Class RabbitAutoConfiguration


@Configuration(proxyBeanMethods=false) @ConditionalOnClass({org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.core.RabbitTemplate.class,com.rabbitmq.client.Channel.class}) @EnableConfigurationProperties(RabbitProperties.class) @Import({org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.amqp.RabbitAnnotationDrivenConfiguration.class,org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.amqp.RabbitStreamConfiguration.class}) public class RabbitAutoConfiguration extends Object
Auto-configuration for RabbitTemplate.

This configuration class is active only when the RabbitMQ and Spring AMQP client libraries are on the classpath.

Registers the following beans:

  • RabbitTemplate if there is no other bean of the same type in the context.
  • CachingConnectionFactory instance if there is no other bean of the same type in the context.
  • AmqpAdmin instance as long as spring.rabbitmq.dynamic=true.

The CachingConnectionFactory honors the following properties:

  • spring.rabbitmq.port is used to specify the port to which the client should connect, and defaults to 5672.
  • spring.rabbitmq.username is used to specify the (optional) username.
  • spring.rabbitmq.password is used to specify the (optional) password.
  • is used to specify the host, and defaults to localhost.
  • spring.rabbitmq.virtualHost is used to specify the (optional) virtual host to which the client should connect.
Greg Turnquist, Josh Long, Stephane Nicoll, Gary Russell, Phillip Webb, Artsiom Yudovin, Chris Bono
  • Constructor Details

    • RabbitAutoConfiguration

      public RabbitAutoConfiguration()