All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract base class implementing the CacheDataImporter and CacheDataExporter interfaces in order to simplify import/export data access operation implementations in a consistent way.
An abstract base class implementing the Apache Geode CacheListener interface by extending the CacheListenerAdapter base class, which processes all EntryEvents and RegionEvents using the same logic.
The AbstractFunctionExecutionAutoConfigurationExtension class extends SDG's FunctionExecutionBeanDefinitionRegistrar to redefine the location of application POJO Function Execution interfaces.
The AbstractGeodeHealthIndicator class is an abstract base class encapsulating functionality common to all Apache Geode HealthIndicator objects.
An abstract base class implementing ObjectArrayToJsonConverter encapsulating functionality common to all implementations.
Abstract base class providing functionality common to all ResourceReader implementations.
Abstract base class providing functionality common to all ResourceWriter implementations.
The AbstractResultCollector class is an abstract base implementation of the ResultCollector interface encapsulating common functionality for collecting results from a Function execution.
The ActuatorServerLoadProbeWrapper class is an implementation of Apache Geode's ServerLoadProbe interface used to capture the current ServerMetrics and access the latest ServerLoad details.
The ApplicationContextMembershipListener class is an extension of MembershipListenerAdapter used to adapt the ConfigurableApplicationContext to handle and process membership events, and specifically MemberDepartedEvent and MemberJoinedEvent, by closing and refreshing the ConfigurableApplicationContext when the peer member departs and joins the cluster.
A Spring Data for Apache Geode RegionConfigurer implementation used to configure a target Region to use Asynchronous Inline Caching based on the Spring Data Repositories abstraction.
Spring Configuration class declaring Spring beans for general Apache Geode peer Cache and ClientCache HealthIndicators.
The BigDecimalSerializer class is a NumberSerializers.Base serializer for serializing BigDecimal values.
The BigIntegerSerializer class is a NumberSerializers.Base serializer for serializing BigInteger values.
A concrete AbstractResourceReader implementation that reads data from a target Resource's InputStream into a byte array.
The CacheDataExporter interface is a FunctionalInterface defining a contract for exporting data from a cache Region.
The CacheDataImporter interface is a FunctionalInterface defininig a contract for importing data into a cache Region.
Convenient interface to extend when the implementation supports both data import and export from/to a GemFireCache.
The CacheLoaderSupport interface is an extension of CacheLoader and a FunctionalInterface useful in Lambda expressions.
Spring Boot auto-configuration class used to configure the Apache Geode ClientCache application or peer Cache member node name (i.e.
Spring Boot ConfigurationProperties used to configure Apache Geode peer Cache, ClientCache and CacheServer objects.
Spring Boot ConfigurationProperties used to configure an Apache Geode CacheServer.
Abstract utility class for working with Apache Geode cache instances, such as ClientCache and peer Cache instances.
Class supporting the implementation of Apache Geode CacheWriters.
Spring Boot auto-configuration for Spring's Cache Abstraction using Apache Geode as the caching provider.
Spring Boot auto-configuration for bootstrapping an Apache Geode ClientCache instance constructed, configured and initialized with Spring Data for Apache Geode.
Spring Configuration class declaring Spring beans for Apache Geode ClientCache HealthIndicators.
Spring Boot ConfigurationProperties used to configure an Apache Geode ClientCache.
Spring Boot auto-configuration enabling Apache Geode's Security functionality, and specifically Authentication between a client and server using Spring Data Geode Security annotations.
Spring Boot ConfigurationProperties used to configure an Apache Geode ClientCache Security (authentication & authorization).
The CloudCacheService class is an Abstract Data Type (ADT) modeling the Pivotal Cloud Cache service in Pivotal CloudFoundry (PCF).
The ClusterAvailableConfiguration class is a Spring Configuration class that enables configuration when an Apache Geode cluster of servers are available.
The ClusterAwareConfiguration class is a Spring @Configuration class imported by EnableClusterAware used to determine whether a Spring Boot application using Apache Geode should run in local-only mode or client/server.
The ClusterNotAvailableConfiguration class is a Spring Configuration class that enables configuration when an Apache Geode cluster of servers is not available.
The ClusterNotAvailableException is a RuntimeException indicating that no Apache Geode cluster was provisioned and available to service Apache Geode ClientCache applications.
Spring Boot ConfigurationProperties used to configure the DataPolicy of all Regions in an Apache Geode cluster.
