Spring Batch 2.0.2.RELEASE Release Notes


  • [BATCH-1327] - Prevent re-processing and re-writing on rollback after non-skippable and non-retryable exception
  • [BATCH-1331] - Fatal exceptions that are also marked as no-rollback
  • [BATCH-1332] - Skippable exceptions on write that are also marked as no-rollback cause a rollback, and double processing of item (writer and skip listener)
  • [BATCH-1333] - Support for retry of non-skippable subclasses of skippable exceptions
  • [BATCH-1334] - Exception marked as no-rollback but not skippable should not cause skips
  • [BATCH-1335] - Pathological cases of no-rollback-for-exceptions on framework panic exceptions


  • [BATCH-1232] - Sybase 12.5 compatiblity when writing to the spring batch context tables
  • [BATCH-1264] - NPE in StepParserStepFactoryBean#configureTaskletStep() #289 when omitting "isolation" for <transaction-attributes>
  • [BATCH-1272] - Write skips do not work in a multi-threaded step
  • [BATCH-1278] - RepeatTemplate aborts early if multiple threads throw ignorable exceptions
  • [BATCH-1280] - JobParserJobFactoryBean should be a singleton
  • [BATCH-1282] - JobRegistryBeanPostProcessor skips jobs in XML namespace unless they are injected as dependency
  • [BATCH-1284] - Partition Step Stop is incorrectly setting the BatchStatus to COMPLETED.
  • [BATCH-1287] - JobRegistryBeanPostProcessor is checking for Job instead of JobParserJobFactoryBean
  • [BATCH-1289] - Null pointer in CoreNamespaceUtils.rangeArrayEditorAlreadyDefined()
  • [BATCH-1301] - ItemStream is not being opened correctly for multi-threaded Step when scope="step"
  • [BATCH-1304] - Filter counter not incremented whenever there's a skip
  • [BATCH-1308] - FixedLengthTokenizer's 'names' property may not have spaces
  • [BATCH-1313] - loopFlowSample's LimitDecider returns "COMPLETE" instead of "COMPLETED"
  • [BATCH-1314] - FFIW in tradeJob is pointing to classpath instead of the target
  • [BATCH-1315] - Section 2.3 Configuration Enhancements contains invalid example
  • [BATCH-1318] - Ensure exception classes are behaving correctly
  • [BATCH-1319] - Small memory leak in StepSynchronizationManager


  • [BATCH-1262] - org.springframework.batch.item.file.transform.DefaultFieldSet#readBigDecimal doesn't use supplied numberFormat
  • [BATCH-1267] - Make sure jmsTemplate is not null in JmsItemReader
  • [BATCH-1268] - Remove dependency on commons lang
  • [BATCH-1270] - Update documentation for formatting consistency
  • [BATCH-1275] - ExecutionContextPromotionListener contains duplicate assertion
  • [BATCH-1276] - Change Common Pattern "Writing a Summary Footer" to use AfterWrite for updating total.
  • [BATCH-1285] - Raise an exception if a step cannot be reached.
  • [BATCH-1299] - Add processSkipCount in StepExecution#getSummary()
  • [BATCH-1302] - Tidy up samples - remove prefixes for namespaces like beans:
  • [BATCH-1305] - Add download page link to the batch home page
  • [BATCH-1310] - SimpleJobExplorer should return null when a StepExecution cannot be found
  • [BATCH-1311] - SimpleJobExplorer should return null when a StepExecution cannot be found
  • [BATCH-1312] - Improve error messages for skip/retry configurations

New Feature

  • [BATCH-1253] - Ability to throttle the number of rows returned by a HibernateCursorItemReader
  • [BATCH-1279] - Add default constructor to ValidatingItemProcessor for those preferring setter injection
  • [BATCH-1288] - Typo in CallableTaskletAdapter JavaDoc
  • [BATCH-1295] - Provide ability to pass job's ExecutionContext into AbstractJobTests.launchStep()
  • [BATCH-1297] - Add null check for FlatFileItemReader in case resource exists on close, but not on open(!)
  • [BATCH-1303] - Support Spring 3.0 expression language in beans that are not step scoped
  • [BATCH-1306] - DelimitedLineAggregator might skip null objects
  • [BATCH-1309] - Added a 'strict' property to ExecutionContextPromotionListener to ensure the key is present
  • [BATCH-1317] - Add flag to FlatFileItemWriter to delete empty files
  • [BATCH-1320] - New line special character in Header
  • [BATCH-1321] - Upgrade MANIFEST to allow Spring 3.0 to be used optionally
  • [BATCH-1325] - Add more convenience methods to JobRepositoryTestUtils
  • [BATCH-1336] - Add -restart and -next options to CommandLineJobRunner


  • [BATCH-1271] - Add a note about bean scope for batch parameters usage