1. Appendix

The following appendices provide additional help while developing Spring Boot applications backed by Apache Geode or Pivotal GemFire.

Table of Contents

Auto-configuration vs. Annotation-based configuration

The question most often asked is, "What Spring Data for Apache Geode/Pivotal GemFire annotations can I use, or must I use, when developing Apache Geode or Pivotal GemFire applications with Spring Boot?"

This section will answer this question and more.

Readers should refer to the complimentary sample, Spring Boot Auto-configuration for Apache Geode & Pivotal GemFire, which showcases the auto-configuration provided by Spring Boot for Apache Geode/Pivotal GemFire in action.


To help answer this question, we must start by reviewing the complete collection of available Spring Data for Apache Geode/Pivotal GemFire (SDG) annotations. These annotations are provided in the {spring-data-geode-javadoc}/org/springframework/data/gemfire/config/annotation/package-summary.html[org.springframework.data.gemfire.config.annotation] package. Most of the pertinent annotations begin with @Enable…​, except for the base annotations: @ClientCacheApplication, @PeerCacheApplication and @CacheServerApplication.

By extension, Spring Boot for Apache Geode/Pivotal GemFire (SBDG) builds on SDG’s Annotation-based configuration model to implement auto-configuration and apply Spring Boot’s core concepts, like "convention over configuration", enabling GemFire/Geode applications to be built with Spring Boot reliably, quickly and easily.

SDG provides this Annotation-based configuration model to, first and foremost, give application developers "choice" when building Spring applications using either Apache Geode or Pivotal GemFire. SDG makes no assumptions about what application developers are trying to do and fails fast anytime the configuration is ambiguous, giving users immediate feedback.

Second, SDG’s Annotations were meant to get application developers up and running quickly and reliably with ease. SDG accomplishes this by applying sensible defaults so application developers do not need to know, or even have to learn, all the intricate configuration details and tooling provided by GemFire/Geode to accomplish simple tasks, e.g. build a prototype.

So, SDG is all about "choice" and SBDG is all about "convention". Together these frameworks provide application developers with convenience and reliability to move quickly and easily.

To learn more about the motivation behind SDG’s Annotation-based configuration model, refer to the {spring-data-gemfire-docs-html}/#bootstrap-annotation-config-introduction[Reference Documentation].


Currently, SBDG provides auto-configuration for the following features:

  • ClientCache

  • Caching with Spring’s Cache Abstraction

  • Continuous Query

  • Function Execution & Implementation

  • Logging

  • PDX

  • GemfireTemplate

  • Spring Data Repositories

  • Security (Client/Server Auth & SSL)

  • Spring Session

Technically, this means the following SDG Annotations are not required to use the features above:

  • @ClientCacheApplication

  • @EnableGemfireCaching (or by using Spring Framework’s @EnableCaching)

  • @EnableContinuousQueries

  • @EnableGemfireFunctionExecutions

  • @EnableGemfireFunctions

  • @EnableLogging

  • @EnablePdx

  • @EnableGemfireRepositories

  • @EnableSecurity

  • @EnableSsl

  • @EnableGemFireHttpSession

Since SBDG auto-configures these features for you, then the above annotations are not strictly required. Typically, you would only declare one of theses annotations when you want to "override" Spring Boot’s conventions, expressed in auto-configuration, and "customize" the behavior of the feature.


In this section, we cover a few examples to make the behavior when overriding more apparent.


By default, SBDG provides you with a ClientCache instance. Technically, SBDG accomplishes this by annotating an auto-configuration class with @ClientCacheApplication, internally.

It is by convention that we assume most application developers' will be developing Spring Boot applications using Apache Geode or Pivotal GemFire as "client" applications in GemFire/Geode’s client/server topology. This is especially true as users migrate their applications to a managed environment, such as Pivotal CloudFoundry (PCF) using Pivotal Cloud Cache (PCC).

Still, users are free to "override" the default settings and declare their Spring applications to be actual peer Cache members of a cluster, instead.

For example:

class MySpringBootPeerCacheServerApplication { ... }

By declaring the @CacheServerApplication annotation, you effectively override the SBDG default. Therefore, SBDG will not provide a ClientCache instance because you have informed SBDG of exactly what you want, i.e. a peer Cache instance hosting an embedded CacheServer that allows client connections.

However, you then might ask, "Well, how do I customize the ClientCache instance when developing client applications without explicitly declaring the @ClientCacheApplication annotation, then?"

First, you are entirely allowed to "customize" the ClientCache instance by explicitly declaring the @ClientCacheApplication annotation in your Spring Boot application configuration, and set specific attributes as needed. However, you should be aware that by explicitly declaring this annotation, or any of the other auto-configured annotations by default, then you assume all the responsibility that comes with it since you have effectively overridden the auto-configuration. One example of this is Security, which we touch on more below.

The most ideal way to "customize" the configuration of any feature is by way of the well-known and documented Properties, specified in Spring Boot application.properties (the "convention"), or by using a {spring-data-gemfire-docs-html}/#bootstrap-annotation-config-configurers[Configurer].

See the Reference Guide for more details.


Like the @ClientCacheApplication annotation, the @EnableSecurity annotation is not strictly required, not unless you want to override and customize the defaults.

Outside a managed environment, the only Security configuration required is specifying a username and password. You do this using the well-known and document SDG username/password properties in Spring Boot application.properties, like so:

Required Security Properties in a Non-Manage Envionment

You do not need to explicitly declare the @EnableSecurity annotation just to specify Security configuration (e.g. username/password).

Inside a managed environment, such as Pivotal CloudFoundry (PCF) when using Pivotal Cloud Cache (PCC), SBDG is able to introspect the environment and configure Security (Auth) completely without the need to specify any configuration, usernames/passwords, or otherwise. This is due in part because PCF supplies the security details in the VCAP environment when the app is deployed to PCF and bound to services (e.g. PCC).

So, in short, you do not need to explicitly declare the @EnableSecurity annotation (or the @ClientCacheApplication for that matter).

However, if you do explicitly declare either the @ClientCacheApplication and/or @EnableSecurity annotations, guess what, you are now responsible for this configuration and SBDG’s auto-configuration no longer applies.

While explicitly declaring @EnableSecurity makes more sense when "overriding" the SBDG Security auto-configuration, explicitly declaring the @ClientCacheApplication annotation most likely makes less sense with regard to its impact on Security configuration.

This is entirely due to the internals of GemFire/Geode, which in certain cases, like Security, not even Spring is able to completely shield users from the nuances of GemFire/Geode’s configuration.

Both Auth and SSL must be configured before the cache instance (whether a ClientCache or a peer Cache, it does not matter) is created. Technically, this is because Security is enabled/configured during the "construction" of the cache. And, the cache pulls the configuration from JVM System properties that must be set before the cache is constructed.

