Class DefaultStateTransitionComparator

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultStateTransitionComparator extends Object implements Comparator<StateTransition>
Sorts by descending specificity of pattern, based on counting wildcards (with ? being considered more specific than *). This means that more specific patterns will be considered greater than less specific patterns. Hence foo > fo? > ??? > foo* > * For more complex comparisons, any string containing at least one * token will be considered more generic than any string that has no * token. If both strings have at least one * token, then the string with fewer * tokens will be considered the most generic. If both strings have the same number of * tokens, then the comparison will fall back to length of the overall string with the shortest value being the most generic. Finally, if the * token count is equal and the string length is equal then the final comparison will be alphabetic. When two strings have ? tokens, then the string with the most ? tokens will be considered the most generic. If both strings have the same number of ? tokens, then the comparison will fall back to length of the overall string with the shortest value being the most generic. Finally, if the ? token count is equal and the string length is equal then the final comparison will be alphabetic If the strings contain neither * nor ? tokens then alphabetic comparison will be used. Hence bar > foo > fo? > bar?? > foo?? > ?0? > ??? > *foo* > *f* > foo* > *
Michael Minella, Robert McNees
See Also: