Interface JobParametersConverter

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface JobParametersConverter
A factory for JobParameters instances. A job can be executed with many possible runtime parameters, which identify the instance of the job. This converter allows job parameters to be converted to and from Properties.
Dave Syer, Mahmoud Ben Hassine
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getJobParameters

      JobParameters getJobParameters(@Nullable Properties properties)
      Get a new JobParameters instance. If given null, or an empty properties, an empty JobParameters will be returned.
      properties - the runtime parameters in the form of String literals.
      a JobParameters properties converted to the correct types.
    • getProperties

      Properties getProperties(@Nullable JobParameters params)
      The inverse operation: get a Properties instance. If given null or empty JobParameters, an empty Properties should be returned.
      params - the JobParameters instance to be converted.
      a representation of the parameters as properties