CompositeAppender is an Appender implementation implementing the Composite Software Design Pattern The Composite Software Design Pattern enables two or more Appender objects to be composed and treated as a single instance of Appender.
The ConditionalOnMissingProperty annotation is a Spring Conditional used to conditionally enable or disable functionality based on the absence of any declared properties.
Spring Boot auto-configuration enabling Apache Geode's Continuous Query (CQ) functionality in a ClientCache application.
Spring Boot auto-configuration for cache data import/export.
DelegatingAppender is an SLF4J Appender that delegates to the configured Appender.
Spring Boot ConfigurationProperties used to configure Apache Geode DiskStores.
The DistributedSystemIdConfiguration class is a Spring Configuration class used to configure the distributed-system-id for a peer Cache member in a cluster when using the P2P topology.
The DurableClientConfiguration class is a Spring Configuration class used to configure this ClientCache instance as a Durable Client by setting the durable-client-id and durable-client-timeout properties in addition to enabling keepAlive on ClientCache shutdown.
The EnableClusterAware annotation helps Spring Boot applications using Apache Geode decide whether it needs to operate in local-only mode or in a client/server topology.
The EnableDurableClient annotation configures a ClientCache instance as a Durable Client.
Spring Annotation to enable Apache Geode Security (Auth).
Spring Annotation to enable Apache Geode Security (Authentication/Authorization (Auth)) through proxying.
A Spring Configuration class used to enable subscription on the Apache Geode DEFAULT Pool as well as the SDG gemfirePool Pool, only.
Spring Boot ConfigurationProperties used to configure the application base Package containing the application entity classes.
Spring ApplicationListener used to log the state of the Spring Environment on the ContextRefreshedEvent.
Map implementation adapting an Environment object in order to use the Environment as a Map.
EnvironmentMapAdapter.EnvironmentEntry is a Map.Entry implementation mapping an Environment property (key) to its value.
Spring Boot auto-configuration enabling the processing of, or Geode Properties declared in Spring Boot
AbstractResourceWriter implementation that writes data of a File based Resource.
Spring Boot auto-configuration enabling Apache Geode's Function Execution functionality in a GemFireCache application.
Utility methods for using Java Functions.
The GemFireFunctionExecutionAutoConfigurationRegistrar class is a Spring ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar used to register SDG POJO interfaces defining Apache Geode Function Executions.
Spring Boot ConfigurationProperties for well-known, documented Spring Data for Apache Geode (SDG) Properties.
Spring Boot auto-configuration class used to configure Spring Boot ConfigurationProperties classes and beans from the Spring Environment containing Apache Geode configuration properties.
Spring ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar used to auto-configure Spring Data Geode Repositories.
Abstract utility class containing different assertions for Apache Geode objects, such as a GemFireCache or Region, and so on.
The GeodeAssertions.AssertThat interface defines a contract for making assertion about a given Object used as the subject of the assert statement.
The GeodeAsyncEventQueuesHealthIndicator class is a Spring Boot HealthIndicator providing details about the health of Apache Geode AsyncEventQueues.
A Spring Cloud Bindings BindingsPropertiesProcessor for Apache Geode.
The GeodeCacheHealthIndicator class is a Spring Boot HealthIndicator providing details about the health of the GemFireCache, the DistributedSystem, this DistributedMember and the ResourceManager.
The GeodeCacheServersHealthIndicator class is a Spring Boot HealthIndicator providing details about the health of Apache Geode CacheServers.
Interface encapsulating common Apache Geode constants used by SBDG.
The GeodeContinuousQueriesHealthIndicator class is a Spring Boot HealthIndicator providing details about the health of the registered Apache Geode Continuous Queries.
The GeodeDiskStoresHealthIndicator class is a Spring Boot HealthIndicator providing details about the health of Apache Geode DiskStores.
The GeodeGatewayReceiversHealthIndicator class is a Spring Boot HealthIndicator providing details about the health of Apache Geode GatewayReceivers.
The GeodeGatewaySendersHealthIndicator class is a Spring Boot HealthIndicator providing details about the health of Apache Geode GatewaySenders.
Spring Boot auto-configuration for Apache Geode HealthIndicators.
The GeodeIndexesHealthIndicator class is a Spring Boot HealthIndicator providing details about the health of Apache Geode Region OQL Indexes.