Structuring the "exact" order of the auto-configuration classes provided by SBDG when the classes are triggered, is no small feat. Therefore, it should come as no surprise to learn that the Security auto-configuration classes in SBDG must be triggered before the ClientCache auto-configuration class, which is why a ClientCache instance cannot "auto" authenticate properly in PCC when the @ClientCacheApplication is explicitly declared without some assistance (i.e. you must also explicitly declare the @EnableSecurity annotation in this case since you overrode the auto-configuration of the cache, and, well, implicitly Security as well).

Again, this is due to the way Security (Auth) and SSL meta-data must be supplied to GemFire/Geode.

See the Reference Guide for more details.


Most of the time, many of the other auto-configured annotations for CQ, Functions, PDX, Repositories, and so on, do not need to ever be declared explicitly.

Many of these features are enabled automatically by having SBDG or other libraries (e.g. Spring Session) on the classpath, or are enabled based on other annotations applied to beans in the Spring ApplicationContext.

Let’s review a few examples.


It is rarely, if ever, necessary to explicitly declare either the Spring Framework’s @EnableCaching, or the SDG specific @EnableGemfireCaching annotation, in Spring configuration when using SBDG. SBDG automatically "enables" caching and configures the SDG GemfireCacheManager for you.

You simply only need to focus on which application service components are appropriate for caching:

Service Caching
class CustomerService {

  private CustomerRepository customerRepository;

  public Customer findBy(String name) {
    return customerRepository.findByName(name);

Of course, it is necessary to create GemFire/Geode Regions backing the caches declared in your application service components (e.g. "CustomersByName") using Spring’s Caching Annotations (e.g. @Cacheable), or alternatively, JSR-107, JCache annotations (e.g. `@CacheResult).

You can do that by defining each Region explicitly, or more conveniently, you can simply use:

Configuring Caches (Regions)
class Application { ... }

@EnableCachingDefinedRegions is optional, provided for convenience, and complimentary to caching when used rather than necessary.

See the Reference Guide for more details.

Continuous Query

It is rarely, if ever, necessary to explicitly declare the SDG @EnableContinuousQueries annotation. Instead, you should be focused on defining your application queries and worrying less about the plumbing.

For example:

Defining Queries for CQ
public class TemperatureMonitor extends AbstractTemperatureEventPublisher {

	@ContinuousQuery(name = "BoilingTemperatureMonitor",
		query = "SELECT * FROM /TemperatureReadings WHERE temperature.measurement >= 212.0")
	public void boilingTemperatureReadings(CqEvent event) {
		publish(event, temperatureReading -> new BoilingTemperatureEvent(this, temperatureReading));

	@ContinuousQuery(name = "FreezingTemperatureMonitor",
		query = "SELECT * FROM /TemperatureReadings WHERE temperature.measurement <= 32.0")
	public void freezingTemperatureReadings(CqEvent event) {
		publish(event, temperatureReading -> new FreezingTemperatureEvent(this, temperatureReading));

Of course, GemFire/Geode CQ only applies to clients.

See the Reference Guide for more details.


It is rarely, if ever, necessary to explicitly declare either the @EnableGemfireFunctionExecutions or @EnableGemfireFunctions annotations. SBDG provides auto-configuration for both Function implementations and executions. You simply need to define the implementation:

Function Implementation
class GemFireFunctions {

  Object exampleFunction(Object arg) {

And then define the execution:

Function Execution
@OnRegion(region = "Example")
interface GemFireFunctionExecutions {

  Object exampleFunction(Object arg);

SBDG will automatically find, configure and register Function Implementations (POJOs) in GemFire/Geode as proper Functions as well as create Executions proxies for the Interfaces which can then be injected into application service components to invoke the registered Functions without needing to explicitly declare the enabling annotations. The application Function Implementations & Executions (Interfaces) should simply exist below the @SpringBootApplication annotated main class.

See the <<[geode-functions,Reference Guide>> for more details.


It is rarely, if ever, necessary to explicitly declare the @EnablePdx annotation since SBDG auto-configures PDX by default. SBDG automatically configures the SDG MappingPdxSerializer as the default PdxSerializer as well.

It is easy to customize the PDX configuration by setting the appropriate Properties (search for "PDX") in Spring Boot application.properties.

See the Reference Guide for more details.

Spring Data Repositories

It is rarely, if ever, necessary to explicitly declare the @EnableGemfireRepositories annotation since SBDG auto-configures Spring Data (SD) Repositories by default.

You simply only need to define your Repositories and get cranking:

Customer’s Repository
interface CustomerRepository extends CrudRepository<Customer, Long> {

  Customer findByName(String name);


SBDG finds the Repository interfaces defined in your application, proxies them, and registers them as beans in the Spring ApplicationContext. The Repositories may be injected into other application service components.

It is sometimes convenient to use the @EnableEntityDefinedRegions along with SD Repositories to identify the entities used by your application and define the Regions used by the SD Repository infrastructure to persist the entity’s state. The @EnableEntityDefinedRegions annotation is optional, provided for convenience, and complimentary to the @EnableGemfireRepositories annotation.

See the Reference Guide for more details.

Explicit Configuration

Most of the other annotations provided in SDG are focused on particular application concerns, or enable certain GemFire/Geode features, rather than being a necessity.

A few examples include:

  • @EnableAutoRegionLookup

  • @EnableBeanFactoryLocator

  • @EnableCacheServer(s)

  • @EnableCachingDefinedRegions

  • @EnableClusterConfiguration

  • @EnableCompression

  • @EnableDiskStore(s)

  • @EnableEntityDefinedRegions

  • @EnableEviction

  • @EnableExpiration

  • @EnableGemFireAsLastResource

  • @EnableHttpService

  • @EnableIndexing

  • @EnableOffHeap

  • @EnableLocator

  • @EnableManager

  • @EnableMemcachedServer

  • @EnablePool(s)

  • @EnableRedisServer

  • @EnableStatistics

  • @UseGemFireProperties

None of these annotations are necessary and none are auto-configured by SBDG. They are simply at the application developers disposal if and when needed. This also means none of these annotations are in conflict with any SBDG auto-configuration.


In conclusion, it is important to understand where SDG ends and SBDG begins. It all begins with the auto-configuration provided by SBDG out-of-the-box.

If a feature is not covered by SBDG’s auto-configuration, then you are responsible for enabling and configuring the feature appropriately, as needed by your application (e.g. @EnableRedisServer).

In other cases, you might also want to explicitly declare a complimentary annotation (e.g. @EnableEntityDefinedRegions) for convenience, since there is no convention or "opinion" provided by SBDG out-of-the-box.

