Package org.springframework.batch.core.annotation

package org.springframework.batch.core.annotation
Annotations for java based configuration of listeners.
Michael Minella
  • Annotation Interfaces
    Marks a method to be called after a chunk is executed.

    Expected signature: void afterChunk(ChunkContext context)
    Marks a method to be called after a has failed and been marked for rollback.

    Expected signature: void afterFailedChunk(ChunkContext context)
    Marks a method to be called after a Job has completed.
    Marks a method to be called after an item is passed to an ItemProcessor

    Expected signature: void afterProcess(T item, S result)
    Marks a method to be called after an item is read from an ItemReader

    Expected signature: void afterRead(T item)
    Marks a method to be called after a Step has completed.
    Marks a method to be called after an item is passed to an ItemWriter

    Expected signature: void afterWrite(List<? extends S> items)
    Marks a method to be called before a chunk is executed.
    Marks a method to be called before a Job is executed, which comes after a JobExecution is created and persisted, but before the first Step is executed.
    Marks a method to be called before an item is passed to an ItemProcessor

    Expected signature: void beforeProcess(T item)
    Marks a method to be called before an item is read from an ItemReader

    Expected signature: void beforeRead()
    Marks a method to be called before a Step is executed, which comes after a StepExecution is created and persisted, but before the first item is read.
    Marks a method to be called before an item is passed to an ItemWriter

    Expected signature: void beforeWrite(List<? extends S> items)
    Marks a method to be called if an exception is thrown by an ItemProcessor

    Expected signature: void onProcessError(T item, Exception e)
    Marks a method to be called if an exception is thrown by an ItemReader

    Expected signature: void onReadError(Exception ex)
    Marks a method to be called when an item is skipped due to an exception thrown in the ItemProcessor.

    Expected signature: void onSkipInProcess(T item, Throwable t)
    Marks a method to be called when an item is skipped due to an exception thrown in the ItemReader

    Expected signature: void onSkipInRead(Throwable t)
    Marks a method to be called when an item is skipped due to an exception thrown in the ItemWriter.

    Expected signature: void onSkipInWrite(S item, Throwable t)
    Marks a method to be called if an exception is thrown by an ItemWriter

    Expected signature: void onWriteError(Exception exception, List<? extends S> items)