Class DefaultJobParametersConverter

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public class DefaultJobParametersConverter extends Object implements JobParametersConverter
Converter for JobParameters instances that uses a simple naming convention for converting job parameters. The expected notation is the following: key=value,type,identifying where:
  • value: string literal representing the value
  • type (optional): fully qualified name of the type of the value. Defaults to String.
  • identifying (optional): boolean to flag the job parameter as identifying or not. Defaults to true
For example,,java.time.LocalDate will be converted to an identifying job parameter of type LocalDate with value "2022-12-12". The literal values are converted to the target type by using the default Spring conversion service, augmented if necessary by any custom converters. The conversion service should be configured with a converter to and from string literals to job parameter types.
Dave Syer, Michael Minella, Mahmoud Ben Hassine
  • Field Details

    • conversionService

      protected conversionService
  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultJobParametersConverter

      public DefaultJobParametersConverter()
  • Method Details