In all remaining cases, it boils down to understanding how GemFire/Geode works under-the-hood. While we go to great lengths to shield users from as many details as possible, it is not feasible or practical to address all matters, e.g. cache creation and Security.

Hope this section provided some relief and clarity.

Configuration Metadata Reference

The following 2 reference sections cover documented and well-known properties recognized and processed by Spring Data for Apache Geode/Pivotal GemFire (SDG) as well as Spring Session for Apache Geode/Pivotal GemFire (SSDG).

These properties may be used in Spring Boot application.properties files, or as JVM System properties, to configure different aspects of or enable individual features of Apache Geode or Pivotal GemFire in a Spring application. When combined with the power of Spring Boot, magical things begin to happen.

Spring Data Based Properties

The following properties all have a spring.data.gemfire.* prefix. For example, to set the cache copy-on-read property, use spring.data.gemfire.cache.copy-on-read in Spring Boot application.properties.

Table 1. spring.data.gemfire.* properties
Name Description Default From


Name of the Apache Geode / Pivotal GemFire member.




Comma-delimited list of Locator endpoints formatted as: locator1[port1],…​,locatorN[portN].




Enable the SDG BeanFactoryLocator when mixing Spring config with GemFire/Geode native config (e.g. cache.xml) and you wish to configure GemFire objects declared in cache.xml with Spring.



Table 2. spring.data.gemfire.* GemFireCache properties
Name Description Default From


Configure whether a copy of an object returned from Region.get(key) is made.




Percentage of heap at or above which the cache is considered in danger of becoming inoperable.



Percentage of off-heap at or above which the cache is considered in danger of becoming inoperable.



Configure whether to lookup Regions configured in GemFire/Geode native config and declare them as Spring beans.




Percentage of heap at or above which the eviction should begin on Regions configured for HeapLRU eviction.



Percentage of off-heap at or above which the eviction should begin on Regions configured for HeapLRU eviction.



Configure the log-level of an Apache Geode / Pivotal GemFire cache.




Alias for 'spring.data.gemfire.name'.




Name of a Spring bean implementing org.apache.geode.compression.Compressor.



Comma-delimited list of Region names for which compression will be configured.




Determines the size of off-heap memory used by GemFire/Geode in megabytes (m) or gigabytes (g); for example 120g.



Comma-delimited list of Region names for which off-heap will be configured.



Table 3. spring.data.gemfire.* ClientCache properties
Name Description Default From


Used only for clients in a client/server installation. If set, this indicates that the client is durable and identifies the client. The ID is used by servers to reestablish any messaging that was interrupted by client downtime.



Used only for clients in a client/server installation. Number of seconds this client can remain disconnected from its server and have the server continue to accumulate durable events for it.




Configure whether the server should keep the durable client’s queues alive for the timeout period.



Table 4. spring.data.gemfire.* peer Cache properties
Name Description Default From


Configure whether member (Locators & Servers) will attempt to reconnect and reinitialize the cache after it has been forced out of the cluster by a network partition event or has otherwise been shunned by other members.




Configures the length, in seconds, of distributed lock leases obtained by this cache.




Configures the number of seconds a cache operation will wait to obtain a distributed lock lease.




Configures the frequency (in seconds) at which a message will be sent by the primary cache-server to all the secondary cache-server nodes to remove the events which have already been dispatched from the queue.




Configures the number of seconds a cache get operation can spend searching for a value.




Configures whether this GemFire cache member node would pull it’s configuration meta-data from the cluster-based Cluster Configuration Service.



Table 5. spring.data.gemfire.* CacheServer properties
Name Description Default From


Configures whether the CacheServer should be started automatically at runtime.




Configures the IP address or hostname that this cache server will listen on.



Configures the IP address or hostname that server locators will tell clients that this cache server is listening on.



Configures the frequency in milliseconds to poll the load probe on this cache server.




Configures the maximum client connections allowed.




Configures the maximum number of messages that can be enqueued in a client queue.




Configures the maximum number of threads allowed in this cache server to service client requests.



Configures the maximum amount of time between client pings.




Configures the time (in seconds) after which a message in the client queue will expire.




Configures the port on which this cache server listens for clients.




Configures buffer size of the socket connection to this CacheServer.




Configures the capacity of the client queue.




Configures the name of the DiskStore for client subscription queue overflow.



Configures the eviction policy that is executed when capacity of the client subscription queue is reached.




Configures the outgoing Socket connection tcp-no-delay setting.



CacheServer properties can be further targeted at specific CacheServer instances, using an option bean name of the CacheServer bean defined in the Spring application context. For example:

Table 6. spring.data.gemfire.* Cluster properties
Name Description Default From


Configuration setting used to specify the data management policy used when creating Regions on the servers in the cluster.



Table 7. spring.data.gemfire.* DiskStore properties
Name Description Default From


Configures whether to allow DiskStore.forceCompaction() to be called on Regions using a DiskStore.




Configures whether to cause the disk files to be automatically compacted.




Configures the threshold at which an oplog will become compactable.




Configures the system directory where the GemFire/Geode DiskStore (oplog) files will be stored.




Configures the amount of disk space allowed to store DiskStore (oplog) files.




Configures the critical threshold for disk usage as a percentage of the total disk volume.




Configures the warning threshold for disk usage as a percentage of the total disk volume.




Configures the maximum size in megabytes a single oplog (operation log) is allowed to be.




Configures the maximum number of operations that can be asynchronously queued.



Configures the number of milliseconds that can elapse before data written asynchronously is flushed to disk.




Configures the write buffer size in bytes.



DiskStore properties can be further targeted at specific DiskStores using the {apache-geode-javadoc}/org/apache/geode/cache/DiskStore.html#getName--[DiskStore.name].

For instance, you may specify directory location of the files for a specific, named DiskStore using:


The directory location and size of the DiskStore files can be further divided into multiple locations and size using array syntax, as in:


Both the name and array index are optional and you can use any combination of name and array index. Without a name, the properties apply to all DiskStores. Without array indexes, all [named] DiskStore files will be stored in the specified location and limited to the defined size.

Table 8. spring.data.gemfire.* Entity properties
Name Description Default From


Comma-delimited list of package names indicating the start points for the entity scan.


Table 9. spring.data.gemfire.* Locator properties
Name Description Default From


Configures the IP address or hostname of the system NIC to which the embedded Locator will be bound to listen for connections.



Configures the network port to which the embedded Locator will listen for connections.



Table 10. spring.data.gemfire.* Logging properties
Name Description Default From


Configures the log-level of an Apache Geode / Pivotal GemFire cache; Alias for 'spring.data.gemfire.cache.log-level'.




Configures the amount of disk space allowed to store log files.