Spring GenericApplicationListener used to configure Apache Geode Logging from existing Spring Data for Apache Geode Logging configuration support, such as when using the EnableLogging annotation or alternatively using Properties.
The GeodePoolsHealthIndicator class is a Spring Boot HealthIndicator providing details about the health of the configured Apache Geode client Pools.
The GeodeRegionsHealthIndicator class is a Spring Boot HealthIndicator providing details about the health of the GemFireCache Regions.
The GroupsConfiguration class is a Spring Configuration class used to configure the groups in which is member belongs in an Apache Geode distributed system, whether the member is a ClientCache in a client/server topology or a peer Cache in a cluster using the P2P topology.
Abstract utility class to assess the Spring Environment
A RegionConfigurer implementation used to enable Inline Caching on a designated Region.
Iterable of Method invocation arguments.
JsonToObjectConverter implementation using Jackson to convert JSON to an Object (POJO).
The JacksonJsonToPdxConverter class is an implementation of the JsonToPdxArrayConverter that is capable of converting an array of JSON objects into an array of PdxInstances.
A ObjectToJsonConverter implementation using Jackson's ObjectMapper to convert from an Object to a JSON String.
Service class used to migrate a Java EE WAR (archive) to a Jakarta EE WAR (archive) using the Apache Tomcat Jakarta EE Migration Tool.
An Apache Geode HttpService implementation using Eclipse Jetty 11 HTTP server and Servlet container.
The JsonCacheDataImporterExporter class is a CacheDataImporter and CacheDataExporter implementation that can export/import JSON data to/from a Resource given a target Region.
A JsonToPdxConverter implementation using the Apache Geode JSONFormatter to convert from a JSON String to a PdxInstance.
An ObjectToJsonConverter implementation using the Apache Geode JSONFormatter to convert from a PdxInstance to a JSON String.
Spring Converter interface extension defining a contract to convert JSON to an array of Objects.
Spring Converter interface extension defining a contract to convert from JSON to an Object (POJO).
A Spring Converter interface extension defining a contract to convert from JSON to an array of PdxInstance objects.
A Spring Converter interface extension defining a contract to convert from JSON to a PdxInstance.
A CacheDataImporterExporter implementation using the Decorator Software Design Pattern to wrap an existing CacheDataImporterExporter in order to decorate the cache (i.e.
An Enumeration defining the different modes for the cache data import lifecycle.
Spring Boot ConfigurationProperties used to configure an embedded Apache Geode Locator.
The LocatorsConfiguration class is a Spring Configuration class used to configure Apache Geode locators and/or remote-locators properties used by a peer Cache member to join a cluster of servers when using the P2P topology.
Abstract utility class containing functionality for invoking SLF4J and Logback APIs.
Spring Boot auto-Configuration for Apache Geode logging.
Spring Boot ConfigurationProperties used to configure Apache Geode logging.
Spring Boot ConfigurationProperties used to configure Apache Geode management services, such as HTTP.
Spring Boot ConfigurationProperties used to configure an embedded Apache Geode Manager.
Maps a source set of properties to a target set of properties.
Spring BeanPostProcessor used to register additional types handled by the SDG MappingPdxSerializer.
MembershipEvent fired when a DistributedMember departs from the DistributedSystem.
MembershipEvent fired when a DistributedMember joins the DistributedSystem.
The MemberNameConfiguration class is a Spring Configuration class used to configure an Apache Geode member name in the distributed system, whether the member is a client in the client/server topology or a peer in a cluster using the P2P topology.
EventObject implementation indicating a membership event in the DistributedSystem.
An enumeration of different type of MembershipEvents.
An abstract MembershipListener implementation using the Adapter Software Design Pattern to delegate membership event callbacks to event handlers for those membership events.
MembershipEvent fired when a DistributedMember of the DistributedSystem is suspected of being unresponsive to other peer members in the cluster.
A Spring Converter interface extension defining a contract to convert an Iterable or an array of Objects into JSON.
Abstract utility class used to process managed object aware objects, such as ApplicationContextAware objects in a Spring context.
A PdxInstance implementation that adapts (wraps) a non-null Object as a PdxInstance.
A Spring Converter interface extension defining a contract to convert from an Object into a JSON.
The ObjectUtils class is an abstract utility class with operations for objects.
The OnMissingPropertyCondition class is a SpringBootCondition, Spring Condition type asserting whether the specified, declared properties are missing.
