to write out 'Bars', throwing an exception if any other type is provided. Similarly, the FooTransformer will throw an exception if anything but a Foo is provided. An ItemTransformerItemWriter can then be used like a normal ItemWriter. It will be passed a Foo for writing, which will be passed to the transformer, and a Bar returned. The resulting Bar will then be written:

  ItemTransformerItemWriter itemTransformerItemWriter = new ItemTransformerItemWriter();
  itemTransformerItemWriter.setItemTransformer(new FooTransformer());
  itemTransformerItemWriter.setDelegate(new BarWriter());
  itemTransformerItemWriter.write(new Foo());

3.10.1. The Delegate Pattern and Registering with the Step

Note that the ItemTransformerItemWriter and the CompositeItemWriter are examples of a delegation pattern, which is common in Spring Batch. The delegates themselves might implement callback interfaces like ItemStream or StepListener. If they do, and they are being used in conjunction with Spring Batch Core as part of a Step in a Job, then they almost certainly need to be registered manually with the Step. Registration is automatic when using the factory beans (*StepFactoryBean) , but only for the ItemReader and ItemWriter injected directly. The delegates are not known to the Step, so they need to be injected as listeners or streams (or both if appropriate).

3.10.2. Chaining ItemTransformers

Performing a single transformation is useful in many scenarios, but what if you want to 'chain' together multiple ItemTransformers? This can be accomplished using a CompositeItemTransformer. To update the previous, single transformation, example, Foo will be Transformed to Bar, which will be transformed to Foobar and written out:

  public class Foo {}

  public class Bar {
    public Bar(Foo foo) {}

  public class Foobar{
    public Foobar(Bar bar){}

  public class FooTransformer implements ItemTransformer{

    //Preform simple transformation, convert a Foo to a Barr
    public Object transform(Object item) throws Exception {
      assertTrue(item instanceof Foo);
      Foo foo = (Foo)item;
      return new Bar(foo);

  public class BarTransformer implements ItemTransformer{

    public Object transform(Object item) throws Exception {
      assertTrue(item instanceof Bar);
      return new Foobar((Bar)item);

  public class FoobarWriter implements ItemWriter{

    public void write(Object item) throws Exception {
      assertTrue(item instanceof Foobar);
    //rest of class ommitted for clarity

A FooTransformer and BarTransformer can be 'chained' together to give the resultant Foobar:

  CompositeItemTransformer compositeTransformer = new CompositeItemTransformer();
  List itemTransformers = new ArrayList();
  itemTransformers.add(new FooTransformer());
  itemTransformers.add(new BarTransformer());

The compositeTransformer could be said to accept a Foo and return a Foobar. Clients of the composite transformer don't need to know that there are actually two separate transformations taking place. By updating the example from above to use the composite transformer, the correct class can be passed to FoobarWriter:

  ItemTransformerItemWriter itemTransformerItemWriter = new ItemTransformerItemWriter();
  itemTransformerItemWriter.setDelegate(new FoobarWriter());
  itemTransformerItemWriter.write(new Foo());

3.11. Validating Input

During the course of this chapter, multiple approaches to parsing input have been discussed. Each major implementation will throw exception if it is not 'well-formed'. The FixedLengthTokenizer will throw an exception if a range of data is missing. Similarly, attempting to access an index in a RowMapper of FieldSetMapper that doesn't exist or is in a different format than the one expected will cause an exception to be thrown. All of these types of exceptions will be thrown before read returns. However, they don't address the issue of whether or not the returned item is valid. For example, if one of the fields is an age, it obviously cannot be negative. It will parse correctly, because it existed and is a number, but it won't cause an exception. Since there are already a plethora of Validation frameworks, Spring Batch does not attempt to provide yet another, but rather provides a very simple interface that can be implemented by any number of frameworks:

  public interface Validator {
    void validate(Object value) throws ValidationException;


The contract is that the validate method will throw an exception if the object is invalid, and return normally if it is valid. Spring Batch provides an out of the box ItemReader that delegates to another ItemReader and validates the returned item:

  <bean class="org.springframework.batch.item.validator.ValidatingItemReader">
    <property name="itemReader">
      <bean class="org.springframework.batch.sample.item.reader.OrderItemReader" />
    <property name="validator" ref="validator" />

  <bean id="validator"
    <property name="validator">
      <bean id="orderValidator"
        <property name="valang">
              { orderId : ? > 0 AND ? <= 9999999999 : 'Incorrect order ID' : '' }
              { totalLines : ? = size(lineItems) : 'Bad count of order lines' : 'error.order.lines.badcount'}
              { customer.registered : customer.businessCustomer = FALSE OR ? = TRUE : 'Business customer must be registered' : 'error.customer.registration'}
              { customer.companyName : customer.businessCustomer = FALSE OR ? HAS TEXT : 'Company name for business customer is mandatory' :'error.customer.companyname'}

This simple example shows a simple ValangValidator that is used to validate an order object. The intent is not to show Valang functionality as much as to show how a validator could be added.

