Class KafkaProperties


@ConfigurationProperties("spring.kafka") public class KafkaProperties extends Object
Configuration properties for Spring for Apache Kafka.

Users should refer to Kafka documentation for complete descriptions of these properties.

Gary Russell, Stephane Nicoll, Artem Bilan, Nakul Mishra, Tomaz Fernandes, Andy Wilkinson, Scott Frederick
  • Constructor Details

    • KafkaProperties

      public KafkaProperties()
  • Method Details

    • getBootstrapServers

      public List<String> getBootstrapServers()
    • setBootstrapServers

      public void setBootstrapServers(List<String> bootstrapServers)
    • getClientId

      public String getClientId()
    • setClientId

      public void setClientId(String clientId)
    • getProperties

      public Map<String,String> getProperties()
    • getConsumer

      public KafkaProperties.Consumer getConsumer()
    • getProducer

      public KafkaProperties.Producer getProducer()
    • getListener

      public KafkaProperties.Listener getListener()
    • getAdmin

      public KafkaProperties.Admin getAdmin()
    • getStreams

      public KafkaProperties.Streams getStreams()
    • getSsl

      public KafkaProperties.Ssl getSsl()
    • getJaas

      public KafkaProperties.Jaas getJaas()
    • getTemplate

      public KafkaProperties.Template getTemplate()
    • getSecurity

      public KafkaProperties.Security getSecurity()
    • getRetry

      public KafkaProperties.Retry getRetry()
    • buildConsumerProperties

      public Map<String,Object> buildConsumerProperties()
      Create an initial map of consumer properties from the state of this instance.

      This allows you to add additional properties, if necessary, and override the default kafkaConsumerFactory bean.

      the consumer properties initialized with the customizations defined on this instance
    • buildConsumerProperties

      public Map<String,Object> buildConsumerProperties(SslBundles sslBundles)
      Create an initial map of consumer properties from the state of this instance.

      This allows you to add additional properties, if necessary, and override the default kafkaConsumerFactory bean.

      sslBundles - bundles providing SSL trust material
      the consumer properties initialized with the customizations defined on this instance
    • buildProducerProperties

      public Map<String,Object> buildProducerProperties()
      Create an initial map of producer properties from the state of this instance.

      This allows you to add additional properties, if necessary, and override the default kafkaProducerFactory bean.

      the producer properties initialized with the customizations defined on this instance
    • buildProducerProperties

      public Map<String,Object> buildProducerProperties(SslBundles sslBundles)
      Create an initial map of producer properties from the state of this instance.

      This allows you to add additional properties, if necessary, and override the default kafkaProducerFactory bean.

      sslBundles - bundles providing SSL trust material
      the producer properties initialized with the customizations defined on this instance
    • buildAdminProperties

      public Map<String,Object> buildAdminProperties(SslBundles sslBundles)
      Create an initial map of admin properties from the state of this instance.

      This allows you to add additional properties, if necessary, and override the default kafkaAdmin bean.

      sslBundles - bundles providing SSL trust material
      the admin properties initialized with the customizations defined on this instance
    • buildStreamsProperties

      public Map<String,Object> buildStreamsProperties(SslBundles sslBundles)
      Create an initial map of streams properties from the state of this instance.

      This allows you to add additional properties, if necessary.

      sslBundles - bundles providing SSL trust material
      the streams properties initialized with the customizations defined on this instance