A RuntimeException thrown to indicate that a PDX field of a PdxInstance is not writable.
The PdxInstanceBuilder class is a Builder used to construct and initialize a PdxInstance from different sources.
The PdxInstanceWrapper class is an implementation of the PdxInstance interface wrapping an existing PdxInstance object and decorating the functionality.
A Spring, AspectJ Aspect advising Apache Geode cache Region data access operations.
Spring Boot ConfigurationProperties used to configure Apache Geode PDX serialization.
Spring Boot auto-configuration enabling Apache Geode's PDX Serialization functionality in a either a peer cache or ClientCache application.
Spring Configuration class declaring Spring beans for Apache Geode peer Cache HealthIndicators.
Spring Boot ConfigurationProperties used to configure an Apache Geode peer Cache.
Spring Boot auto-configuration enabling Apache Geode's Security functionality, and specifically Authentication between a client and server using Spring Data Geode Security annotations.
Spring Boot ConfigurationProperties used to configure an Apache Geode peer Cache Security (authentication & authorization).
Spring Boot ConfigurationProperties used to configure an Apache Geode client Pool.
QuorumLostEvent is fired for the losing side of the DistributedSystem when a network partition occurs.
A refreshable ApplicationContext capable of loading component classes used for Annotation based configuration in addition to scanning configuration locations, and then providing the ability to reload/refresh the context at some point later during runtime.
The RegionStatisticsResolver class is a utility class for resolving the CacheStatistics for a Region, regardless of Region type, or more specifically Region's data management policy.
Spring Boot auto-configuration class used to configure a GemfireTemplate for each Apache Geode cache Region declared/defined in the Spring ConfigurableApplicationContext in order to perform Region data access operations.
Spring Boot auto-configuration for Spring Data for Apache Geode (SDG) Repositories.
An Apache Geode AsyncEventListener that uses a Spring Data CrudRepository to perform data access operations to a backend, external data source asynchronously, triggered by cache operations.
RepositoryAsyncEventListener.AbstractAsyncEventOperationRepositoryFunction is an abstract base class implementing the RepositoryAsyncEventListener.AsyncEventOperationRepositoryFunction interface to provided a default template implementation of the Function.apply(Object) method.
RepositoryAsyncEventListener.AsyncEventError is a wrapper class encapsulating the AsyncEvent along with the error that was thrown while processing the event.
The RepositoryAsyncEventListener.AsyncEventErrorHandler interface is a Function and FunctionalInterface used to handle errors while processing AsyncEvents.
The RepositoryAsyncEventListener.AsyncEventOperationRepositoryFunction interface is a Function and FunctionalInterface that translates the AsyncEvent Operation into a Spring Data CrudRepository method invocation.
An RepositoryAsyncEventListener.AsyncEventOperationRepositoryFunction capable of handling Operation.CREATE and Operation.UPDATE AsyncEvents.
An Function implementation capable of handling Operation.REMOVE AsyncEvents.
A CacheLoader implementation backed by a Spring Data CrudRepository used to load an entity from an external data source.
Spring Data RegionConfigurer implementation used to adapt and register a Spring Data CrudRepository as a CacheLoader for a targeted Region.
Abstract base class supporting the implementation of Apache Geode CacheLoaders and CacheWriters backed by Spring Data Repositories.
A CacheWriter implementation backed by a Spring Data CrudRepository used to persist a cache entry (i.e.
Spring Data RegionConfigurer implementation used to adapt and register a Spring Data CrudRepository as a CacheWriter for a targeted Region.
An AbstractCacheDataImporterExporter extension and implementation capable of handling and managing import and export Resources.
Abstract base class containing functionality common to all cache based ResourceResolvers, whether for import or export.
Abstract base class extended by export ResourceCapableCacheDataImporterExporter.CacheResourceResolver implementations, providing a template to resolve the Resource used for export.
Abstract base class extended by import ResourceResolver implementations, providing a template to resolve the Resource to import.
ResourceResolver interface extension used to resolve cache Resources.
Resolves the Resource to import from the classpath.
Marker interface extending ResourceCapableCacheDataImporterExporter.CacheResourceResolver for cache data exports.
Resolves the Resource used for export from the filesystem.
Marker interface extending ResourceCapableCacheDataImporterExporter.CacheResourceResolver for cache data imports.
A Java RuntimeException indicating a problem accessing (e.g.