3.11.1. The Delegate Pattern and Registering with the Step

Note that the ValidatingItemReader is another example of a delegation pattern, and the delegates themselves might implement callback interfaces like ItemStream or StepListener. If they do, and they are being used in conjunction with Spring Batch Core as part of a step in a job, then they almost certainly need to be registered manually with the Step. Registration is automatic when using the factory beans (*StepFactoryBean) , but only for the ItemReader and ItemWriter injected directly - the delegates are not known to the step, so they need to be injected as listeners or streams (or both if appropriate).

3.12. Creating Custom ItemReaders and ItemWriters

So far in this chapter the basic contracts that exist for reading and writing in Spring Batch and some common implementations have been discussed. However, these are all fairly generic, and there are many potential scenarios that may not be covered by out of the box implementations. This section will show, using a simple example, how to create a custom ItemReader and ItemWriter implementation and implement their contracts correctly. The ItemReader will also implement ItemStream, in order to illustrate how to make a reader or writer restartable.

3.12.1. Custom ItemReader Example

For the purpose of this example, a simple ItemReader implementation that reads from a provided list will be created. We'll start out by implementing the most basic contract of ItemReader, read:

  public class CustomItemReader implements ItemReader{

    List items;

    public CustomItemReader(List items) {
      this.items = items;

    public Object read() throws Exception, UnexpectedInputException,
       NoWorkFoundException, ParseException {

      if (!items.isEmpty()) {
        return items.remove(0);
      return null;

    public void mark() throws MarkFailedException { };

    public void reset() throws ResetFailedException { };

This very simple class takes a list of items, and returns one at a time, removing it from the list. When the list empty, it returns null, thus satisfying the most basic requirements of an ItemReader, as illustrated below:

  List items = new ArrayList();

  ItemReader itemReader = new CustomItemReader(items);
  assertNull(; Making the ItemReader transactional

This most basic ItemReader will work, but what happens if the transaction needs to be rolled back? This will usually caused by an error in the ItemWriter, since the ItmReader generally won't do anything that invalidates the transaction, but without supporting it, there would be erroneous results. ItemReaders are notified about rollbacks via the mark and reset methods. In the example above they're empty, but we'll need to add code to them in order to support the rollback scenario:

  public class CustomItemReader implements ItemReader{

    List items;
    int currentIndex = 0;
    int lastMarkedIndex = 0;

    public CustomItemReader(List items) {
      this.items = items;

    public Object read() throws Exception, UnexpectedInputException,
       NoWorkFoundException, ParseException {

      if (currentIndex < items.size()) {
        return items.get(currentIndex++);
      return null;

    public void mark() throws MarkFailedException {
      lastMarkedIndex = currentIndex;

    public void reset() throws ResetFailedException {
      currentIndex = lastMarkedIndex;

The CustomItemReader has now been modified to keep track of where it is currently, and where it was when mark() was last called. This allows the new ItemReader to fulfill the basic contract that calling reset returns the ItemReader to the state it was in when mark was last called:

  //Assume same setup as last example, a list with "1", "2", and "3"

In most real world scenarios, there will likely be some kind of underlying resource that will require tracking. In the case of a file, mark will hold the current location within the file, and reset will move it back. The JdbcCursorItemReader, for example, holds on to the current row number, and on reset moves the cursor back by calling the ResultSet absolute method, which moves the current cursor to the row number supplied. The CustomItemReader now completely adheres to the entire ItemReader contract. read will return the appropriates items, returning null when empty, and reset returns the ItemReader back to it's state as of the last call to mark, allowing for correct support of a rollback. (It's assumed a Step implementation will call mark and reset). Making the ItemReader restartable

The final challenge now is to make the ItemReader restartable. Currently, if the power goes out, and processing begins again, the ItemReader must start at the beginning. This is actually valid in many scenarios, but it is sometimes preferable that a batch job starts off at where it left off. The key discriminant is often whether the reader is stateful or stateless. A stateless reader does not need to worry about restartablility, but a stateful one has to try and reconstitute its last known state on restart. For this reason, we recommend that you keep custom readers stateless as far as possible, so you don't have to worry about restartability.

