Interface JobInstanceDao

All Known Implementing Classes:
JdbcJobInstanceDao, MongoJobInstanceDao

public interface JobInstanceDao
Data Access Object for job instances.
Lucas Ward, Robert Kasanicky, Michael Minella, Mahmoud Ben Hassine
  • Method Details

    • createJobInstance

      JobInstance createJobInstance(String jobName, JobParameters jobParameters)
      Create a JobInstance with given name and parameters.

      PreConditions: JobInstance for given name and parameters must not already exist

      PostConditions: A valid job instance will be returned which has been persisted and contains an unique Id.

      jobName - String containing the name of the job.
      jobParameters - JobParameters containing the parameters for the JobInstance.
      JobInstance JobInstance instance that was created.
    • getJobInstance

      @Nullable JobInstance getJobInstance(String jobName, JobParameters jobParameters)
      Find the job instance that matches the given name and parameters. If no matching job instances are found, then returns null.
      jobName - the name of the job
      jobParameters - the parameters with which the job was executed
      JobInstance object matching the job name and JobParameters or null
    • getJobInstance

      @Nullable JobInstance getJobInstance(@Nullable Long instanceId)
      Fetch the job instance with the provided identifier.
      instanceId - the job identifier
      the job instance with this identifier or null if it doesn't exist
    • getJobInstance

      @Nullable JobInstance getJobInstance(JobExecution jobExecution)
      Fetch the JobInstance for the provided JobExecution.
      jobExecution - the JobExecution
      the JobInstance for the provided execution or null if it doesn't exist.
    • getJobInstances

      List<JobInstance> getJobInstances(String jobName, int start, int count)
      Fetch the last job instances with the provided name, sorted backwards by primary key.

      if using the JdbcJobInstance, you can provide the jobName with a wildcard (e.g. *Job) to return 'like' job names. (e.g. *Job will return 'someJob' and 'otherJob')

      jobName - the job name
      start - the start index of the instances to return
      count - the maximum number of objects to return
      the job instances with this name or empty if none
    • getLastJobInstance

      @Nullable default JobInstance getLastJobInstance(String jobName)
      Fetch the last job instance by Id for the given job.
      jobName - name of the job
      the last job instance by Id if any or null otherwise
    • getJobNames

      List<String> getJobNames()
      Retrieve the names of all job instances sorted alphabetically - i.e. jobs that have ever been executed.
      the names of all job instances
    • findJobInstancesByName

      List<JobInstance> findJobInstancesByName(String jobName, int start, int count)
      Fetch the last job instances with the provided name, sorted backwards by primary key, using a 'like' criteria
      jobName - String containing the name of the job.
      start - int containing the offset of where list of job instances results should begin.
      count - int containing the number of job instances to return.
      a list of JobInstance for the job name requested.
    • getJobInstanceCount

      long getJobInstanceCount(@Nullable String jobName) throws NoSuchJobException
      Query the repository for the number of unique JobInstances associated with the supplied job name.
      jobName - the name of the job to query for
      the number of JobInstances that exist within the associated job repository
      NoSuchJobException - thrown if no Job has the jobName specified.
    • deleteJobInstance

      default void deleteJobInstance(JobInstance jobInstance)
      Delete the job instance. This method is not expected to delete the associated job executions. If this is needed, clients of this method should do that manually.
      jobInstance - the job instance to delete