Configures the pathname of the log file used to log messages.



Configures the maximum size of a log file before the log file is rolled.


Table 11. spring.data.gemfire.* Management properties
Name Description Default From


Configures whether to use the HTTP protocol to communicate with a GemFire/Geode Manager.




Configures the IP address or hostname of the GemFire/Geode Manager running the HTTP service.



Configures the port used by the GemFire/Geode Manager’s HTTP service to listen for connections.



Table 12. spring.data.gemfire.* Manager properties
Name Description Default From


Configures the Access Control List (ACL) file used by the Manager to restrict access to the JMX MBeans by the clients.



Configures the IP address or hostname of the system NIC used by the Manager to bind and listen for JMX client connections.



Configures the hostname given to JMX clients to ask the Locator for the location of the Manager.



By default, the JMX Manager will allow clients without credentials to connect. If this property is set to the name of a file then only clients that connect with credentials that match an entry in this file will be allowed.



Configures the port used by th Manager to listen for JMX client connections.




Configures whether to start the Manager service at runtime.




Configures the rate, in milliseconds, at which this member will push updates to any JMX Managers.



Table 13. spring.data.gemfire.* PDX properties
Name Description Default From


Configures the name of the DiskStore used to store PDX type meta-data to disk when PDX is persistent.



Configures whether PDX ignores fields that were unread during deserialization.




Configures whether PDX persists type meta-data to disk.




Configures whether a Region entry is returned as a PdxInstance or deserialized back into object form on read.




Configures the name of a custom Spring bean implementing org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxSerializer.


Table 14. spring.data.gemfire.* Pool properties
Name Description Default From


Configures the timeout used to acquire a free connection from a Pool.




Configures the amount of time a connection can be idle before expiring (and closing) the connection.




Configures the interval for how frequently the pool will check to see if a connection to a given server should be moved to a different server to improve the load balance.




Comma-delimited list of Locator endpoints in the format: locator1[port1],…​,locatorN[portN]



Configures the maximum number of client to server connections that a Pool will create.



Configures the minimum number of client to server connections that a Pool will maintain.




Configures whether the created Pool can be used by multiple authenticated users.




Configures how often to ping servers to verify that they are still alive.




Configures whether to perform single-hop data access operations between the client and servers. When true the client is aware of the location of partitions on servers hosting Regions with DataPolicy.PARTITION.




Configures the number of milliseconds to wait for a response from a server before timing out the operation and trying another server (if any are available).




Configures whether to signal the server that the client is prepared and ready to receive events.




Configures the number of times to retry a request after timeout/exception.



Configures the group that all servers a Pool connects to must belong to.



Comma-delimited list of CacheServer endpoints in the format: server1[port1],…​,serverN[portN]



Configures the socket buffer size for each connection made in all Pools.




Configures how often to send client statistics to the server.



Configures the interval in milliseconds to wait before sending acknowledgements to the CacheServer for events received from the server subscriptions.




Configures whether the created Pool will have server-to-client subscriptions enabled.




Configures the messageTrackingTimeout attribute which is the time-to-live period, in milliseconds, for subscription events the client has received from the server.




Configures the redundancy level for all Pools server-to-client subscriptions.



Configures the thread local connections policy for all Pools.



Table 15. spring.data.gemfire.* Security properties
Name Description Default From


Configures the name of the user used to authenticate with the servers.



Configures the user password used to authenticate with the servers.



Configures the system pathname to a properties file containing security credentials.







The callback that should be invoked in the post-operation phase, which is when the operation has completed on the server but before the result is sent to the client.



Static creation method returning an AuthInitialize object, which obtains credentials for peers in a cluster.



Static creation method returning an Authenticator object used by a cluster member (Locator, Server) to verify the credentials of a connecting client.



Used for authentication. For secure transmission of sensitive credentials like passwords, you can encrypt the credentials using the Diffie-Hellman key-exchange algorithm. Do this by setting the security-client-dhalgo system property on the clients to the name of a valid, symmetric key cipher supported by the JDK.



Configures the pathname to a log file used for security log messages.



Configures the log-level for security log messages.



Configures name of a class implementing org.apache.geode.security.SecurityManager.



Static creation method returning an AuthInitialize object, which obtains credentials for peers in a cluster.



Static creation method returning an Authenticator object, which is used by a peer to verify the credentials of a connecting node.



Configures the timeout in milliseconds used by a peer to verify membership of an unknown authenticated peer requesting a secure connection.



Configures the name of a class implementing the org.apache.geode.security.PostProcessor interface that can be used to change the returned results of Region get operations.



Configures the Apache Geode System Property referring to the location of an Apache Shiro INI file that configures the Apache Shiro Security Framework in order to secure Apache Geode.


Table 16. spring.data.gemfire.* SSL properties
Name Description Default From


Configures the alias to the stored SSL certificate used by the cluster to secure communications.



Configures the default alias to the stored SSL certificate used to secure communications across the entire GemFire/Geode system.



Configures the alias to the stored SSL certificate used by the WAN Gateway Senders/Receivers to secure communications.



Configures the alias to the stored SSL certificate used by the Manager’s JMX based JVM MBeanServer and JMX clients to secure communications.



Configures the alias to the stored SSL certificate used by the Locator to secure communications.



Configures the alias to the stored SSL certificate used by clients and servers to secure communications.



Configures the alias to the stored SSL certificate used by the embedded HTTP server to secure communications (HTTPS).



Comma-separated list of SSL ciphers or “any”.



Comma-delimited list of GemFire/Geode components (e.g. WAN) to be configured for SSL communication.



Configures the system pathname to the Java KeyStore file storing certificates for SSL.



Configures the password used to access the Java KeyStore file.



Configures the password used to access the Java KeyStore file (e.g. JKS).



Comma-separated list of SSL protocols or “any”.



Configures whether 2-way authentication is required.



Configures the system pathname to the trust store (Java KeyStore file) storing certificates for SSL.



Configures the password used to access the trust store (Java KeyStore file).



Configures the password used to access the trust store (Java KeyStore file; e.g. JKS).



Configures whether 2-way HTTP authentication is required.



Table 17. spring.data.gemfire.* Service properties
Name Description Default From


Configures the IP address or hostname of the system NIC used by the embedded HTTP server to bind and listen for HTTP(S) connections.



Configures the port used by the embedded HTTP server to listen for HTTP(S) connections.




Configures whether 2-way HTTP authentication is required.




Configures whether to start the Developer REST API web service. A full installation of Apache Geode or Pivotal GemFire is required and you must set the $GEODE environment variable.




Configures the port of the embedded Memcached server (service).




Configures the protocol used by the embedded Memcached server (service).




