Spring Batch is organised as a reactor build in Maven (m2). To build from the command line use
$ mvn install
or the goal of your choice (compile, test, etc.). This builds the artifact (e.g. jar file) from the project in the current directory, and deploys it to you local m2 repo at $user.home/.m2/repository. See below for instructions on how to build the documentation and web site.
By default the whole project (including subprojects) will be built using Maven's "reactor" plugin. This can be expensive. To build only one module, cd to that directory first. Or at the top level use -N (for non-recursive) to exclude subprojects.
$ mvn -N install
The profile fast skips all the tests, so
mvn -o install -P fast
is the quickest way to update your local repo (assuming the tests are OK). It is equivalent of setting -Dmaven.test.skip=true.
The standard way to do this with Maven is -Dtest= with the class name (not fully qualified), e.g.
$ mvn test -Dtest=FootballJobFunctionalTests
In the samples you can also add additional system properties, which will be used to override bean properties. This can be done with an argLine property, e.g.
$ mvn test -Dtest=FootballJobFunctionalTests -DargLine='-Dplayer.file.name=player.csv -Dgames.file.name=games.csv'
or by specifying forkMode=never (in which case the test is run in the same process as Maven):
$ mvn test -DforkMode=never -Dtest=FootballJobFunctionalTests -Dplayer.file.name=player.csv -Dgames.file.name=games.csv -Djob.commit.interval=50
Our policy is to commit Eclipse (and only Eclipse) meta data to source control. This will work out of the box for you if you use the (excellent) Q4E Eclipse-plugin (http://q4e.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/updatesite). With this plugin, each of the reactor modules at the top level builds independently and feeds changes into other projects in your workspace. It is not recommended to use the Maven Eclipse plugin (mvn eclipse:eclipse) because it cannot track dependencies across the Eclipse workspace. It will also create Eclipse meta-data every time you run it, conflicting with the version under source control.
If you get multiple versions of the same jar across projects, or a jar is appearing in the classpath that you don't think is necessary, look into the dependency structure and try and exclude it from wherever it is being transitively included. To see the dependencies for a project look in the site for the dependency report. Alternatively (very useful for quickly locating a rogue jar) use
$ mvn -P snapshots dependency:tree
We use the "snapshots" profile here so that we get a snapshot of the dependency plugin (older versions did not have the tree goal, but newer versions are not stable enough to use in production).
Please use
*.xml = svn:eol-style=LF *.sql = svn:eol-style=LF *.txt = svn:eol-style=LF *.java = svn:eol-style=LF *.apt = svn:eol-style=LF *.properties = svn:eol-style=LF
in your ~/.subversion (or c:\Documents and Settings<uid>\Application Data\Subversion/config). If anyone forgets to do that then the property can be recursively set using Tortoise (type in the property key and value and use the recursive checkbox).
With the exception of reference docs, please put content in the project that it is most closely associated with. Here is a site map to help you decide.
Maven allows you to choose from a range of source format for building web content. For Spring Batch we prefer the "almost plain text" version. See files under src/site/apt in all the projects for examples, and also refer to the Apt Format Guide on the Maven website.
N.B. you put .apt source files in a subdirectory called apt, but they are moved to the top level when the site is built. Thus apt/index.apt becomes index.html.
Because the .apt format relies on indentation in plain text files, the emacs auto-fill feature in text mode makes editing very convenient. Put this in your .emacs
(setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.apt\\'" . text-mode) auto-mode-alist))
Then use M-q to auto-fill the current paragraph. Emacs adjusts the indentation of all the lines to match the first one (or the first two if the second is different.
If anyone knows how to do this with Eclipse or other editors, let us know and we'll put a note here.
The docs project is reserved for reference guides in the normal Spring docbook format. Each chapter of the reference guide is in a separate xml file under src/site/docbook/reference. The easiest way to work with the reference guide is to cd to the docs module, and run Maven from there.