ResourceResolver implementation using Spring's ResourceLoader to resolve and load Resources.
RuntimeException indication that a Resource could not be found.
An enumeration of Resource prefixes recognized by the Spring Framework.
Interface (contract) for readers to define the algorithm and strategy for reading data from a Resource, such as by using the Resource's InputStream.
A ResourceDataAccessException and Java RuntimeException indicating a problem while reading from the target Resource.
Interface defining a contract encapsulating an algorithm/strategy for resolving Resources.
Abstract utility class containing functionality to work with Resources.
A ResourceDataAccessException and Java RuntimeException indicating a problem while writing to the target Resource.
Interface (contract) for writers to define the algorithm or strategy for writing data to a target Resource, such as by using the WritableResource's WritableResource.getOutputStream() OutputStream}.
Spring Configuration class used to configure a SecurityManager, thereby enabling Security (Auth) on this Apache Geode node.
The SecurityManagerProxy class is an Apache Geode SecurityManager proxy implementation delegating to a backing SecurityManager implementation which is registered as a managed bean in a Spring context.
Spring Configuration class used to configure a SecurityManager, thereby enabling Security (Auth) on this Apache Geode node.
SecurityManagerSupport is an abstract base class implementing Apache Geode's SecurityManager interface, providing default implementations of the SecurityManager auth methods.
Spring Boot ConfigurationProperties used to configure Apache Geode Security.
The Service class is an Abstract Data Type (ADT) modeling a Pivotal CloudFoundry Service.
Spring Boot ConfigurationProperties used to configure Apache Geode embedded services.
The SimpleCacheResolver abstract class contains utility functions for resolving Apache Geode GemFireCache instances, such as a ClientCache or a peer Cache.
ResourceResolver that returns a single (i.e.
The SingleResultReturningCollector class is an implementation of the ResultCollector interface which returns a single result.
Spring PropertyAccessor implementation that knows how to access properties from Environment and EnvironmentCapable objects.
Abstract base class used to perform actions on Spring Boot configuration and components.
SpringExtensions is an abstract utility class containing functions to extend the functionality of Spring.
Spring Boot auto-configuration for configuring Apache Geode as an (HTTP) Session state management provider in Spring Session.
Spring Boot ConfigurationProperties used to configure Spring Session for Apache Geode (SSDG) in order to manage (HTTP) Session state with Spring Session backed by Apache Geode.
Spring Boot auto-configuration class used to configure Spring Boot ConfigurationProperties classes and beans from the Spring Environment containing Spring Session configuration properties used to configure either Apache Geode to manage (HTTP) Session state.
Spring Boot auto-configuration enabling Apache Geode's SSL transport between client and servers when using the client/server topology.
Spring Boot ConfigurationProperties used to configure Apache Geode Socket layer SSL.
StringAppender is a Appender implementation that captures all log events/statements in-memory appended to a String using optionally either a builder or a buffer.
Simple, test AuthInitialize implementation.
An AbstractContextLoader from the Spring TestContext Framework used to load a RefreshableAnnotationConfigApplicationContext.
Simple, test SecurityManager.
Consumer like interface accepting 3 arguments.
Consumer implementation accepting a tuple of arguments.
The TypelessAnnotationConfigSupport class is an extension of SDG's AbstractAnnotationConfigSupport based class for resolving AnnotatedTypeMetadata, however, is not based on any specific Annotation.
The TypelessCollectionSerializer class is a custom, typeless CollectionSerializer implementation.
A RuntimeException indicating that a Resource was not properly handled during normal processing.
The UseDistributedSystemId annotation configures the distributed-system-id property of a peer Cache member in an Apache Geode P2P topology.
The UseGroups annotation configures the groups in which the member belongs in an Apache Geode distributed system, whether the member is a ClientCache in a client/server topology or a peer Cache in a cluster using the P2P topology.
The UseLocators annotation configures the locators and/or remote-locators Apache Geode properties used by a peer Cache member to join a cluster of servers when using the P2P topology as well as when configuring the multi-site, WAN topology.
The UseMemberName annotation configures the name of the member in the Apache Geode distributed system, whether the member is a client in the client/server topology or a peer Cache member in the cluster using the P2P topology.
The User class is an Abstract Data Type (ADT) modeling a user in Pivotal CloudFoundry (PCF).
The VcapPropertySource class is a Spring PropertySource to process VCAP environment properties in Pivotal CloudFoundry.