Interface EndpointExposureOutcomeContributor

public interface EndpointExposureOutcomeContributor
Contributor loaded from the spring.factories file and used by @ConditionalOnAvailableEndpoint to determine if an endpoint is exposed. If any contributor returns a matching ConditionOutcome then the endpoint is considered exposed.

Implementations may declare a constructor that accepts an Environment argument.

Andy Wilkinson, Phillip Webb
  • Method Details

    • getExposureOutcome

      ConditionOutcome getExposureOutcome(EndpointId endpointId, Set<EndpointExposure> exposures, ConditionMessage.Builder message)
      Return if the given endpoint is exposed for the given set of exposure technologies.
      endpointId - the endpoint ID
      exposures - the exposure technologies to check
      message - the condition message builder
      a matching ConditionOutcome if the endpoint is exposed or null if the contributor should not apply