Table A.1. Available Item Readers
Item Reader | Type of Item Provided | Description |
AbstractBufferedItemReaderItemStream | java.lang.Object | Abstract base class that provides bufferring functionality for any subclass. |
ListItemReader | java.lang.Object | Provides the items from a list, one at a time |
ValidatingItemReader | java.lang.Object | A simple extension of DelegatingItemReader that provides for validation before returning input. |
ItemReaderAdapter | java.lang.Object | Extends AbstractMethodInvokingDelegator, which enables dynamically calling of a custom method of the injected object. Provides a convenient API for dynamic method invocation shielding subclasses from the low-level details and exception handling. |
AggregateItemReader | java.util.Collection | An ItemReader that delivers a list as its item, storing up objects from the injected ItemReader until they are ready to be packed out as a collection. This ItemReader should mark the beginning and end of records with the constant values in FieldSetMapper AggregateItemReader#BEGIN_RECORD and AggregateItemReader#END_RECORD |
DelegatingItemReader | java.lang.Object | Passes all calls to delegate ItemReader and serves as a convenient superclass for implementing ItemReader wrappers, such as ValidatingItemReader |
FlatFileItemReader | java.lang.String | Reads from a flat file, includes ItemStream and Skippable functionality. See section on Read from a File |
StaxEventItemReader | java.lang.Object | Reads via StAX. See HOWTO - Read from a File |
JdbcCursorItemReader | java.lang.Object | Reads from a database cursor via JDBC. See HOWTO - Read from a Database |
DrivingQueryItemReader | java.lang.Object | Base class for operations that read from a database based on a single driving query. Configured by injecting a KeyGenerator object. See HOWTO - Read from a Database |
HibernateCursorItemReader | java.lang.Object | Reads from a cursor based on an HQL query. See section on Reading from a Database |
IbatisDrivingQueryItemReader | java.lang.Object | Reads via iBATIS based on a driving query. See HOWTO - Read from a Database |
JmsItemReader | javax.jms.Message | Given a Spring JmsOperations object and a JMS Destination or destination name to send errors, provides items received through the injected JmsOperations receive() method |
Table A.2. Available Item Writers
Item Writer | Type of Item Written | Description |
AbstractItemStreamItemWriter | java.lang.Object | Abstract base class that combines the
ItemStream and
ItemWriter interfaces. |
AbstractItemWriter | java.lang.Object | Abstract base class of the
ItemWriter interface with default
implmentations of the flush and
clear methods. |
BatchSqlUpdateItemWriter | java.lang.Object | ItemWriter that uses
batching freatures from a PreparedStatement
if available and can take rudimentary steps to locate a failure
during a flush . |
CompositeItemWriter | java.lang.Object | Passes an item to the process method of each in an injected List of ItemWriter objects |
DelegatingItemWriter | java.lang.Object | Wraps ItemWriter and is BeanAware allowing it to respond to Spring Bean events like afterPropertiesSet(). |
ItemWriterAdapter | java.lang.Object | Adapts any class to the
ItemWriter interface. |
PropertyExtractingDelegatingItemWriter | java.lang.Object | Extends AbstractMethodInvokingDelegator creating arguments on the fly. Arguments are created by retrieving the values from the fields in the item to be processed (via a SpringBeanWrapper) based on an injected array of field name |
ItemTransformerItemWriter | java.lang.Object | Extends DelegatingItemWriter by defining its doProcess method to call an injected ItemTransformer |
FlatFileItemWriter | java.lang.Object | Attempts to convert the item to a String, Collection or array using an injected Coverter and then recurses. See [HOWTO - Write to a File] |
HibernateAwareItemWriter | java.lang.Object | This item writer is hibernate session aware and handles some transaction-related work that a non-"hibernate aware" item writer would not need to know about and then delegates to another item writer to do the actual writing. See [HOWTO - Write to a Database] |
StaxEventWriterItemWriter | java.lang.Object | Uses an ObjectToXmlSerializer implementation to convert each item to XML and then writes it to an XML file using StAX. See [HOWTO - Write to a File] |