Uses of Package

Core classes for auto-configuration of actuator web concerns.
Configuration for a WebFlux-based management context.
Actuator web server support.
Auto-configuration for RSocket.
Auto-configuration for common web concerns.
Configuration for embedded reactive and servlet web servers.
Auto-configuration for reactive web servers and Spring WebFlux.
Auto-configuration for servlet web servers and Spring MVC.
Auto-configuration for WebSocket support in reactive web servers.
Auto-configuration for WebSocket support in servlet web servers.
Reactor Netty based RSocket server implementation.
Support for RSocket servers.
Web integrations with Spring's ApplicationContext.
Embedded reactive and servlet web server implementations backed by Jetty.
Embedded reactive web server implementation backed by Netty.
Embedded reactive and servlet web server implementations backed by Tomcat.
Embedded reactive and servlet web server implementations backed by Undertow.
Reactive based web integrations with Spring's ApplicationContext.
Reactive web server abstractions.
Support for embedded web servers.
Servlet based web integrations with Spring's WebApplicationContext.
Servlet web server abstractions.
Support classes for Servlet-based web servers.