Configures the IP address or hostname of the system NIC used by the embedded Redis server to bind an listen for connections.



Configures the port used by the embedded Redis server to listen for connections.



Spring Session Based Properties

The following properties all have a spring.session.data.gemfire.* prefix. For example, to set the Session Region name, use spring.session.data.gemfire.session.region.name in Spring Boot application.properties.

Table 18. spring.session.data.gemfire.* properties
Name Description Default From


Name of the Pool used to send data access operations between the client and server(s).




Configures the DataPolicy used by the client Region to manage (HTTP) Session state.




Configures the DataPolicy used by the server Region to manage (HTTP) Session state.




Configures names of Session attributes for which an Index will be created.




Configures the number of seconds in which a Session can remain inactive before it expires.




Configures name of the (client/server) Region used to manage (HTTP) Session state.




Configures the name of a Spring bean implementing org.springframework.session.data.gemfire.serialization.SessionSerializer.


Apache Geode Properties

While is not recommended to use Apache Geode properties directly in your Spring applications, SBDG will not prevent you from doing so. A complete reference to the Apache Geode specific properties can be found {apache-geode-docs}/18/reference/topics/gemfire_properties.html[here].

Apache Geode (and Pivotal GemFire) are very strict about the properties that maybe specified in a gemfire.properties file. You cannot mix Spring properties with gemfire.* properties in either a Spring Boot application.properties file or an Apache Geode gemfire.properties file.

Disabling Auto-configuration

If you would like to disable the auto-configuration of any feature provided by Spring Boot for Apache Geode/Pivotal GemFire, then you can specify the auto-configuration class in the exclude attribute of the @SpringBootApplication annotation, as follows:

Disable Auto-configuration of PDX
@SpringBootApplication(exclude = PdxSerializationAutoConfiguration.class)
public class MySpringBootApplication {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    SpringApplication.run(MySpringBootApplication.class, args);

Of course, you can disable more than 1 auto-configuration class at a time by specifying each class in the exclude attribute using array syntax, as follows:

Disable Auto-configuration of PDX & SSL
@SpringBootApplication(exclude = { PdxSerializationAutoConfiguration.class, SslAutoConfiguration.class })
public class MySpringBootApplication {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    SpringApplication.run(MySpringBootApplication.class, args);

The current set of auto-configuration classes in Spring Boot for Apache Geode & Pivotal GemFire include:

  • CacheNameAutoConfiguration

  • CachingProviderAutoConfiguration

  • ClientCacheAutoConfiguration

  • ClientSecurityAutoConfiguration

  • ContinuousQueryAutoConfiguration

  • FunctionExecutionAutoConfiguration

  • GemFirePropertiesAutoConfiguration

  • LoggingAutoConfiguration

  • PdxSerializationAutoConfiguration

  • PeerSecurityAutoConfiguration

  • RegionTemplateAutoConfiguration

  • RepositoriesAutoConfiguration

  • SpringSessionAutoConfiguration

  • SpringSessionAutoPropertiesConfiguration

  • SslAutoConfiguration

Switch from Apache Geode to Pivotal Cloud Cache (a.k.a. Pivotal GemFire)

First, understand that {pivotal-gemfire-website}[Pivotal GemFire] is being succeeded by {pivotal-cloudcache-website}[Pivotal Cloud Cache] (PCC). Therefore, all references to Pivotal GemFire (i.e. “gemfire”) also implies for Pivotal Cloud Cache (i.e. “cloudcache”) as well.

When it comes to Spring’s support, whether you are developing with Open Source Software (OSS) {apache-geode-website}[Apache Geode] or developing for Pivotal Cloud Cache, Spring has you covered.

At a strategic-level, this means:

  1. From Open Source Software (e.g. Apache Geode) to Commercial (e.g. Pivotal Cloud Cache)

  2. From Non-Managed Environments (e.g. Standalone, Externally Managed) to Managed Environments (e.g. Pivotal Platform)

  3. With little to no code or configuration changes necessary. It just works!

You may also go back and migrate your Spring Boot applications away from Pivotal Platform when using the commercial software offering, Pivotal Cloud Cache, and switch back to Open Source Apache Geode running in a standalone, externally managed environment.

SBDG will not (ever) lock you in! It is your choice!

Technically, this means to go from Apache Geode to Pivotal Cloud Cache, you only need to change the SBDG dependency from:

Maven POM with Spring Boot for Apache Geode
Gradle build file with Spring Boot for Apache Geode
dependencies {
    compile 'org.springframework.geode:spring-geode-starter:1.1.11.RELEASE'


Maven POM with Spring Boot for Pivotal GemFire
Gradle build file with Spring Boot for Pivotal GemFire
dependencies {
    compile 'org.springframework.geode:spring-gemfire-starter:1.1.11.RELEASE'
To acquire the Pivotal Cloud Cache or Pivotal GemFire bits to use in your Spring Boot applications in place of Apache Geode, follow these instructions provided in the Pivotal GemFire documentation.

To go back, simple change spring-gemfire-starter back to spring-geode-starter. Done!

Spring Boot’s auto-configuration and convention over configuration approach tries to detect the runtime environment in order to handle infrastructure logistics so you will not have to. This is true inside or outside of a managed

It should just work without any code or configuration changes and if this is not the case, for whatever reason, then we will work to correct it, short of any feature differences between Pivotal Cloud Cache that cannot be accomplished with Apache Geode by itself.

To go back, simple change spring-gemfire-starter back to spring-geode-starter.


Spring Boot’s auto-configuration and convention over configuration approach tries to detect the runtime environment so that we can provide users with a consistent and reliable experience without all the hassle and issues that arise by switching environments. Switching environments is especially common as you migrate your Spring Boot applications from DEV to TEST, into STAGING, and finally, to PRODUCTION.

Of course, it will nearly always be easier to "run" Apache Geode as a "managed" service inside Pivotal Platform using Pivotal Cloud Cache than it will to manage an externally run Apache Geode cluster, especially if your Use Case requires maximum performance and high availability. We highly recommend this approach when and where possible, but it is still your choice.

Running an Apache Geode/Pivotal GemFire cluster using Spring Boot from your IDE

As described in [geode-clientcache-applications], it is possible to configure and run a small Apache Geode or Pivotal GemFire cluster from inside your IDE using Spring Boot. This is extremely helpful during development since it allows you to manually spin up, test and debug your applications quickly and easily.