Use the DTD with a validating XML editor (e.g. Eclipse) to explore the docbook format. Also look at existing examples in Spring Batch and in the Core Spring Framework source code.
<cfg:saveOptions xmlns="" cdataSectionElements="screen programlisting" />
Here is a skeleton chapter including the DTD to get you started on a new chapter.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.4//EN" "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.4/docbookx.dtd"> <chapter id="chapter-id"> <title>Chapter Title</title> <section> <title>Introduction</title> <para></para> </section> </chapter>
Create a file with the template above, and put it in docbook/reference. Use lower case, dash separated file names (XML style), e.g. my-new-chapter.xml.
Add the chapter to the master book in index.xml using
<xi:include href="my-new-chapter.xml"/>
Put (e.g.) PNG image content in src/site/resources/images, and then refer to the file using the images/ directory prefix.
With no whitespace add the image name in square brackets ([]):
[images/MyFigure.png] Caption content here is not rendered by default in a browser (it's the ALT content)...
Use the <mediaobject> element:
<mediaobject> <imageobject role="fo"> <imagedata fileref="src/site/resources/reference/images/mypic.png" format="PNG" align="center"/> </imageobject> <imageobject role="html"> <imagedata fileref="images/mypic.png" format="PNG" align="center"/> </imageobject> <caption> <para> Figure 1: the figure caption... </para> </caption> </mediaobject>
Use CDATA to save you from having to use the HTML escapes for all the special characters. E.g.
<programlisting><![CDATA[ <!-- ... my program listing here --> ]]> </programlisting>
To see your changes to web site content as soon as you have typed it, use
mvn site:run
and go to http://localhost:8080.
In a project with unit tests, you can skip the tests and go straight to the documentation using
mvn -o site:run -P fast
If you are offline, or want to speed things up a bit, the "-o" stops Maven from trying to resolve dependencies on the internet.
Use -N to build only the current project, not subprojects, So this is pretty useful at the top level:
mvn -N -o site:run -P fast
In the docs project the docbook reference guide shows up at http://localhost:8080/reference/*.html, where * is the name of an xml file with a chapter in it. There is no link to these pages on the site because the real docbook generated output is much nicer, but this is still pretty useful for debugging and dynamic editing.
Note that the formatting is a bit limited compared to the whole docbook stylesheet - Maven uses Doxia to squish all of docbook into some simple wiki-like formatting rules. In particular it can't generate the index page in the format we need it, so you may see errors from mvn site:run if you visit that page. One of the features is that the <xi:include> syntax we use to build the index and table of contents in the docbook-generated pages does not work. Images are another problem. Use the generated content from mvn site to view these artifacts.
There is a bug in the m2 reactor (MNG-740) which means that we have to install the parent pom to the local repo first.
So do it this way:
$ mvn install -P fast $ mvn -P staging clean site site:deploy
Remove "-P staging" to deploy to the real website (requires ssh access to static.springframework.org).
The "-P staging" is to deploy to target/staging, so we don't get accidental updates to the site. To test the site contents navigate with your browser to that directory. The site:stage goal deos not work properly for this build: all the subprojects are not integrated into the staging site, so use site:deploy instead.
The static website content is not deleted during the deployment process - merely replaced. If you need to clean everything up from scratch you need to delete the contents on the server as well (using ssh).
Make sure your source code is up to date. Delete everything from your local Spring Batch repo $user.home/.m2/repository/org/springframework/batch. If necessary, delete a project or directory and update from SVN again.
$ mvn install
$ mvn clean install
$ mvn clean install -P fast
from the top level, and
$ mvn -U ...
from wherever you are (top level or sub-project). The latter will update any older plugins you have in your local Maven repository. Some people have had trouble building the web site without this.
If you get OutOfMemoryError e.g. building the site, use MAVEN_OPTS to boost the heap size (on the command line if you have a sensible shell):
$ MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx256m mvn site