Class DefaultJobParametersExtractor

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultJobParametersExtractor extends Object implements JobParametersExtractor
Simple implementation of JobParametersExtractor which pulls parameters with named keys out of the step execution context and the job parameters of the surrounding job.
Dave Syer, Will Schipp
  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultJobParametersExtractor

      public DefaultJobParametersExtractor()
  • Method Details

    • setKeys

      public void setKeys(String[] keys)
      The key names to pull out of the execution context or job parameters, if they exist. If a key doesn't exist in the execution context then the job parameters from the enclosing job execution are tried, and if there is nothing there either then no parameter is extracted. Key names ending with (long), (int), (double), (date) or (string) will be assumed to refer to values of the respective type and assigned to job parameters accordingly (there will be an error if they are not of the right type). Without a special suffix in that form a parameter is assumed to be of type String.
      keys - the keys to set
    • getJobParameters

      public JobParameters getJobParameters(Job job, StepExecution stepExecution)
      Description copied from interface: JobParametersExtractor
      Extract job parameters from the step execution, for example from the execution context or other properties.
      Specified by:
      getJobParameters in interface JobParametersExtractor
      job - a Job
      stepExecution - a StepExecution
      some JobParameters
      See Also:
    • setUseAllParentParameters

      public void setUseAllParentParameters(boolean useAllParentParameters)
      setter to support switching off all parent parameters
      useAllParentParameters - if false do not include parent parameters. True if all parent parameters need to be included.