Spring Boot for Apache Geode/Pivotal GemFire includes such a class:

Spring Boot application class used to configure and boostrap an Apache Geode/Pivotal GemFire server
@CacheServerApplication(name = "SpringBootApacheGeodeCacheServerApplication")
public class SpringBootApacheGeodeCacheServerApplication {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		new SpringApplicationBuilder(SpringBootApacheGeodeCacheServerApplication.class)

	static class ClusteredConfiguration { }

	@EnableManager(start = true)
	static class LonerConfiguration { }


This class is a proper Spring Boot application that can be used to configure and bootstrap multiple Apache Geode or Pivotal GemFire servers and joining them together to form a small cluster simply by modifying the runtime configuration of this class ever so slightly.

Initially you will want to start a single, primary server with the embedded Locator and Manager service.

The Locator service enables members in the cluster to locate one another and allows new members to attempt to join the cluster as a peer. Additionally, the Locator service also allows clients to connect to the servers in the cluster. When the cache client’s Pool is configured to use Locators, then the Pool can intelligently route data requests directly to the server hosting the data (a.k.a. single-hop access), especially when the data is partitioned/sharded across servers in the cluster. Locator Pools include support for load balancing connections and handling automatic fail-over in the event of failed connections, among other things.

The Manager service enables you to connect to this server using Gfsh (the Apache Geode and Pivotal GemFire {apache-geode-docs}/tools_modules/gfsh/chapter_overview.html[shell tool]).

To start our primary server, create a run configuration in your IDE for the SpringBootApacheGeodeCacheServerApplication class with the following, recommended JRE command-line options:

Server 1 run profile configuration
-server -ea -Dspring.profiles.active=

Start the class. You should see similar output:

Server 1 output on startup
/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java -server -ea -Dspring.profiles.active= "-javaagent:/Applications/IntelliJ IDEA 17 CE.app/Contents/lib/idea_rt.jar=62866:/Applications/IntelliJ IDEA 17 CE.app/Contents/bin" -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -classpath /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/charsets.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/deploy.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/ext/cldrdata.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/ext/dnsns.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/ext/jaccess.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/ext/localedata.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/ext/nashorn.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/ext/sunec.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/ext/sunjce_provider.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/ext/sunpkcs11.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/ext/zipfs.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/javaws.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/jce.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/jfr.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/jfxswt.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/jsse.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/management-agent.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/plugin.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/resources.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/rt.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/lib/ant-javafx.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/lib/dt.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/lib/javafx-mx.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/lib/jconsole.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/lib/packager.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/lib/sa-jdi.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/lib/tools.jar:/Users/jblum/pivdev/spring-boot-data-geode/spring-geode-docs/build/classes/main:/Users/jblum/pivdev/spring-boot-data-geode/spring-geode-docs/build/resources/main:/Users/jblum/pivdev/spring-boot-data-geode/spring-geode-autoconfigure/build/classes/main:/Users/jblum/pivdev/spring-boot-data-geode/spring-geode-autoconfigure/build/resources/main:/Users/jblum/pivdev/spring-boot-data-geode/spring-geode/build/classes/main:/Users/jblum/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter/2.0.3.RELEASE/ffaa050dbd36b0441645598f1a7ddaf67fd5e678/spring-boot-starter-2.0.3.RELEASE.jar:/Users/jblum/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-autoconfigure/2.0.3.RELEASE/11bc4cc96b08fabad2b3186755818fa0b32d83f/spring-boot-autoconfigure-2.0.3.RELEASE.jar:/Users/jblum/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot/2.0.3.RELEASE/b874870d915adbc3dd932e19077d3d45c8e54aa0/spring-boot-2.0.3.RELEASE.jar:/Users/jblum/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/javax.annotation/javax.annotation-api/1.3.2/934c04d3cfef185a8008e7bf34331b79730a9d43/javax.annotation-api-1.3.2.jar:/Users/jblum/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.springframework.data/spring-data-geode/2.0.8.RELEASE/9e0a3cd2805306d355c77537aea07c281fc581b/spring-data-geode-2.0.8.RELEASE.jar:/Users/jblum/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.springframework/spring-context-support/5.0.7.RELEASE/e8ee4902d9d8bfbb21bc5e8f30cfbb4324adb4f3/spring-context-support-5.0.7.RELEASE.jar:/Users/jblum/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.springframework/spring-context/5.0.7.RELEASE/243a23f8968de8754d8199d669780d683ab177bd/spring-context-5.0.7.RELEASE.jar:/Users/jblum/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.springframework/spring-tx/5.0.7.RELEASE/4ca59b21c61162adb146ad1b40c30b60d8dc42b8/spring-tx-5.0.7.RELEASE.jar:/Users/jblum/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.springframework/spring-web/5.0.7.RELEASE/2e04c6c2922fbfa06b5948be14a5782db168b6ec/spring-web-5.0.7.RELEASE.jar:/Users/jblum/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.springframework.data/spring-data-commons/2.0.8.RELEASE/5c19af63b5acb0eab39066684e813d5ecd9d03b7/spring-data-commons-2.0.8.RELEASE.jar:/Users/jblum/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.springframework/spring-aop/5.0.7.RELEASE/fdd0b6aa3c9c7a188c3bfbf6dfd8d40e843be9ef/spring-aop-5.0.7.RELEASE.jar:/Users/jblum/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.springframework/spring-beans/5.0.7.RELEASE/c1196cb3e56da83e3c3a02ef323699f4b05feedc/spring-beans-5.0.7.RELEASE.jar:/Users/jblum/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.springframework/spring-expression/5.0.7.RELEAS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ucene-core-6.4.1.jar:/Users/jblum/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/com.fasterxml.jackson.core/jackson-core/2.9.6/4e393793c37c77e042ccc7be5a914ae39251b365/jackson-core-2.9.6.jar:/Users/jblum/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/javax.transaction/javax.transaction-api/1.2/d81aff979d603edd90dcd8db2abc1f4ce6479e3e/javax.transaction-api-1.2.jar:/Users/jblum/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/commons-logging/commons-logging/1.2/4bfc12adfe4842bf07b657f0369c4cb522955686/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/Users/jblum/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/commons-collections/commons-collections/3.2.2/8ad72fe39fa8c91eaaf12aadb21e0c3661fe26d5/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/Users/jblum/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.springframework.shell/spring-shell/1.2.0.RELEASE/d94047721f292bd5334b5654e8600cef4b845049/spring-shell-1.2.0.RELEASE.jar:/Users/jblum/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/com.google.guava/guava/17.0/9c6ef172e8de35fd8d4d8783e4821e57cdef7445/guava-17.0.jar:/Users/jblum/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/jline/jline/2.12/ce9062c6a125e0f9ad766032573c041ae8ecc986/jline-2.12.jar org.springframework.geode.docs.example.app.server.SpringBootApacheGeodeCacheServerApplication
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See https://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for further details.