If you do need to store state, then in Spring Batch, this is implemented with the ItemStream interface:

  public class CustomItemReader implements ItemReader, ItemStream{

    List items;
    int currentIndex = 0;
    int lastMarkedIndex = 0;
    private static String CURRENT_INDEX = "current.index";

    public CustomItemReader(List items) {
      this.items = items;

    public Object read() throws Exception, UnexpectedInputException,
        NoWorkFoundException, ParseException {

      if (currentIndex < items.size()) {
        return items.get(currentIndex++);
      return null; 

    public void mark() throws MarkFailedException {
      lastMarkedIndex = currentIndex;

    public void reset() throws ResetFailedException {
      currentIndex = lastMarkedIndex;

    public void open(ExecutionContext executionContext) throws ItemStreamTException {
        currentIndex = new Long(executionContext.getLong(CURRENT_INDEX)).intValue();
        currentIndex = 0;
        lastMarkedIndex = 0;

    public void update(ExecutionContext executionContext) throws ItemStreamException {
      executionContext.putLong(CURRENT_INDEX, new Long(currentIndex).longValue());

    public void close(ExecutionContext executionContext) throws ItemStreamException {}

On each call to ItemStream update method, the current index of the ItemReader will be stored in the provided ExecutionContext with a key of 'current.index'. When the ItemStream open method is called, the ExecutionContext is checked to see if it contains an entry with that key, and if so the current index is moved to that location. This is a fairly trivial example, but it still meets the general contract:

  ExecutionContext executionContext = new ExecutionContext();

  List items = new ArrayList();
  itemReader = new CustomItemReader(items);


Most ItemReaders have much more sophisticated restart logic. The DrivingQueryItemReader, for example, only loads up the remaining keys to be processed, rather than loading all of them and then moving to the correct index.

It is also worth noting that the key used within the ExecutionContext should not be trivial. That is because the same ExecutionContext is used for all ItemStreams within a Step. In most cases, simply prepending the key with the class name should be enough to guarantee uniqueness. However, in the rare cases where two of the same type of ItemStream are used in the same step (which can happen if two files are need for output) then a more unique name will be needed. For this reason, many of the Spring Batch ItemReader and ItemWriters have a setName() property that allows this key name to be overridden.

3.12.2. Custom ItemWriter Example

Implementing a Custom ItemWriter is similar in many ways to the ItemReader example above, but differs in enough ways as to warrant its own example. However, adding restartability is essentially the same, so it won't be covered in this example. As with the ItemReader example, a List will be used in order to keep the example as simple as possible:

  public class CustomItemWriter implements ItemWriter{

    List output = new ArrayList();

    public void write(Object item) throws Exception {

    public void clear() throws ClearFailedException { }

    public void flush() throws FlushFailedException { }
  } Making the ItemReader transactional

The example is extremely simple, but it's worth showing to illustrate an ItemWriter that doesn't respond to rollbacks and commits (i.e. clear and flush). If your potential writer is such that it doesn't need to care about rollback or commit, likely because it's writing to a database, then there is little value to the ItemWriter interface in that scenario other than using it to meet another class's requirement for an implementation of the ItemWriter interface. In that case, the ItemWriterAdapter would be a better solution. However, if it does need to be transactional, then flush and clear should be implemented to allow for a buffering solution:

  public class CustomItemWriter implements ItemWriter{

    List output = new ArrayList();
    List buffer = new ArrayList();

    public void write(Object item) throws Exception {
    public void clear() throws ClearFailedException {

    public void flush() throws FlushFailedException {
      for(Iterator it = buffer.iterator(); it.hasNext();){

The ItemWriter buffers all output, only writing to the actual output (in this case by added to a list) when the ItemWriter flush() method is called. The contents of the buffer are thrown away when ItemWriter clear() is called. Making the ItemWriter restartable

To make the ItemWriter restartable we would follow the same process as for the ItemReader, adding and implementing the ItemStream interface to synchronize the execution context. In the example we might have to count the number of items processed and add that as a footer record. If we needed to do that, we could implement ItemStream in our ItemWriter so that the counter was reconstituted from the execution context if the stream was re-opened.

In many realistic cases, custom ItemWriters also delegate to another writer that itself is restartable (e.g. when writing to a file), or else it writes to a transactional resource so doesn't need to be restartable because it is stateless. When you have a stateful writer you should probably also be sure to implement ItemStream as well as ItemWriter. Remember also that the client of the writer needs to be aware of the ItemStream, so you may need to register it with a factory bean (e.g. one of the StepFactoryBean implementations in Spring Batch Core).