  .   ____          _            __ _ _
 /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __  __ _ \ \ \ \
( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \
 \\/  ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| |  ) ) ) )
  '  |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /
 :: Spring Boot ::        (v2.0.3.RELEASE)

[info 2018/06/24 21:42:28.183 PDT <main> tid=0x1] Starting SpringBootApacheGeodeCacheServerApplication on jblum-mbpro-2.local with PID 41795 (/Users/jblum/pivdev/spring-boot-data-geode/spring-geode-docs/build/classes/main started by jblum in /Users/jblum/pivdev/spring-boot-data-geode/spring-geode-docs/build)

[info 2018/06/24 21:42:28.186 PDT <main> tid=0x1] No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default

[info 2018/06/24 21:42:28.278 PDT <main> tid=0x1] Refreshing org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext@6fa51cd4: startup date [Sun Jun 24 21:42:28 PDT 2018]; root of context hierarchy

[warn 2018/06/24 21:42:28.962 PDT <main> tid=0x1] @Bean method PdxConfiguration.pdxDiskStoreAwareBeanFactoryPostProcessor is non-static and returns an object assignable to Spring's BeanFactoryPostProcessor interface. This will result in a failure to process annotations such as @Autowired, @Resource and @PostConstruct within the method's declaring @Configuration class. Add the 'static' modifier to this method to avoid these container lifecycle issues; see @Bean javadoc for complete details.

[info 2018/06/24 21:42:30.036 PDT <main> tid=0x1]

  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with this
  work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.

  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
  License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at


  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
  WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
  License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
  under the License.

Build-Date: 2017-09-16 07:20:46 -0700
Build-Id: abaker 0
Build-Java-Version: 1.8.0_121
Build-Platform: Mac OS X 10.12.3 x86_64
Product-Name: Apache Geode
Product-Version: 1.2.1
Source-Date: 2017-09-08 11:57:38 -0700
Source-Repository: release/1.2.1
Source-Revision: 0b881b515eb1dcea974f0f5c1b40da03d42af9cf
Native version: native code unavailable
Running on: /, 8 cpu(s), x86_64 Mac OS X 10.10.5
Communications version: 65
Process ID: 41795
User: jblum
Current dir: /Users/jblum/pivdev/spring-boot-data-geode/spring-geode-docs/build
Home dir: /Users/jblum
Command Line Parameters:
  -javaagent:/Applications/IntelliJ IDEA 17 CE.app/Contents/lib/idea_rt.jar=62866:/Applications/IntelliJ IDEA 17 CE.app/Contents/bin
Class Path:
Library Path:
System Properties:
    PID = 41795
[info 2018/06/24 21:42:30.045 PDT <main> tid=0x1] Startup Configuration:
 ### GemFire Properties defined with api ###
### GemFire Properties using default values ###

[info 2018/06/24 21:42:30.090 PDT <main> tid=0x1] Starting peer location for Distribution Locator on localhost/

[info 2018/06/24 21:42:30.093 PDT <main> tid=0x1] Starting Distribution Locator on localhost/

[info 2018/06/24 21:42:30.094 PDT <main> tid=0x1] Locator was created at Sun Jun 24 21:42:30 PDT 2018

[info 2018/06/24 21:42:30.094 PDT <main> tid=0x1] Listening on port 10334 bound on address localhost/


[info 2018/06/24 21:42:30.685 PDT <main> tid=0x1] Initializing region _monitoringRegion_10.0.0.121<v0>1024

[info 2018/06/24 21:42:30.688 PDT <main> tid=0x1] Initialization of region _monitoringRegion_10.0.0.121<v0>1024 completed


[info 2018/06/24 21:42:31.570 PDT <main> tid=0x1] CacheServer Configuration:   port=40404 max-connections=800 max-threads=0 notify-by-subscription=true socket-buffer-size=32768 maximum-time-between-pings=60000 maximum-message-count=230000 message-time-to-live=180 eviction-policy=none capacity=1 overflow directory=. groups=[] loadProbe=ConnectionCountProbe loadPollInterval=5000 tcpNoDelay=true

[info 2018/06/24 21:42:31.588 PDT <main> tid=0x1] Started SpringBootApacheGeodeCacheServerApplication in 3.77 seconds (JVM running for 5.429)

You can now connect to this server using Gfsh:

Connect with Gfsh
$ echo $GEMFIRE
jblum-mbpro-2:lab jblum$
jblum-mbpro-2:lab jblum$ gfsh
    _________________________     __
   / _____/ ______/ ______/ /____/ /
  / /  __/ /___  /_____  / _____  /
 / /__/ / ____/  _____/ / /    / /
/______/_/      /______/_/    /_/    1.2.1

Monitor and Manage Apache Geode

Connecting to Locator at [host=localhost, port=10334] ..
Connecting to Manager at [host=, port=1099] ..
Successfully connected to: [host=, port=1099]

gfsh>list members
                   Name                     | Id
------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------
SpringBootApacheGeodeCacheServerApplication |<ec><v0>:1024

gfsh>describe member --name=SpringBootApacheGeodeCacheServerApplication
Name        : SpringBootApacheGeodeCacheServerApplication
Id          :<ec><v0>:1024
Host        :
Regions     :
PID         : 41795
Groups      :
Used Heap   : 184M
Max Heap    : 3641M
Working Dir : /Users/jblum/pivdev/spring-boot-data-geode/spring-geode-docs/build
Log file    : /Users/jblum/pivdev/spring-boot-data-geode/spring-geode-docs/build
Locators    : localhost[10334]

Cache Server Information
Server Bind              :
Server Port              : 40404
Running                  : true
Client Connections       : 0

Now, let’s start some additional servers to scale-out our cluster.

To do so, you simply need to vary the name of the members we will add to our cluster as peers. Apache Geode and Pivotal GemFire require that the members in a cluster be named and the names of each member in the cluster be unique.

Additionally, since we are running multiple instances of our SpringBootApacheGeodeCacheServerApplication class, which also embeds a CacheServer instance enabling cache clients to connect, we need to be careful to vary our ports used by the embedded services.

Fortunately, we do not need to run another embedded Locator or Manager service (we only need 1 in this case), therefore, we can switch profiles from non-clusted to using the Spring "clustered" profile, which includes different configuration (the ClusterConfiguration class) to connect another server as a peer member in the cluster, which currently only has 1 member as shown in the list members Gfsh command output above.

To add another server, set the member name and the CacheServer port to a different number with the following run profile configuration:

Run profile configuration for server 2
-server -ea -Dspring.profiles.active=clustered -Dspring.data.gemfire.name=ServerTwo -Dspring.data.gemfire.cache.server.port=41414

Notice that we explicitly activated the "clustered" Spring profile, which enables the configuration provided in the nested ClusteredConfiguration class while disabling the LonerConfiguration class.

This ClusteredConfiguration class is also annotated with @UseLocators, which sets the GemFire/Geode locators property to "localhost[10334]". By default, it assumes the Locator process/service is running on "locahost", listening on the default Locator port of "10334". You can of course adjust your Locators endpoint if your Locators are running elsewhere in your network by using the "locators" attribute of the @UseLocators annotation.

It is common in production environments to run multiple Locators as a separate process. Running multiple Locators provides redundancy in case a Locator process fails. If all Locator processes in your network fail, don’t fret, your cluster will not go down. It simply means no other members will be able to join the cluster, allowing you to scale your cluster out, nor will any clients be able to connect. Simply just restart the Locators if this happens.

Additionally, we set the spring.data.gemfire.name property to "ServerTwo" adjusting the name of our member when it joins the cluster as a peer.

Finally, we set the spring.data.gemfire.cache.server.port to "41414" to vary the CacheServer port used by "ServerTwo". The default CacheServer port is "40404". If we had not set this property before starting "ServerTwo" we would have hit a java.net.BindException.

Both the spring.data.gemfire.name and spring.data.gemfire.cache.server.port properties are well-known properties used by SDG to dynamically configure GemFire/Geode using a Spring Boot application.properties file or Java System properties. You can find these properties in the Annotation Javadoc in SDG’s Annotation-based Configuration model. For instance, the spring.data.gemfire.cache.server.port property is documented {spring-data-geode-javadoc}/org/springframework/data/gemfire/config/annotation/CacheServerApplication.html#port--[here]. Most of the SDG annotations include corresponding properties that can be defined in application.properties and is explained in more detail {spring-data-geode-docs-html}/#bootstrap-annotation-config-properties[here].

After starting our second server, "ServerTwo", we should see similar output at the command-line, and in Gfsh, when we list members and describe member again:

Gfsh output after starting server 2
gfsh>list members
                   Name                     | Id
------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------
SpringBootApacheGeodeCacheServerApplication |<ec><v0>:1024
ServerTwo                                   |<v1>:1025

gfsh>describe member --name=ServerTwo Name : ServerTwo Id :<v1>:1025 Host : Regions : PID : 41933 Groups : Used Heap : 165M Max Heap : 3641M Working Dir : /Users/jblum/pivdev/spring-boot-data-geode/spring-geode-docs/build Log file : /Users/jblum/pivdev/spring-boot-data-geode/spring-geode-docs/build Locators : localhost[10334]

Cache Server Information Server Bind : Server Port : 41414 Running : true Client Connections : 0 ---

When list members, we see "ServerTwo" and when we describe "ServerTwo", we see that its CacheServer port is appropriately set to "41414".

If we add 1 more server, "ServerThree" using the following run configuration:

Add server 3 to our cluster
-server -ea -Dspring.profiles.active=clustered -Dspring.data.gemfire.name=ServerThree -Dspring.data.gemfire.cache.server.port=42424

Again, we will see similar output at the command-line and in Gfsh:

Gfsh output after starting server 3
gfsh>list members
                   Name                     | Id
------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------
SpringBootApacheGeodeCacheServerApplication |<ec><v0>:1024
ServerTwo                                   |<v1>:1025
ServerThree                                 |<v2>:1026

gfsh>describe member --name=ServerThree
Name        : ServerThree
Id          :<v2>:1026
Host        :
Regions     :
PID         : 41965
Groups      :
Used Heap   : 180M
Max Heap    : 3641M
Working Dir : /Users/jblum/pivdev/spring-boot-data-geode/spring-geode-docs/build
Log file    : /Users/jblum/pivdev/spring-boot-data-geode/spring-geode-docs/build
Locators    : localhost[10334]

Cache Server Information
Server Bind              :
Server Port              : 42424
Running                  : true
Client Connections       : 0

Congratulations! You just started a small Apache Geode/Pivotal GemFire cluster, with 3 members, using Spring Boot from inside your IDE.

It is pretty simple to build and run a Spring Boot, Apache Geode/Pivotal GemFire, ClientCache application that connects to this cluster. Simply include and use Spring Boot for Apache Geode/Pivotal GemFire, ;-).


Spring Test for Apache Geode & Pivotal GemFire is a new, soon to be released and upcoming project to help developers write both Unit and Integration Tests when using either Apache Geode or Pivotal GemFire in a Spring context.

In fact, the entire test suite in Spring Boot for Apache Geode & Pivotal GemFire is based on this project.

All Spring projects integrating with either Apache Geode or Pivotal GemFire will use this new test framework for all their testing needs, making this new test framework for Apache Geode and Pivotal GemFire a proven and reliable solution for all your Apache Geode/Pivotal GemFire application testing needs when using Spring as well.

Later on, this reference guide will include and dedicate an entire chapter on testing.


The definitive source of truth on how to best use Spring Boot for Apache Geode & Pivotal GemFire (or Pivotal Cloud Cache (PCC)) is to refer to the Samples.

Refer to the Pivotal Cloud Cache (PCC), Pizza Store, Spring Boot application for an example of how to use Spring Boot for Pivotal GemFire (SBDG) in a ClientCache application interfacing with PCC.

Additionally, you may refer to the Temperature Service, Spring Boot application, which implements a Temperature Sensor and Monitoring, Internet of Things (IOT) example. The example uses SBDG to showcase Apache Geode CQ, Function Implementations/Executions and positions Apache Geode as a caching provider in Spring’s Cache Abstraction. It is a working, sophisticated and complete example, and is highly recommended as a good starting point for real-world use cases.

You may also refer to the boot-example from the Contact Application Reference Implementation (RI) for Spring Data for Apache Geode & Pivotal GemFire (SDG) as yet another example.


  1. Spring Framework {spring-framework-docs}[Reference Guide] | {spring-framework-javadoc}[Javadoc]

  2. Spring Boot {spring-boot-docs-html}[Reference Guide] | {spring-boot-javadoc}[Javadoc]

  3. Spring Data Commons {spring-data-commons-docs-html}[Reference Guide] | {spring-data-commons-javadoc}[Javadoc]

  4. Spring Data for Apache Geode {spring-data-geode-docs-html}[Reference Guide] | {spring-data-geode-javadoc}[Javadoc]

  5. Spring Session for Apache Geode {spring-session-data-gemfire-docs}[Reference Guide] | {spring-session-data-gemfire-javadoc}[Javadoc]

  6. Spring Test for Apache Geode {spring-test-data-gemfire-website}[README]

  7. Apache Geode {apache-geode-docs}[User Guide] | {apache-geode-javadoc}[Javadoc]

  8. Pivotal GemFire {pivotal-gemfire-docs}[User Guide] | {pivotal-gemfire-javadoc}[Javadoc]